Here comes Pope Jait the First. And last. It could happen.
Jait Molten Core Raider 5,035 5,317 Mar 13, 2013 #5,261 Here comes Pope Jait the First. And last. It could happen. 1 Reactions: 1 user
D Dookiefart Silver Knight of the Realm 184 36 Mar 13, 2013 #5,262 lurkingdirk_sl said: Object held in place by sound. Click to expand... sauce, google does nothing
lurkingdirk AssHat Taint <Medals Crew> 49,698 238,103 Mar 13, 2013 #5,264 Dookiefart_sl said: sauce, google does nothing Click to expand... I don't know about that particular experiment, I found it on another forum, but here is a pretty good description of acoustic levitation: Sabrina Deep, oblig pic
Dookiefart_sl said: sauce, google does nothing Click to expand... I don't know about that particular experiment, I found it on another forum, but here is a pretty good description of acoustic levitation: Sabrina Deep, oblig pic
Asshat Caepan Asshat of the Year 2020 6,949 6,771 Mar 13, 2013 #5,269 Cincinnati biotches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Asshat Caepan Asshat of the Year 2020 6,949 6,771 Mar 13, 2013 #5,277 I take personal offense at the line about beer drinkers and potheads!
Asshat Caepan Asshat of the Year 2020 6,949 6,771 Mar 13, 2013 #5,279 I hate to laugh at my own post but BWAAA-HAAAAA