Explain how this bitch ain't buried 6 feet under if this shit is true? Did some faggot judge give her a brown people pussy pass combo and let her off the hook?
Keep it up. Tards dont want to step into the politics thread and instead spam fsr with shit tier memes and pictures.
View attachment 295153
In all honesty, what can any regular person do about it if it is true? If this left wing, right wing, shit has proven anything.. it's that the media, politics and more are just all corrupt as fuck. Any person educated enough to read books based on the history of other nations can make direct comparisons to the US in the current day, regardless of technology. We're headed for a civil war and I can only hope it doesnt happen in my life time.Explain how this bitch ain't buried 6 feet under if this shit is true? Did some faggot judge give her a brown people pussy pass combo and let her off the hook?
Bidens brain is broken and is rapidly declining
trump speaks to press everyday, most accessible president in modern history, speaks to reporters more than anyone in decades and you found 2 flubs in 4 years
WOW bubbles WOW, this is how you can tell you're in a BUBBLE
literally 1/2 of democrats don't think Biden can physically last 4 years
"Trolling game", saysFedor lite. You should work harder on replacing the original instead of being one calorie.
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