Ghostbusters (2016)


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Over 60 reviews in and still at 77%. If you discount that number and these reviews/critics without having seen the movie, please never post an RT score again in your life (especially when your favorite comic book movie earns a 90%+).

I think the trailers for this were awful and I won't be seeing it in the theater but I also don't believe every movie critic is scared of speaking truthfully about the movie because of potential backlash.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>


Buzzfeed Editor
Over 60 reviews in and still at 77%. If you discount that number and these reviews/critics without having seen the movie, please never post an RT score again in your life (especially when your favorite comic book movie earns a 90%+).

I think the trailers for this were awful and I won't be seeing it in the theater but I also don't believe every movie critic is scared of speaking truthfully about the movie because of potential backlash.
Yeah, rotten tomatoes can be dumb simply due to anger over hype train fails or bad marketing. Batman vs Superman 27%, Tommy W's The Room 33%. I didn't like BvS, but it wasn't a stinker on that level. I guess though the reason everyone was angry with it was because sexism, or racism, or something....People can't just think a movie looks like shit from marketing anymore.

Switch to Top critics (It's between 45-50%). The number of positives being given by people who literally said people need to like this film for feminism is pretty funny. Someone made a list and of course it got nuked for "brigading" on Reddit.



Buzzfeed Editor
Also, post just collecting all the shit theAngry Video game nerdgot for stating he didn't like the trailer and isn't going to see the movie. Labeling him sexist, misogynistic--some admitting he didn't even mention gender, but stating it was subconscious sexism driving him. (It's amazing how people can literally state what they are doing, like killing cops, and even the President of the U.S. has difficulty understanding their motives--but a dude doesn't want to see a movie and it's sexism).

In any case, the funny thing is Comic Book Girl 19 also didn't want to see the film, and openly states part of its cringe status is the whole feminism thing....

Number of people calling her out for sexism? 0.



Unelected Mod
Even going to Top Critics, lets see what we get from the positive reviews...

Matthew Turner_sl said:
Sticks a cheerful two fingers up at the haters, and then kicks them in the balls for good measure.
GQ Magazine_sl said:
This feels far more fresh than it has any right to do, simply because it's casually feminist,
Buzzfeed_sl said:
Director Paul Feig and co-writer Katie Dippold sometimes seem caught between nodding to the past and rolling their eyes at the haters,
Almost all of the positive reviews make comments about how much they love how it sticks it to the "haters".

This movie may actually be good, but most of the positive reviews are coming from biased individuals and many of the negative reviews are REALLY bad, even from people that are unlikely to be just bashing it cause it has females.

For example, Richard Roeper's review...

So bad.

?Ghostbusters? is a horror from start to finish, and that?s not me saying it?s legitimately scary.
Yeah, he starts his review with the words "So bad."


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm not trusting any review for this since just about all the ones I've seen are making some cultural point. Will torrent.


Tranny Chaser
When I was reading the approved reviews on RT yesterday it was easy to tell the gig was up. All the negative reviews were still positive.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yep, it's comical. It's like everyone vehemently agreeing the Emperor has clothes out of fear.

In the end, I don't want to ascribe someone's motivations though. I'm happy with believing even the feminist whakos genuinely enjoyed the film--I really just want that same courtesy in return, for all people. If someone gives a bunch of reasons outside the fact that the movie has an all women cast, that they don't like the film--then it's ridiculous to subvert that to sexism. And it's exhausting. There was a great post on /r ghosbusters today responding to what I imagine was a legit Sony shill asking why fans were having such a bad reaction.

The post pointed to the difference between Stark Trek Beyond's trailer and the subsequent dialogue between the production staff and fans, vs Ghostbusters. In the Stark Trek incident, the writer (Pegg) came out and said he agreed the trailer was...bad, but he told the fans he though the film would be good and the trailer was bad marketing, please hang on and give it a chance. The fans, despite being angry, all liked the response and the community instantly settled down.

Meanwhile, the ghostbuster reaction was to essentially call everyone sexist, and terrible people and say their entire hobby/culture (Geek culture) was awful (While also denying women's existence who opposed them, lol.)...I'm not sure who thought that was a good idea to connect to the fan base.

It's good to show contempt for your fans, it helps!


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Yeah, even if the movie is legitimately on the good side, the contempt the people involved showed for a lot of their potential audience definitely makes it a torrent for me.


Tranny Chaser
I'm still not against seeing it but shit like those RT reviews keeps me away. That site used to be decent and now their first week reviews of a major release are all obviously cherry-picked? C'mon.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
It's 60+ reviews. I don't think that qualifies as cherry picking. That will be 30-40% of the final amount, most likely.

In any case, it's almost never RT that's controlling a review skew, it's the studios. If there's cherry picking, it's the studios identifying critics they thought would like the movie (for whatever reason) and only screening it to them. This is something they do, but it's usually not this many critics.

RT just posts the reviews that are out there.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
2.5/5 can be and 3/5 always earn a Fresh review on RT, the threshold is 2/5 or 2.5/4 for a Rotten. The majority of the scores on RT so far are 3/5 and 4/5 reviews with only a single A- but plenty below the average.


Those reviews are WAY better than I expected. I might actually end up checking this one out.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's so good even the most biased reviewers couldn't give it more than a 80 or else their audience would know You Just Lost The Game.


Tranny Chaser
It's 60+ reviews. I don't think that qualifies as cherry picking. That will be 30-40% of the final amount, most likely.
There's a review embargo so the only reviews you are seeing are from people who were given permission. Even if there wasn't a bit of a selection process from the studios the people with that privilege have an incentive to make positive reviews. Having early access and being first to critique a film is an advantage and a negative review may result in losing that access.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
In any case, the funny thing is Comic Book Girl 19 also didn't want to see the film, and openly states part of its cringe status is the whole feminism thing....
Well, she also raged out about Game of Thrones deviating from the books by cutting a lot of fluff and combining characters, which I sort of rolled my eyes about.