So. I'm loitering on the cesspool which is FaceBook since that's where all the really olds in my existence (like my mom) are. And I now see they have "short videos" as a section, looks like trying to bridge the FB/Insta/TikTok chasm in some way.
Cool, whatever, it suggests these random little videos and I never watch them. But I have noticed a rather disturbing trend. Is their AI overinterpreting "short videos"? Since every day in the splash page of thumbnails for them there will ALWAYS be at least one with midget women dancing...
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Now, if I were someone dropping searches for midget porn in xvideos all the time I'd expect this to be in the data scraped for my IP or cookies, or whatever... But I don't. So I'm wondering where the "little person" search focus is coming in from. heh