as a type 1 diabetic for over 20 years i can tell you this is complete bullshit. yes insulin costs around $300 a vial if you are too fucking stupid to get insurance or take half an hour to apply to Sanofi's/eli lillys assistance program that will literally send you free insulin. your primary care physician is most likely visited once a month or more by a pharmacy rep who drops off literal cases of insulin "samples". ask for some. also if youre using an ENTIRE VIAL OF INSULIN EVERY FUCKING WEEK YOU ARE A FAT FUCKING RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT, PROBABLY A TYPE 2 DIABETIC WHO SHOULDNT EVEN NEED INSULIN AND THEREFORE THE ACTUALLY FUCKING REASON INSULIN PRICES HAVE SKYROCKETED TO $300 A VIAL. one vial of insulin lasts me 6-8 weeks, not 1, because guess what, i eat real food. fuck you laura.
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