Posting this stupid shit in here is annoying, but hey, this thread is for posting pictures of whatever and as long as they're pictures I for one salute your right to be a dumbshit faggot.
The xf-84h thunderscreech, one of the classic noisy bois
The props rotated so fast that the tips broke the soundbarrier, creating a continuous sonic boom while still on the runway. People could hear this thing 25 miles (40 km) away. Ground crews working near the thing were reported to suffer severe headaches, nausea, and at least one dude had a seizure.
The Russians managed to build an even noisier plane, the TU-95 Bear, still not as loud as the politics forum.
Explain how this bitch ain't buried 6 feet under if this shit is true? Did some faggot judge give her a brown people pussy pass combo and let her off the hook?