Yea, after I downloaded it today and playing it, I remembered I played it before. Combat feels a bit slow, timing on the Parry felt a bit inconsistent. I did get further through the demo than I did previously, but the distance from the last "bonfire" and where I died trying to learning a newly introduced mechanic (Blocking with a shield) was too far, so I noped out. I'll probably play it at launch though.Really wanted to like AI Limit since people were calling it 'Code Vein 2' but that demo from Next Fest was just awful and the comparison to Code Vein is an insult.
Busy week for upcoming games that I'm interested in: AI Limit, Hyper Light Breaker and Khazan: The First Beserker, all have a demo or early access
The DawnWalker of Blood?Looks cool.
Am I the only one that thinks "The Blood of DawnWalker" sounds weird, and should be "Blood of the DawnWalker?"
idk but if MissMikkaa beat three copies of Elden Ring simultaneously with a controller, a dance pad, and a dildo, it would break the internet (and likely her cervix.)How long until some fag is beating Elden Ring with his asshole?
This was true when for all intents and purposes you knew your game wasn't going to be invaded by the pop culture gang and 4 quadrant youCinematic trailers for anything are all intent and zero outcome. I don't even click on them. Show me gameplay, show me scores on opencritic after about 2 dozen places have reviewed it.
The Blood of Dawn Walker.The DawnWalker of Blood?
The Blood of Dawn Walker.
It’s a menstrual cycle simulator
The Blood of Dawn Walker.
It’s a menstrual cycle simulator
Demo on steam, just beat it. Really enjoyed this, the art direction and the weapons from the demo were great and it runs and looks fantastic. Will be buying at release - did what it needed to do, make me want to continue playing.