Like this guy:How does she walk around when her thighs overlap by like 4cm?

Like this guy:How does she walk around when her thighs overlap by like 4cm?
Ya...It's all fun and games until you need to reload. Then you're fucked!You haven't seen a rubber band gun, until you've seen this beast. It was created by Ukranian student and inventor Alexander Shpetniy and is capable of firing 672 elastic bands in just 48 seconds - that's 14 shots per second fired up to 26 feet.
The comments. Jesus Christ we are a bunch of fucking special snowflake enablers. I can't run a damn marathon either, but I can sure as fuck tell you that she's not "fit."took 12 hours 20 minutes to walk a marathon, read the comments
True Story: My Big, Fat, Finished Marathon