There's one episode of the animated series where they try to cheer Eeyore up. I saw it when I was nine or ten and it's always stuck with me. I was so happy to find at least the ending of it on YouTube years ago.
Selfies alone have 259 confirmed kills over the past 6 years according to a study published in the Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. I'm sure the unofficial numbers are much higher.
"From October 2011 to November 2017, there have been 259 deaths while clicking selfies in 137 incidents. The mean age was 22.94 years. About 72.5% of the total deaths occurred in males and 27.5% in females. The highest number of incidents and selfie-deaths has been reported in India followed by Russia, United States, and Pakistan. Drowning, transport, and fall form the topmost reasons for deaths caused by selfies. We also classified reasons for deaths due to selfie as risky behavior or non-risky behavior. Risky behavior caused more deaths and incidents due to selfies than non-risky behavior. The number of deaths in females is less due to risky behavior than non-risky behavior while it is approximately three times in males."