Taco holder.
Hard to say if a chick wearing a taco buttplug would be a turn on or a turn off. I'd be willing to find out.
Not sure when I got this for Christmas. But I blared that shit until the sound was distorted!
And I even got the TEAC cassettes that looked like reel to reels.
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In the early 90s when I worked in a recording studio as production engineer, we only ever used AMPEX 456 Grand Master . . Some of those tapes are still usable, despite being stored very, very badly and being smoked around every day for about 10 years....Sony 5 cassette carousel changer. Bought it new in 1992. Still works. I never use it. Just got it out of the box for the first time in forever. Only tape in it was a duck calling tape. Also have a reel to reel. Love 1/4 tape at 15 inches per second.
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