This thread should be in Screenshots. You wouldn't have to worry about NSFW and honestly, the character of this thread feels more "Screenshot-y" anyway LoL
@Amod ?
Note: This is properly read in the slowest, most patronizing fucking voice you ever heard in your entire fucking life - E
I Tip will answer this post (mostly) since Elisha got her own wall of text above - though you can assume anything remotely funny is her sticking her lovely nose into my post - unless it involves the Elephant and an Orange joke: btw the correct first answer is that topologically they're the same. I don't care about the move to Screenshots but when the first backup nukes go off in Boston/East Coast I do hope amod returns it to General - though I'm not sure how much it'll matter at that point. Speaking of which, in a private email Elisha mentioned to a_skeleton_02 that AQ's plan is to detonate their backpack nukes first in transit centers: Bus stations/Tain Stations/Major Highways during Rush Hour and then detonate secondary bombs at schools and hospitals - so don't shelter in place if you're at say Harvard or Mass General if you see a large explosion in in dowtown Boston. Insert -Your Large City- for Boston and etc.
I was never
not nice to you... I just was talking to the normies and decided to alter my approach in how I speak to you, that's all. We have time to get very deep Elisha, tell us about Tip being a tranny! Also, Tip's paragraph to me doesn't upset me at all, in fact I appreciate the sentiment
A few more questions:
1) Where is Deseret? Do the DeeCiphers have anything to do with finding the location?[/quote]
Deseret is another Plane of Existence along a different Time Axis you can get too via a gate on Iona. Yes. I will show a 'solved' DeeCipher below , spoilered for size - I've edited out the middle and just put the top (on the bottom and the bottom on the top: the rows are helpfully numbered plus I added three lines to the normal last row (that is the top of the jpeg) since
asked about how do you know you're done and are using the right Keywords. The keyword for this DeeCipher was Elisha. No foolies were involved in the production of this DeeCipher - Standard Format is to put Row 31 on Top and go from there. You have a 'good' DeeCipher when the bottom and the Top (or in this cas tthe Top and the Bottom) make sense - that is you can read information in both places - DeeCiphers are long so that it is impossible to know what Keyword on the Top will produce readable information on the Bottom and if you understand anything about the English Language - which many of you apparantly do not then you will know that it is impossible to rnadomly generate 'good' information.
But it gets better because DeeCiphers are not just useful for transmitting information in the clear - The KGC used a short form of DeeCiphers to send information to each other through newspaper articles after the Civil War - but are Magick (you can add or substract the k Edit: but that's the reason 3 13 can't be together columnarly or by row and why Row 31 goes to the top). C.S. Lewis was an actual Prophet - The Last Battle is what is occuring right now. As noted, if Hogwarts was a real thing (which it sort of is in Deseret - except it's a school called The School at Ripton), DeeCiphers would be taught in the Sixth or Seventh Year. But DeeCiphers are accessible now - that is you can play around with them and see what happens - but none or very few of you have actually tried to do that.
This is because no one or almost no one on this forum or in general believe in Magic (with or without the k) but that's because you're all totally blind to the miracle of this Universe. Richard Dawkins is a retard - as are all of you whom believe 'Life just happened' - you have not done, and are most likely not capable of doing the Math on the probability of Life actually occuring 'randomly' - try reading Penrose sometime. I get followed by every Deep State Agency in the fucking world (I will say living with Elisha has violently increased my use of the word fucking) because they know Magic is real as they have actual Magical - that is unexplainable by any known or suspected Physical Law - occurances on Tape. For those in Deep State Agencies who may be looking for anal porn in this thread (yes
we've been reading your thread - Holy Shit) who have not seen said tapes I regret to inform you that you are a Yokel. The difference between you and those in your Organization who are part of the Deeper and Deepest State is that they've seen the Tapes or were recording Magic Live. But others, outside of the Deeper State, have seen magic - Black Magic and Devil Worship has been a big thing because they've been killing children at their ceremonies ad invoking Baphomet or Jeosophat and many times a fucking Devil or Demon has appeared. Now the proper thing to think if yu see this is a) everyone who participated in this needs to die and b) if killing a child can summon a Devil then the other side - which is to say The Most High must also be real and invokable through prayer or through sacrifices of jubiliation, austerity, fiving of oneself to good works and of course prayer. But people are idiots and when they see this they just become another memeber of a Devil cult.
The Pyramids were built with Magic - Aefrits and other entities - not 400,000 Jews toiling in the Sun. Archaelogists are rtarded - the Economy of Egypt could not support such an enterprise. It would collapse. The stones that make up the Pyramids are Heavy - and therea re a lot of them. The firt question the idiot who came up with the idea of Hebrews pulling the stones on wooden logs should have asked the non-retarded question of: Who Feeds The Slaves if they're all building a fucking Pyramid. The logistics are impossible but like every other 'Science' idiots with PhD's try to explain away Magic with Technology - the Ancient Alien idiots are the same. If ancient aliens ahd visited our planet they weould have wiped us out not built fucking pyrmaids or Stonehenge. And even some people who can actually do Math such as Hawking are fucking retarded when it comes to the existence of Math or The Most High - he gives us a Brief History of Time and forgets to talk about what happened before Time or before this Universe was created except to rely on unprovable axioms that are no different than the unprovable axioms that underlie any system of belief be it Atheism or Theism. I've mentioned this before on the Theism thread awhile ago but Atheist are re-tarded and can't understand the simplest English and refuse to acknowledge that their logical system relies on axioms. If an atheist ever met an axion, whether one that underlies their system of belief or one that underlies Himeo's beliefs, they would run for the fucking Hillls. And of course they might pile into this thread to defend their stupidity - but they are literallly too stupid too argue with - you can't argue with someone who belives they understand logic but can't list the axioms underliying their logical system - and instead will highlight spelling errors in your post or tweet.. It's a waste of time and effort and they're just as stupid after you spend a day arguing with them as they were before you argued with them - and since the world is coming to its end it's even more of a waste of time than otherwise.
Back to DeeCiphers which are wonderful things because not only can you use them to find hidden information (such as the possible locations for the Cup of Christ), future prophecy (the oncoming Orion Comet) but you can use them to talk to dead relatives. In my case, I get to talk to my three dead daughters - all of whom were killed by varoiius means of abortion when my fucking ex-girlfriends over a span of about ten years decided to murder them despite my opposition - as you can guess they're not to fond of their immediate mothers0. And that was the greatest day of my life when I was able to talk to them: Dorothy Deja Thoris, Dorothy Thuvia and Dorothy Minerva. This is the point that some helpful retard starts posting question as to my sanity - at which point I roll my eyes and remind myself that this too shall pass - and soon. With respect to your violence question, the only time I've contemplated violence was when I concieved a plan to simultaneously burn down every Planned Parenthood in the country by dropping a mix of sodium and the chemicals that make up a thermite bomb on the roof of every fucking PP using Drones or RC Airplanes - but since there was no organization I could turn too that wasn't infected by the FBI (kudos, by the way, to The FBI, The State Police, The Local Police and Homeland Security/DoD for aiding and abetting the murder of children at abortion mills - also kudos for ignroing the Muslim threat until it was too late to stop them - Obama and Bush let enough in that AQ was able to establish smuggling rings to get the rare Arab refused a Visa by the State Department in ) Igave that idea up. The Good News is that now I know now that 'The Rapture' is what The Most High is going to do to the bad people - that is to say tthose who have advocated for or participated or aided in the murder of children through abortion - or otherwse violated The One Commandment (that's you, you Devil worshiping fucks and you Moda fucks as well): Father God Himself and the rest of The Valar are going to be sending all of them straight to a level of The Abyss known as Worm Hell: where Demons put worms into the ears or throat or nose of the irredeemably evil and the worms eat those fucktards from the inside out (kinda like the scene in The Mummy with the Scarabs - and I'm assured by my daughters that the Demons will use bugs too): so I'm content.
On to the DeeCipher - mostly me screwing around - the diagonal is the only unusual feature of this one but with Magic you've got to do some variations. a_skeleton_02 will note the Wet Tee at the top (bottom), you might be interested in the mention of In Shape Nov at the bottom (top). Elisha is mentioned in 50 Frist Dates - that's the Drew mention. Cause they knew each other way back when. The mention is out of the blue but you can watch the movie and as you know , it does end with them in Alaska (not esitka), I'm not going to elaborate because I don't really care at this point - I thin th eLWW is already on my site but I'll add it if its not.
2) You need to wait until the 10/31 or after because you need to lose weight to get your body looking nice and feminine to present to us, yes?
Elisha's comment is ' no comment' but you can see the DeeCipher.
3) Why did Tip stop posting at FoH around a year ago? What happened in his life around that time?
I got bored with arguing logic with forum members who can spell axiom but don't actually understand what one is or how one builds logical systems from them. Also bad at probability and refusal to read philosphers like Leff that would callenge their belief systems. And I was rather busy with DeeCiphering.
4) What was one of your most favorite dreams you've ever had? Where did you go to in Nod?
Elisha says she isn't going to answer this because it is too personal. Also the Azure Gate collapsed in March last year so no Nod that way -Tip
We have time to get very deep Elisha! tell us about Tip being a tranny!
She-other looks cute in a skirt and heels but - um - when Tip puts on makeup she-other looks like a freak. Needs professional help with contouring - very, very serious professional help. We can get deeper in another post, Tip was feeling very oaty today but you know that's ok. And what exactly do you mean by "deep"
- where are you taking that double and triple and quadruple entendre? -E
Stay safe Elisha/Tip
You too. -E