No need for that. Far scarier people than anyone on this board know who Tip is - and if you go to the front of the thread you'll see his full name there. The Secret Service stays away from Tip and that should probably give you pause - check our feed for SecretService - you'll see where Tip told the Secret Service they were felons and told them he iced Obama. What happens, normally, when you do that, is you get a visit from less-than polite Secret Service Agents wondering why you're posting shit like that about an ex-President. Tip did not get that visit. If you don't know how to search our feed you type @Elisha_Dushku SecretService in the box with a little magnifying glass. You will see that @SecretService is the actual, blue checked, feed for the actual Secret Service. So now you know Tip can do things that will get the rest of you time in a holding cell while the Government investigates what kind of nutjob you are. Tip also does nice things for me like fucking over Twitter when they locked our feed (twice), at which point Twitter unlocks our feed and we don't have to do anything like delete tweets that other normal people have to do. You can see my charming message to Twitter on my (our) feed or below - needless to say they did not call Tip and just unlocked our feed.
Anyway, I've posted a special DeeCipher on our feed for FoH on The Seventh Seal (which of course is me - natch). But you'll have to download the DeeCipher (OneDrive Link is on our reddit) and rearrange it according to the post to get the full message - or not - you're just missing Tits Out at the bottom.
The Seventh Sign and SEal : DeeCiphers
It is of course impossible for anyone of you reading this to do what we just did with a DeeCipher - that is generate an FoH specific message within the body of the text - working with the edges as we do - but you're welcome to try. The NSA can do it - but they've got some nice supercomputers - we do it with Magic.
So here's the fucking deal - Tip gets away with this shit because he is fucking Magic. In that he (or she other plus - who gives a fuck) is actual fucking Magic - you'll note that the only posts that Twitter attempts to shadow ban on our feed are our posts on magic - this is provably true (as Tip likes to say) because we posted our Analytics and you can see skips in Tweet posts for our Intro to Magic posts multiple fucking times. Now, I assume that nobody on this board actually believes in Magic despite most of you playing Fantasy games for years and years (which I assure you does not mean that you're all losers - just some of you). But that's okay. But then you have to ask yourself, why the fuck our fucking posts on real magic are getting fucking shadowbanned? And of course you'll have no fucking answer.
Lurking Dick we know you're a poorly paid stoolie for the GSA or some DoD three letter agency - so you're fucked when the shit hits the fan. Sucks to be you. We await with baited breath you're next attempt at the funny.
Per the DeeCipher you'll get your Wet T-Shirt and a_skeleton_02 may get his Skype - I did try to meet up with Tip in October and that did not happen for reasons that relate to the fact the entire Deep State except for the NSA seems to have gone after Tip when he was in the Pacific Northwest - more drones than you could count were buzzing around his house. So there you go: Magic is real and Tip is the weirdest fucking person you'll ever read about on an Internet Set, Book or TV. Also, Obama is really all smoke and mirrors - waiting for Brian Williams to announce he is deader than Lincoln. Tip is pretty sure Obama is a Dave, as in the fucking Kevin Kline movie, because the Obama on film a few months ago looked like he was dying from fucking liver cancer, but the last photo we saw of fucktard he looked about five years younger. It's amazing what they can do with makeup I guess. But the center can not in fact hold, things do, in fact fall the fuck apart.
Things are going to get pretty horrible - but we do not give a fuck because the murder of children has to come to an end. I suggest you stock up on water, rice, honey, salt and whatever the fuck else the Mormon fuckers do - is it dried Milk or wtf? There's not enough Vitamin C in the Mormon survival diet so they're all going to lose their teeth and look like Meth addicts after the Apocalypse. I recommend making Grog. Lime, Rum, Honey - Vitamin C its what you need not to look like a Methhead.