Will you drop the fucking sociopath talk already? Do you even understand what a personality disorder is? Jesus christ, grow the fuck up. Aych likes to fuck girls, join the club of 50% of every god damn dude on earth. Jesus. This does not make him unnormal. It makes him unwilling to settle down at the moment. Stop blowing everything out of fucking proportion.
A personality disorder (such as sociopathy) is pervading into all aspects of life. Despite what you might see in some fucking movie, sociopaths are so rarely successful in life, its not even funny. Aych is in medical school, and from what I have read and can tell an all around successful and smart guy. Whats your qualifications for diagnosing people with DSM personality disorders? I doubt you have any. Take your 3 paragraphs about fucking sociopathy from wiki and stfu. Unless you have the appropriate qualifications to throw words like that shit around, just don"t. You have no fucking clue what your talking about, and you insult people who might.
I feel for ya man. Sadly, I am pretty much the same way. I was hoping I will grow out of it, but since you are a little older then me.. You might blow my hope out of the water, lol. My whole group of friends are like this. We just are not ready to settle down yet. If we have a girlfriend or not, it doesn"t matter.. We view sex pretty much the same way you do, and find it hard to find the right girl. Instead, its usually crazies. Likewise, we have all had our hearts intensely broken one time. I won"t post my story or anything here, because mine was entirely my fault, and I completely realize that. It was a long time ago, though. I certainly have for the most part gotten over it, but I still think about her sometimes.
I am younger and probably less qualfied to give advice then some people around here, but my two cents is this: Don"t worry about it. Don"t sweat it. It will work out with her later, or it won"t and you will find someone else good for you. You gotta remember man, and as someone else pretty much said earlier.. There are lots of girls out there. Over 3 billion girls. You will find another bro, if it doesn"t work out with her.
...../lurks back into the shadows...