Ok, I've scanned though the last few pages or so, and I've come to a conclusion. There is way too much butthurt here. Let's look at both sides of the issue shall we?
Some of you feel that the new rule the mods put forth infringes upon your freedoms to post. I can respect that. This is America and it's a free country so in an FSR thread why shouldn't you be allowed to post what you will? Everyone out there is going to be butthurt over something right? What if I absolutely hated cats and baby animals of all descriptions. The pages immediately following the nasty shit ban would have offended the fuck out of me, right? But that doesn't give me the right to infringe on your ability to post it.
However... and this is the really important point....
There is a fine line between expressing your freedom to post, and posting stuff that is going to be obviously offensive, crude, disgusting, or simply uncalled for. For the vast majority of people on this planet that's basically what we saw the previous 5 to 10 pages or more before the ban went into effect. I played "Spoiler Roulette" a few times but it got to the point where the risk was far too high that I would see something I'd rather not, so I skipped every single spoiler. I have no idea if I missed a really cool picture or animated gif, but I don't care. I've seen some shit on the internet being 35 years old, I virtually grew up with the fucking thing, but there are lines that should not be crossed and lately that's exactly what happened. Snuff? Just no. If it's illegal to make a film where the actors actually die on camera, why in the blue fuck would the mods allow video that was taken of real life deaths and dismemberment (after the fact or in the act).
It's not about butthurt or Jimmie Rustling.... it's about fucking decency. This is NOT 4chan, /b/, or anything even remotely like that. Child porn, or even fake child porn, should NEVER be acceptable, regardless of how obviously fake or how much you think the First Amendment protects your ass (it doesn't in this case btw). Pictures of people taking shits in each others mouths shouldn't be acceptable either (well maybe in Germany but Quinloe would know better than I would). Gay porn is questionable only because normal porn seems to be allowed, and let's face it, equality being what it is, it should theoretically be allowed, albeit spoilered and with a warning label on it. But TBH, the same should go for normal porn anyway.
TL;DRA line was crossed, the mods did what needed to be done. Your 1st Amendment Rights do not give you the right to post obviously sick shit.
That's my 2 cp on the subject. Now I'm probably gonna get negged to shit, or have a lot of bullshit like "U Mad" or "Jimmie's Rustled" for this post, but I don't give a shit. And just so you fuckers can't say I didn't contribute, here's a fucking Weebo Motivator. I'm an Otaku so deal.