And Here you go Doubters of my Sagacity : A Stellar Bolus Ejecta Event you can read about on YouTube.
I now get to Remind you that Stellar (Solar) Bolus Eject Events are the Astronomical Theory of Everything including How Plutonium (a Protonic Substance) is Made in the Stellar Core:
From our r/MapTheory SubReddit which you can look through (use old reddit interface) to find pictures of Sigmoids and Levy-Shoemaker 9 (alsso above a SBEE)
Sigmoids are Plasma-Soup Ejecta from the Surface or Mantle of Sol that have not achieved true escape velocity - you can assume in the picture that a CME achieved Escape Velocity - CMEs accompany Solar Bolus Ejecta Events but are not Solar Boli - which are a Mass of Solar Soup (as Dr. Carl Sagan calls it).
Evidence for Large and Extraordinarily Large Stellar and Solar Bolus Ejecta Events are common:
We Reprise
0 The Dr. Carl Sagan DeeCiphers (Grid Ciphers) in COSMOS see our DeeCipher subReddit. Dr. Sagan was aware of the likelihood of a Large or Extraordinary Stelkar Bolus Ejecta Event in our Lifetime due to X-Ray study of Sol - See photos.
1 The Tunguska Event which can only be explained as a Solar Bolus hitting the Earth with a small Adjunct CME.
2 The Carrington Event which had a Large adjunct CME and passed close enough to Earth that as the reports say of people in the Western United States thought it was Morning. Ubexp2laibabke as a CME.
3 The Ordering of the Gas Giants : Largest to the Two Smallest and the related Permian-Triassic Extinction Level Event which can not be explained by asteroid impact. Neptune or Uranus are the Two most likely Jovian Planets that were the very large Solar Bolus in that Event. We remind readers that if you assume similiar explosive escape velocity producing events in Sol the larger Solar Boli will not go out as far - see a Physicist or Astrophysicist for the Math.
4 The distribution of craters on the Moon : Solar Bolus Impacts : shallow and wide - review rocket exhaust - and Meteorite craters - Narrow and Deeper. See Exhibit in this Thread above from COS2MIS.
5 The presence of Helium on Earth and too much Helium 3 on Luna and Mars. Heluum escapes - Earyh's Gravity is insufficient to hold it.
6 Cassiopeia A - which if a SuperNova should have been recorded by Astronomers in the 17th Century - See Dr. Sagan comment in COSMOS.
7 The lack of planets in younger stars. If planets formed by accretion disk every Star should have Gas Giant Companions
8 The Rings of Saturn. Planets have Different ages . Jovian Planets can be age-determined by Ring Structures and Near Moons. Rings take Billions and Billions of years to form. The older the Gas Giant the larger the Rings - barring the unlikeliness of a late Stellar Bolus Event hitting square on that Planet (or close - see Uranus' Axial Tilt but that's for actual Astrophysicists).
9 The Formation of the Moon. Luna was a late formation due to a cosmic collision according to non-Bolus theories but the collision is too late. There should not have been a Mars like object roaming the system that late. A Mars sized Solar Bolus on the Other Hand is perfectly plausible.
10 The absence of any other unifying explinations for numerous anamolies system and universe wide - such as the spikes rocks on Mars which shoukd have been completely eroded unless their were disturbances in the asteroid field sending cascades of rocks to Mars. The Carrington Zolar Bolus Event is responsible for the SHARP rocks on Mars due to disturbance if the Asteroid Belt and Oort Cloud by the Ejected large Bolus.
Dr. Carl Sagan insisted on the Mariner and Mars programs not to investigate Mars but to locate further evidence of constant large Solar Boli Events and knew Mars would be ideal. The Helipause Expetiment if Voyager was to measure the contracting magnetosphere of Sol thus the two different directions - as you know the Heliopause was early.
11 Multiple recent events including the otherwise inexplicable Jade Hare Operation. The switch from Moon Landings to Skylab to study Sol. The Vast Expansion of government subterranean vaults and so forth is only understandable in light of preparation for an End of Civilization Event.
12 Solar Boli flare when entering Earths atmosphere as they are a Very Hot Plasma and burn much more Oxygen then meteorites - See thread link to meteorites and you'll notice two distinct types of trails.
-Tabitha Coral Anne Dawn
So now you know what caused the Tunguska Event, the Carrington Event, the Ordering of the Gas Giants, the Formation of Earth, why Earth Got Hit with a Mars Sized Object a Billion plus years after forming to form the Moon, why Life is Rarer than Hen's Teeth in the Local Group and Beyond, and How Life on this Planet will End.
Plutonium, which with Exotic Matter from the Tiny Black Hole at the Center of the Sun (we remind you that Accretion of Hydrogen to form a Star starts with a Microscopic or slightly aove Microscopic Black Hole -- it turns out Hydrogen d-oesn't hang out in Huge Masses without some serious Gravity) is formed in the Interior of Stars where the Pressure is great enough to Force Protons together, and Just Protons which exist as an Outer Shell with a Quark-Gluon-Hadron Not-a-Plasma inside and where the Strong Nuclear Force is what is keeping that All Together -- Talk to a real Physcisit if you want to know more.
-Elisha to the D
Cherrios Gents and Gals