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Hes not admitting any wrong doing because of self reflection or remorse for his parenting, its because he has absolutely nothing else in his life other than my brother and I aside from his cats. He has no one else to turn to socially nor does he have anything going for him as hes literally one foot in the grave and his finances are a mess. He regrets the situation he is in, not how his actions impacted those around him.Just take a step back and think how hard it probably was for him to admit any wrong doing. I get that he doesn't know or understand how to take accountability, but if your childhood was as bad as you say think about how far he has come. Give him credit for his progress and maybe provide him with some literature that addresses his childhood woes.
The most telling thing about him is hes done the same thing twice. Just like he ignored his kids to pursue a life of drinking beer and fucking whores, he also ended up ignoring his grand kids. 10 years ago when he was much healthier and had some "money"(he was stealing from his own father who had dementia, god knows how much over the course of 2-3 years) did he buy a house like I constantly suggest to him to be close to his grand kids to see them grow up? Nope, pissed away the money he stole traveling across the US and on the most idiotic frivolous possessions imaginable.
No. In all the times hes called me up crying hes never once asked me how I feel, hes never been interested understanding me or how to improve our relationship going forward. Its always been about feeling sorry for him.Try to think big picture, wouldn't you rather have the best possible memories with him in his last few years? I am not saying let him slide on bullshit, but rather give him some kudos for making some sort of an effort. Also read the Four Agreements.
This may sound cruel but he was never there for me when I needed him the most, I certainly dont need him now when my life is pretty damn good all things considered. The only thing he will leave me with are memories of disappointment and wondering how my life could have been if I had a father that showed the least amount of interest in me. I wonder how my life would be different if my dad showed up to just a single tball game of mine or was there when I graduated from basic training.
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