Camerous Valde Unus said:
See here is the thing.. I used to be a hard ass bastard. I never took shit from anyone but I could never keep a relationship going either. So I decided to try something else and do all I could for a girl. It doesn"t work either. But thanks for all the replies and keeping the insults to a minimum.
Being a hard-ass didn"t mean you respected yourself. It probably meant you knew you didn"t respect yourself or even like yourself, so compensated by TRYING to be someone/something. Note that"s also how you claim to have been a nice guy, by TRYING to be nice.
Now, granted, maybe you have some sociopathic or apsy tendencies (not insulting, saying literally/seriously) so you have to consciously try to be some form of a real boy, but people who respect themselves don"t try to be anything but themselves (or at the very least honest versions of themselves as they pinpoint things they"d like to change and seek to change them... not act differently, but change).
You keep focusing outwardly, when you really need to focus inward. And as someone who believes the vast majority of our society needs therapy, don"t give up on seeking professional help. My guess is if you thought it wasn"t working, it"s because it was working and you just didn"t feel comfortable with it. Or possibly because you"re so determinedly putting up a front that the therapist hadn"t yet worked out the "real" you.
And the "I have aspberger"s" excuse/reasoning is pretty weak. I"ve known plenty of people with plenty of issues of that nature, and they didn"t go around with a constant train wreck in their wake like you do (no offense). In fact, most of them, by identifying what exactly their literal problem was, were then able to get help and lead somewhat productive lives. Not a single one stuck to the "I have aspberger"s" sort of reasoning after being diagnosed with it, continuing to use it as an excuse to not try to compensate.
Basically, so fucking what, if you"re smart enough to recognize you have Aspbergers, you"re smart enough to recognize how it influences your actions. And if you can"t emotionally act appropriately and with self-respect, you can sure as shit cognitively. So even if you"re detached or "wired" different, unless you"re clinically fucking retarded, you should be able to cognitively realize how fucked things are and how you"re fucking them, and then STOP.
Basically, fool me once, maybe I"m an Apsy and it"s excusable. Fool me twice, and, well, the whole aspy thing worked the first time, but now you"re just acting like a fucking idiot, like the rest of us that don"t have Aspberger"s!