Wrathcaster said:
From the way your original post read, it seemed to mean that sexual positioning was the sole reason they were disqualifying short guys, not because they had any other particular reason, such as the whole wearing heels issue. When you state that the women you"ve talked to cite sexual positioning as "the reason," it sort of implies all other possible reasons are immaterial in the consideration.
Here, I"ll try again because it"s so important:
The women I"ve talked to cite sex as the reason they don"t date short guys, not that they"ll be taller than the man in heels. If that were the case, then women who didn"t want to wear heels wouldn"t mind dating shorter guys, but I"ve also known/seen a lot of chicks that were not at all into heels still not want to date shorter guys. Why? Well, one reason that has come up is that sex is more awkward with a shorter guy. It"s probably not the only reason, and I don"t think a chick would date a confessed serial rapist with herpes just because he isn"t short, but relative height is a strong enough reason that they often give it as their reason, often in terms of a deal breaker, but we all know that while people often deal in absolutes, it"s not actually the only thing they"re considering, so we could easily assume other factors are indeed at play and it"s just that sexual positioning is the top reason, or the reason they"re most willing to cite as the reason they don"t date shorter men, even if it"s not the ONLY reason EVER.
In fact, I know a ton of chicks (yes, I"m perpetually friend-zoned) who love wearing heels and towering over men in general, but even men they"re dating. Will these men they"re dating ever end up marriage material? Who knows. My guess is often they won"t, but dating, sure, why not, it"s a way for women to flip the proverbial scrip" on men, assert themselves, gain some self-esteem, show off, etc, before actually setting down with something they want long term.
Men do a similar thing, or at least traditionally (as times may be changing), where they"d fuck chicks they were dating in the ass, but then wouldn"t marry the women they"d just deemed as "sluts" or "whores" by virtue of said ass-fucking, because nobody wants the mother of your children to be some slutty anal fiend.
I don"t personally subscribe to either practices, as I find it detestable to both use men"s height as a leg-up, as well as seeing no problem with long term, committed relationships with chicks who want it in their ass (or not, but do anyway, as that"s maybe even more-so marrying material).
But, yeah, I wasn"t trying to imply sexual positioning is the ONLY possible reason women claim they won"t date shorter men, just the one they cite. Just like I won"t claim the only reason a man may not want to marry a chick is that she gave up the ass on the first date, possibly in a bathroom, it"s just the easiest and perhaps more relevant way to explain the situation. We all know such chicks probably have daddy issues, as well. Just like we all know short men have more against them than positioning in sex, like affording payments on that giant truck, or being tall enough to really get good ass-pounding leverage on that first date with that chick you sure as hell aren"t going to marry anytime soon.