that's because several decades ago they changed the recipe on the meat. i love wendy's, it's one of the few fast food joints that you can work at and still not be turned off on how they make their food, except for the chili. when you overcook a burger, or accidentally cook too much and it just sits there for hours while you wait for a customer, instead of throwing away the old, charred meat you throw it in a drawer where it just sits all day. at the end of the day, or rather, whenever they feel like doing it, they take that drawer and chop up the meat and throw it into the chili, which gives it this greasy, old taste to it.
i worked at wendy's for a few years back in highschool 20 some years ago and to this day i'll eat anything at wendy's minus the chili.
A lot of places that were great in the 80s/90s turned awful once higher ups kept cutting costs and corners just to have a good quarter.
Even Pizza Hut used to rock, but cutback after cutback and cheaping out made the pizza almost unedible. Shit dough that was clearly frozen a few times, pizza sauce that tastes like battery acid. MBAs focusing on the short term over long term should be hung.
McDonalds DOES have better tasting coke in most of its stores, I think they run the mixture heavy, I like it.
What happened to Waffle House chili? You used to be able to order a bowl of it. Now their menu has been brought down to the educational level of 'I wear my mask in my car'. Sucks :*(

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