I had to skip past the first 23 minutes of picking apart issues with their graphs or testing. I get that it is wrong and may be indicative of more systemic issues with procedures, deadlines, and pressures, but it all seemed a bit petty and made me ask "why?"
The ethical concerns and other things taken in total look pretty bad and LTT or LMG has been on a downward spiral ever since Linus went full megacorp. He has this nice bell curve of irrelevancy to peak usefulness and now back down to being irrelevant b/c it is all so corporate and just marketing.
But, did I miss what really, specifically, made Steve target them? There's 100,000 different tech channels that do as bad or worse than LTT. Is it because LTT is so large and has such reach Steve feels the need to defend consumers from the bad actions of LMG? Power supplies blowing up and other consumer advocacy things that GN has been involved in seemed a bit more egregious and seriously related to consumer safety or straight up theft.
It just seems like there's a whole layer behind the scenes that we aren't seeing and Steve is trying to handle it as diplomatically as possible and in the way Tech Jesus knows how to do it.
Crazy videos though.