Funny, Strange, Random Pics


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm as rabidly anti fundamentalist, anti "we're only going to live by the bits of the bible we want to", etc etc;

but if you treat it and the stories in it as a combination of the end result of the natural progression of any oral storytelling (massive overgeneralizations/simplifications/amped up whatevers) and an ancient "to the best of our current knowledge, here's how not to die" manual (no different from telling your modern children the stove is hot, or to look both ways before crossing the street), it makes a lot of sense.

When you walked everywhere, were some small time nobody, a (what we would now call localized) flood would be massive. It's really not hard to see an event the size of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, over who knows how many generations of oral storytelling tradition, turning into THE GREAT FLOOD.

You didn't eat shellfish because you never could tell when there was an alge bloom, and almost everyone who caught them and treked them through days of the middle eastern heat back to their house DIED.

Stupid little shit like that.

Don't hate the book any more than you'd hate Asop's fables or the Brothers Grimm. Hate the stupid motherfuckers who abuse it's name for their own selfish reasons.

I don't believe anything written in any religious book, but there are a few shreds of truth in each. A great flood is actually mentioned in more ancient texts than just the Bible.

There are some theories that the ancient Earth had an ice ceiling, creating a high-pressure, oxygen-rich greenhouse which would have been the perfect environment for enormous, reptilian creatures to evolve. If the atmosphere is so dense that it's an oxygen-rich fluid that permits enough topical absorption that lungs aren't even required, it would be easy for water-breathing creatures to make their way onto land and survive. Such an environment would have a huge volume of biological material, in both plant and animal life. If such a volume of water and carbon were above the Earth's surface, rather than beneath it,the Earth would have been considerably smallerat that time. Ancient humans would probably even try to build a great tower to reach such a ceiling...

If such an ice ceiling was broken asunder by a meteor, it would come crashing down. Most of it would break into smaller pieces and melt, and the subsequent flooding would seep into the ground and cause the earth to swell and break apart. As the water flowed into the lowest spots created by this catastrophe it would wash away the ground along its path, creating wide gaps between the newly formed continents. All those plants and animals which perished in the water would be washed deep into the cracks and buried until they were eventually drilled into and extracted to be used as fuel. Enough plant species would have been preserved in the form of seeds, and there would have been plenty of large enough shards of ice floating about that many animal species could have survived. Such shards may have even scooped up huge tracts of soil and plants when they landed, and preserved a livable environment during the flood. All those species that relied too much on topical absorption of oxygen, namely the largest dinosaurs, would die off from suffocation in this new environment. The release of magma from deep within the earth must have made great clouds of ash and smoke, and combined with the world's icy bath the resulting cooling would have plunged the Earth into an ice age.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, the great flood myth is absolutely plausible, andyou can find something about it in more places than just the Bible.
This reads better if you imagine you are listening to the two aliens, talking, after doing a bag of Plutonium Nyborg, in the following scene....



Trakanon Raider
the evidence and information on the continuing research is not hard to find if you look it up, or if you spend any amount of time checking out the programming lineup on Nat Geo, Science, History, Discovery channels
Is the proof aired between Ice Road Truckers, and Swamp People?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Batshit Pseudoscience
Did you just fucking regurgitate the latest Coast to Coast show?


As someone who has made a career in science and engineering, this stuff causes me to want to claw out my own eyes...yet I see it EVERY FUCKING DAY from people with chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering degrees where I work. I got in trouble once for telling a Young Earth Creationist that I could no longer take his experiment conclusions seriously because his beliefs about earth told me he didn't know how to fucking do science. How is religious tolerance improvement for a Performance Management goal on your plan for the next year? It was fannnntastic.

In related news, I'm 34 and a divorcee so my dating options are limited, but this hot contractor hit on me a few months back where I work. 24, fit, and an attitude dripping with sarcasm. She wasn't looking at the greatest career options, but she had an ass I could bounce a quarter off of and a vagina that was like slipping into a warm, velvety, Chinese finger trap. However, I got dumped via text last night...yay for awkward at work come Monday...and what was cited were religious views.

I'm agnostic (I think athiesm is just as dogmatic as religion) and shared that with her early on. She asked for deal breakers for me and I chuckled and said "If you think the earth was created 3000 years ago I'd probably think you were too stupid to date..." Well, it took her 3 and a half months to tell that, despite a background in biology, yes the earth was created 3000 years ago and that she was feeling guilty for the premarital sex I'd been knocking out nightly. I'm just glad she did the dumping because I'd been trying to figure out a way to do it to hook up with a sex freak from my past. I suck at dumping chicks and my usual "ambivalence to ignoring them until they disappear" leaves a trail of bitter girls I dated.

GIS for "Batshit Religious Girls"




I'm agnostic (I think athiesm is just as dogmatic as religion)
Here brah, I know agnostic has less negative connotations than atheist to the uneducated and I sometimes use it when talking to anyone I don't feel like having a regurgitated conversation with, but...


I think its a repost, but I am on a shitty slow connection to go look for more


I prefer Deism, I believe that the grandeur of the universe will not allow me to make certain claims for or against the existence of god or even to properly conjecture on the nature of god with even the slightest degree of certainty but I can with all confidence state that no man or woman could possibly warrant even momentary attention from such a being and that if the universe was created for a purpose it was not specifically for our benefit. We exist and there is more to discover than any of us has ever known and that is all that has ever mattered and studying the complex nature of this universe while shedding old beliefs proven false can only but please any creator of such wonder be he real or imaginary.

I do find it amusing how fast some rush to pigeonhole others into this belief or that, or how someone who has sense enough to think for themselves will latch on to any opinion or explanation as fact without question as long as it conforms to that which they already believe. There have been enough devastating floods within my own lifetime for me to dismiss Noah as a parable to illustrate how even a drunk can perform great deeds if he finds faith. I do however prefer the stories of how Ragnarok proceeded Eden and how the surviving humans were Adam and Eve, or how Jesus thew Hades into perdition along with the other gods of Mount Olympus inn order to create a sense of continuity and attract converts of old faiths, a modern analogy would be a story of how Batman kicked the shit out of Dick Tracy and sent him to hell so that all of the DT readers would start buying DC comics instead. Those old Germanic bible cross over stories were retconned out but many of the old characters were adapted to fit into the new belief system without relying on alternate universes.


Trakanon Raider
I can actually see why you might think that, Callous.

"Wow, more than one religion includes a flood story, so there must have been a giant flood that they all wrote about simultaniously!" We discussed that in a Mythology class I attended recently. Specific catastrophes like floods aren't really isolated when looking at history broadly (which you should be doing, since religions and myths arise over a rather vague period of time. For instance, there have been at least 3 major tsunamis in the past decade. It doesn't mean that there was one giant tsunami which engulfed the entire Earth. It just means that there were several unrelated, but locally devastating events which people would have told stories about for generations (if we weren't in this day and age where news can travel via technological advances).
