Funny, Strange, Random Pics




Bronze Baron of the Realm
Yes I live under a rock and never watch TV. Just saw this "kwit Kone" on TV lol.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Isn't that a symptom of advanced T2 Diabetes? I have it but my blood sugar has been between 70-100 for a year now since dropping 50 lbs (210 now!). I never let mine go that far.


Edit: YUP!Diabetic Neuropathies: The Nerve Damage of Diabetes - National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse

My god. Do they not care?? But, but, but...healt at any size!!! Doctor says fat and diabetes..but he's just fat hating. Science be fucking damned.

A normal person gets a diagnoses like that and it scares the shit out of you. It did me and at my heaviest at 6ft was 260 and I WAS working out (I was Mr. Muscle Fat incarnate), just eating like utter shit and have a long history in the family...genetic or is that environment tending us to eat shit because that's what I was taught? I don't know but I sure as fuck sat down and made a goddamn diet and workout plan that night. These people are like climate change deniers and evolution deniers. Ironic because the fuckers are all fat ugly liberal feminists. Every fucking study they cite has been shown either to not be conclusive in further study or proven to be wrong or a fucking sliver of a genetic miracle.



I want to start a This-Is-Short-Privilege. Because I'm relatively tall (6'3) I am sick of constantly being asked to grab stuff off the top shelf for people. Just because I can reach it doesn't mean I have to get it for you. I didn't choose to be tall, I didn't choose to have this lifestyle, yet I'm unfairly assumed to help those who refuse to wear lifts or are too lazy to climb a step stool to reach said objects. I visited my parents over the holidays and I had to help my mom clean the corners of the room by the ceiling because I could reach it. I've never experienced tallphobia so much in my life...

These people are extremely atrocious. The problem with everyone thinking they're such an individual and they have the right to do what they want makes them so delusional that those who aren't delusional can't make a simple point of logic to oppose them. Oh it's bullying saying someone is exactly what they are? Excuse me, but you're killing yourself being fat and a doctor being concerned because you're having symptoms of diseases that are known to be caused by obesity. Sure in the "old days" it used to be a symbol of wealth and beauty to be overweight. It also used to be common practice to hunt for witches and burn people just in case they are. People born into this country don't realize just how lucky they are. You have the privilege of complaining about others not accepting you for something you did to yourself. Not like poor countries who can't feed their whole population. I just wish the average U.S. citizen could understand how blessed they are to live in a first world country.


I don't want to take legal "advise" from her ever. End up getting life in prison for stealing up a candy bar.

People like this severely upset me and I've been known to yell at the like in public when they assume they're right and everyone else is wrong. I know it makes me seem to always think I'm right, but the people I associate with are very well educated and generally known to be very intelligent, and they have the same viewpoints I do. This tells me at least educated individuals who are succeeding in this world are in the same boat, and that's good enough for me.
