Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Bidens had 2 brain surgeries where they took the top of his head off to fix, guaranteed to give him brain problems later in life. That's when Joe started having senior moments before Obama even picked him.
1/2 of Democrats don't even think he will live 4 years
Short timer: Half of Democrats don’t think Biden will serve all four years - Washington Examiner
A majority of voters, including half of Democrats, do not think that 77-year-old Democrat Joe Biden will serve all four years as president, putting added pressure on who he plans to choose as vice president, and potential successor, according to a new survey.According to the latest
Biden certainly wasn't my first choice, but I'll still take a half fried Biden over Ye Orange One any day of the week. Worst case, he putters through his 4-8 years nominating crayon drawings to the supreme court. 2nd worse case, he ends up a puppet for his cabinet and staffers. Next option is he goes the Regan route, and his wife drives for most of everything. Best case: he recognizes or is pressured enough, and the VP takes over.
ANY of those choices will do less damage to America long term than 4 more years of 45. And the last 2 are probably the only realistic way a woman's going to lead, at least for 10-15 more years.

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