Girls who broke your heart thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
Antarius said:
Most don"t, but I work at one of the busiest facilities. I make more than my dad who has 25 more years of seniority.
Cleveland center?

Drinsic said:
A most elegant solution.
Wow...I almost feel bad for bringing up the fupa way back and asking about the freshman/sophomore getting big story.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Urgoslav said:
come on guys, it can"t be that ba.... oh my gawd
And here I thought nobody could top the shark gif. Well played sir.. well fucking played.


Trakanon Raider
Ser Kegkilla said:
not sure what you"re referring to i"ve never had a UTI.
One time I thought I had chlamydia when I was in a medium term relationship with a chick. My doctor did too, gave me whatever antiobiotic they do for that and said he"d phone me with results. Accused GF of giving it to me. Doc called a day later saying the test came back negative, it was most likely just a minor UTI or inflammation.


Darus Grey_foh

Sorry to break up the lulz with srsbzn. I don"t know if I need advice so much as I just need to vent this.

Me and my current girlfriend have been dating nearly a year, everything was going great and then in the last week she just... lost all interest.
She has really bad IBS, and when it"s like cripplingly bad she has to take a drug(whose name escapes me, but is an antidepressant with the side effect of numbing the stomach).
She took a dose, and just...completely changed, total 180, it"s like her emotional comfort level changed to like we haven"t even been dating this whole time.

I can"t tell if this is really just the drug, or a really deeper issue, but it"s been a week now and it"s just tearing me up inside. How do you deal with something like this?

Darus Grey_foh




I"ve tried, and she just doesn"t want to talk about it, just outright ignores it if I say anything, she in no way acts like the same person she was even a week ago. It"s utterly confusing. It"s like when you feel a break up is eminent but it never comes. I just can"t decide if this is something I should really confront head on like I tend to normally, or just let it ride out and hope it was just the medication...


Blackwing Lair Raider
Maybe it is the medication, maybe she just wants some alone time? Maybe a little bit of both. Just try and show her some love, if she still neglects that just blow it off and go grab a beer or some dinner with friends and see how she responds to that. Really though after that long you should be out of the mind games phase and in to being straight forward I"d think.

If she really is becoming bored and it"s not actually the medication, worrying about it like a little bitch is going to turn her off even faster. If it is the medication just messing with her head don"t let it bother you too much either.

Darus Grey_foh

Yeah, I"m not gonna let it get to me much more. Just writing it out here was an instant relief of that tension; like I said, I just felt like I needed to vent that to *someone* before it got to me much further.

So for that, I thank you.


privileged excrementlord
Is this the first time she"s had to take the drug (since you"ve been dating)? If she"s taken it before, what were the effects?


Silver Knight of the Realm
blehh said:
Seriously though, trex,, you need a boob job. I"ll start a thread for you.
Bro, I"m of the opinion that no woman has ever needed a boob job ever unless her tits were just.. sad. Natural tits, big or small, are far superior to any kind of fake titty. So long as the natural ones aren"t egg-on-a-nail sad.


The Big Mod
001001102 said:
Bro, I"m of the opinion that no woman has ever needed a boob job ever unless her tits were just.. sad. Natural tits, big or small, are far superior to any kind of fake titty. So long as the natural ones aren"t egg-on-a-nail sad.
agreed, fake tits are awful.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
001001102 said:
Bro, I"m of the opinion that no woman has ever needed a boob job ever unless her tits were just.. sad. Natural tits, big or small, are far superior to any kind of fake titty. So long as the natural ones aren"t egg-on-a-nail sad.
I"m 100% in agreement, but Trex has absolutely 0 boobs for her height and weight.

@Darus: If this is her first time taking the drug, it may in fact just be the drug. If she has taken it before and acted normal, I"m starting to think she may be losing interest/cheating. Like Sutekh said, mind games should be out the window a year in.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Kirun said:
I"m 100% in agreement, but Trex has absolutely 0 boobs for her height and weight.

@Darus: If this is her first time taking the drug, it may in fact just be the drug. If she has taken it before and acted normal, I"m starting to think she may be losing interest/cheating. Like Sutekh said, mind games should be out the window a year in.
I dunno, bro... I"d almost rather see a washboard chest with nipples than fake tits.