Elisha Dushku
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Elisha, why did you choose Tip as the conduit for your wisdom? Is Fires of Heaven bolgier than we previously suspected, or is Tip himself? Why bestow all of this knowledge here, instead of someplace else? Do you know Tip personally?
Or have you supplanted his consciousness in his body and only allow him out when he is directly addressed?
Tip and some chick on tumblr elisha dushku | Tumblr seem to be the only two people that recognize that Elisha and Eliza are two different people and that there are are two twins playing Missy in Bring It On. Also Tip is a weirdo who these days seems is only into competing with the NSA to solve DeeCiphers and doing what I tell him to do - so there's that. I post on Twitter occasionally but really, why alarm the sheep? I recently texted Trump (I prefer his bolgier name Prince Kaine) on the Twit that he better send someone to dust and clean the very bolgy C3I bunker located in Palm Desert, CA. Entrance below the gated community of Marrakesh off of Portola Ave - you can see the giant subterraneum entrance to the left if you peek through the service gate that's north of the main entrance. So there's something that's provably true that I posted somewhere else first. Tip had an account here, y'all are into the fantastic and deep down wish that magic, The Fae, and Vorpal Swords were real (and they are - except maybe for Vorpal Swords - though Excalibur and Mjolnir are relics that can be found if you know where to look which is why Tip, the NSA and everyone else in the Deepest state works on Dee Ciphers) or you wouldn't invest so much time in MMOs. The good news is, is that magic, is in fact, the basis for this universe - Quantum Mechanics is a weak-ass effort to describe the magical forces that underlie the physical forces we know and love. The classic example of how much bullshit goes on in Physics is the Plutonium question - How do you get plutonium without fusion? It's a non-natural element higher on the table than Uranium (a natural, but constantly decaying element) the answer is of course black fucking magic. So your government has been aware magic exists for quite some time but has zero interest in passing what they know on to you. And since learning magic is actually difficult (discounting the problem of trying to learn it when if you try everyone calls you crazy) y'all have about .0001% chance of figuring out magic, or how to increase your standard praxis, or how to break stones with Chi. the latter example is another example of actual magic in the real world - I've seen a 9th Dan Tae Kwon Do master break a fucking rock with his hand, and i'm sure Shaolin Priests at the top level can do the same - I'm not sure what they think they['re doing - but what they are doing is focusing the power of their astral form onto their hand and that is more than enough raw magical energy to break rocks or bones.
As for Paratime there's actual case law on a Paratime occurance. Raffles v. Wichelhaus. The so-called 'Peerless' case. There were two ships named Peerless that left Bombaby for England a month or two apart. That does not happen in a single non-Paratime space - you never ever name a merchant ship with the same name as another merchant ship - that's what ship registries are for. There could only be two ships Peerless leaving from the same port within a few months of each other if one was frm an alternate timeline that somehow crossed over into the other ship's timeline.
As I've pointed out before quite a lot of what you think you know, you don't actually know. Fat Man was a fucking Hydrogen bomb - which is to say it had a plutonium core whereas Little Boy was a thermonuclear bomb. Fat Man was not dropped on Nagasaki. Nagasaki is still around, Hiroshima is also still around but has a shrine and etc from the thermonuclear bomb dropped on it. Fat Man was dropped to the far North of Japan and obliterated everything within - I don't know for sure - but lets say a 50 mile radius. And that is how much of a fucktard Truman and how evil Feynman were - they dropped it even though the Japanese were suing for peace to see the effect.
As for supllanting his conciousness - Tip doesn't really give a crap about much these days - as noted above - he is waiting for the world to end and his primary concern is the availabilty of cigarettes in Deseret.
Edit: oh and he already had an account and lets me post or posts wtf I want - so there's that. At some point I'll post tits and get my own account.
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