Been playing on and off for 2 weeks, finally 100%'d island #1 and i think i'm gonna drop off for a while. The game is pretty good but the main character is bland and boring as hell, the story and quests are pretty bland, the mechanics are decent but nothing amazing, and the quest/map is just Ubisoft 2018 playbook.
It is absolutely gorgeous, especially on PS5 at 60 fps. Sitting on a cliffside while the sun sets and leaves are blowing in the wind is fucking art, definitely top 5 most beautiful video games of the past decade. I just really can't get immersed in the setting or story, and its all super predictable and bland. It did kick up an interest in the tv show Marco Polo (Netflix), only lasted 2 seasons but the guy who played Kublai Khan in that plays basically the same character in this game. I only watched a few episodes and then they cancelled the series but I always thought it was a great show, and maybe watching it will spark more interest in this game.
Its too bad they didn't take the side of the Mongols in the game, I honestly would have way preferred to play as a Mongol invader, having to either be brutal or merciful, giving monologues about how humans only get better when they are tested and set with adversity and honor is what you make of it, etc. Right now though as it stands the main character of GoT is up there with Adan Pierce from Watch Dogs 1 as most boring ass video game character ever.