My main stay is that the service at full retail price per month/6 month is not worth it and a sham to seed mediocre 1st party games (A result of Gamepass in my opinion so MS can least common denominate develop) and 3rd party seeding for DLC and MTX is nothing more than a way to get people to pay for what is bordering on free to play games and my thought that it will get to that level of quality sooner rather than later. Unless you took advantage of the dollar buy out for 3 years, it isn't near worth it considering the quality of the games. (Outside of VERY select few that are on there)
Gamepass is becoming a dumpster fire full of mediocre shit with plenty of DLC and MTX not included to seed the market penetration for said game and nothing more. We have already seen the straight up decline of MS 1st party titles - hell, look at what is happening with Halo Infinite and that was their flagship. Smoke and mirrors in the form of value which truly doesn't exist as we go further down the rabbit whole of shit game releases under a GaaS model.'.
The latest with the DLC for Outer World's is hilarious because for $24.99 you get one single planet with about 5 hours of content and a whopping 10% off as a gamepass member. And as we all knew, Outer World's turned out to be a shell of a game too because "Gamepass".
And don't even get me started on the mediocrity of State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3.
Yes, as I said I understand your argument. I'm not sure I understand your saltiness, though. That's all.
Full retail price is a poor judge of most products and services. I'm okay with the pricing model with multiple ways to pay and the actual price with multiple ways for discounts if one chooses or cares to search them out.
I'm not sure Gamepass is causing the game quality to decline. Seems to be declining in our older school gamer perspective for plenty of platforms that have nothing to do with Gamepass. I can be generally dissatisfied with the industry as a whole and still specifically satisfied with Gamepass judging it for what it is, not what I think it should be.
That said, there are many games I've enjoyed for countless hours that I never would have without Gamepass. Many I would consider hi quality. And their model is successful, because I'm a cheap bastard but Gamepass has led to sales from me.
Not sure what you expected, but I never took the system to be access to every cutting edge new release. So, maybe just different expectations, but again my point wasn't that you're wrong about your perspective, just that the level of salt and dissatisfaction seems disproportionate.
I'd like to see more Gamepass specific discounts, and they seem to be improving on stuff like that like expanding perks and now adding EA access. So hopefully they'll add more Gamepass exclusives or early access or sales. When MS does run general sales I've found them to be pretty good, though. Especially using gift card redemption from points or sticking up on gift cards from external sales.
Sure, Outer World was underwhelming, but is it because of Gamepass or just the general state and direction of the industry. And I know plenty of not miss that enjoyed it, hah. And Gamepass was the reason I could play enough to know if wasn't the game I hoped; saved me $60 right there. Thanks, Gamepass!
I dunno, like I said, we agree mostly, you just seem really salty about something that is an judgement call people can simply make for themselves. Not sure anyone is exactly being hurt by the existence of Gamepass outside of what I consider a flimsy theory attributing game quality to Gamepass.
To me, Gamepass is awesome and at the root of some of the best things MS is doing.