Thanks for the laugh of the day.I don't believe anything written in any religious book, but there are a few shreds of truth in each. A great flood is actually mentioned in more ancient texts than just the Bible.
There are some theories that the ancient Earth had an ice ceiling, creating a high-pressure, oxygen-rich greenhouse which would have been the perfect environment for enormous, reptilian creatures to evolve. If the atmosphere is so dense that it's an oxygen-rich fluid that permits enough topical absorption that lungs aren't even required, it would be easy for water-breathing creatures to make their way onto land and survive. Such an environment would have a huge volume of biological material, in both plant and animal life. If such a volume of water and carbon were above the Earth's surface, rather than beneath it,the Earth would have been considerably smallerat that time. Ancient humans would probably even try to build a great tower to reach such a ceiling...
If such an ice ceiling was broken asunder by a meteor, it would come crashing down. Most of it would break into smaller pieces and melt, and the subsequent flooding would seep into the ground and cause the earth to swell and break apart. As the water flowed into the lowest spots created by this catastrophe it would wash away the ground along its path, creating wide gaps between the newly formed continents. All those plants and animals which perished in the water would be washed deep into the cracks and buried until they were eventually drilled into and extracted to be used as fuel. Enough plant species would have been preserved in the form of seeds, and there would have been plenty of large enough shards of ice floating about that many animal species could have survived. Such shards may have even scooped up huge tracts of soil and plants when they landed, and preserved a livable environment during the flood. All those species that relied too much on topical absorption of oxygen, namely the largest dinosaurs, would die off from suffocation in this new environment. The release of magma from deep within the earth must have made great clouds of ash and smoke, and combined with the world's icy bath the resulting cooling would have plunged the Earth into an ice age.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, the great flood myth is absolutely plausible, andyou can find something about it in more places than just the Bible.
Dear Santa Claus,It's starting to look a lot like Christmas.
so before on the left and after on the right, I presumeStop being fat assholes
I find it equally plausible that the T-Rex were the first favored race god created but when they invented the prehistoric internet their ceaseless masturbation so angered god that he smote them, first by cursing them with tiny arms and when that did not deter them he just dropped a meteor upon the planet so as start anew with us. Sadly the cycle has nearly returned once again to the precipice of Armageddon and all because you can't stop touching yourself.I don't believe anything written in any religious book, but there are a few shreds of truth in each. A great flood is actually mentioned in more ancient texts than just the Bible.
There are some theories that the ancient Earth had an ice ceiling, creating a high-pressure, oxygen-rich greenhouse which would have been the perfect environment for enormous, reptilian creatures to evolve. If the atmosphere is so dense that it's an oxygen-rich fluid that permits enough topical absorption that lungs aren't even required, it would be easy for water-breathing creatures to make their way onto land and survive. Such an environment would have a huge volume of biological material, in both plant and animal life. If such a volume of water and carbon were above the Earth's surface, rather than beneath it,the Earth would have been considerably smallerat that time. Ancient humans would probably even try to build a great tower to reach such a ceiling...
If such an ice ceiling was broken asunder by a meteor, it would come crashing down. Most of it would break into smaller pieces and melt, and the subsequent flooding would seep into the ground and cause the earth to swell and break apart. As the water flowed into the lowest spots created by this catastrophe it would wash away the ground along its path, creating wide gaps between the newly formed continents. All those plants and animals which perished in the water would be washed deep into the cracks and buried until they were eventually drilled into and extracted to be used as fuel. Enough plant species would have been preserved in the form of seeds, and there would have been plenty of large enough shards of ice floating about that many animal species could have survived. Such shards may have even scooped up huge tracts of soil and plants when they landed, and preserved a livable environment during the flood. All those species that relied too much on topical absorption of oxygen, namely the largest dinosaurs, would die off from suffocation in this new environment. The release of magma from deep within the earth must have made great clouds of ash and smoke, and combined with the world's icy bath the resulting cooling would have plunged the Earth into an ice age.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, the great flood myth is absolutely plausible, andyou can find something about it in more places than just the Bible.