Girls who broke your heart thread


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Tenks said:
For once do the smart thing and go with the girl you had a better mental connection with. Stop being a dumb fuck.
But dude, the other one was cuter.


<Prior Amod>
LoL, I agree, you said they were both good looking, wtf and go with the one you had a connection with. If you want an actual kind of need a connection.

Unless you want to get with her and end up in the same endless cycle you"re in now. I mean it COULD be different, but why not go with the safe bet that you liked anyways?

[LVC]DeGrassi said:
There is no reasoning, just like there is no reason for you to think hes going to listen to your advice.
LoL at -"ing me.


Trakanon Raider
Degrassi said:
I guess your making progress. The cancer thing still stands.
Well, unfortunately my and my family"s awesomeness extends to long, disease free life. Other than one cousin with a freak kidney cancer occurence at 3 years old, there is no cancer in my family. All of my great grandparents lived to their 90"s, if they weren"t killed by tractors, and my grandparents are in their 80"s and 90"s living independently. I"m probably going to make it to 140 or so.

That help with the jealousy, sweety?

But seriously, if you find my posts that grating, go ahead and add me to ignore. No one"s forcing you to read my posts or this thread.

Tarrant said:
If you trust your sister in-law with it, have her nose around to see if either of them were interested in you. Can"t hurt and you only stand to gain from it.
This may be a really good suggestion, actually.

Erumaron said:
They don"t have his contact info either. If they"re really into him they"ll go to the sister-in-law without any nosing around needed. Not that having her nose around would be all that bad of an idea to get things moving quicker
I see Tenks has a post further down, so maybe I"m repeating what he said, but I think just leaving it up to them would be a colossal mistake. Neither of these girls would have any difficulty attracting many suitable guys, I"d be crazy to not make the initiative, because they in all likelihood won"t. And they shouldn"t have to.

Tarrant said:
But either way, he stands to lose nothing from having her look into it casually I"m thinking. I"d give it a week probably before I had her do it, assuming he hears nothing first.
Tight timelines. Sister in law leaves for honeymoon on Friday.

Tenks said:
For once do the smart thing and go with the girl you had a better mental connection with. Stop being a dumb fuck.
You"re probably right about which would be the better one to go for. But see below.

TheCutlery said:
But dude, the other one was cuter.
I knew mentioning that would bring some negative feedback. As I said, I don"t think it was just the physical attraction, something about her personality was more alluring even though I did seem to connect better with the other, as I said. It"s probably just a "I want what I can"t have" mental thing, but why deceive myself about which I"m more attracted to? In terms of ACTUAL physical looks, I want to be clear that they were both very attractive, and at most if I were forced to scale it 1 to 10, one was a 9 and the other was an 8.5, if not a 9 herself. It"s not like this is between a gorgeous bitch and my ugly soulmate or something.

Decisions decisions.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wouldn"t. I prefer to strike while your image is still fresh in their mind. Giving a girl too much time can help them rationalize why not to go out with you and all that. I"d call your sister in law or whoever, get their number and call one of them in a few days. Not to mention girls talk about everything to one another. Your sister in law may already know if one had interest in you or not.


<Prior Amod>
there"s a problem with that. If he gets a number from his in-law and the girl isn"t interested that"s one awkward fucking conversation you just blundered your way into.

You mentioned the whole women talking about everything to one another, this is what I was getting at. It"s not like I"m saying have your sister in-law tell them you like them, I"m saying have her nose around, if she does, THEN get their number and commence the quest to boobies.

I think we"re on the same page here idea wise.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How is it awkward? This isn"t fucking high school. These are 33 year old god damn fucking women. Call her, say you"re interested and she will either say "Yes I am as well" or "No, I had a fun time but I"m not interested in you." Don"t worry her boyfriend the starting quarterback of your school"s team isn"t going to pants you and give you a swirly during third bell if you express interest.

You have to put yourself out there sometimes you can"t be a coward because you"re afraid of a potentially weird situation.


Trakanon Raider
Definitely on the same page as Tenks in terms of not waiting. And they"re gone 3 full weeks. I sent my sister in law an email about something unrelated this morning anyway, once she replies I"m going to dig in to things and see where they go. I absolutely trust her to be looking out for my best interests.


<Prior Amod>
-shrugs- I"ve been on the opposite end, had a girl call me I had no interest in, it was fucking awkward.

Also I don"t know about his sister in-law, but i fI have friends interested in other friends, I wont give out their number without asking them first to make sure they are interested. If his in-law is like this, either way, shes"s going to nose into the situation.


Tenks pretty much has all the right answers. Pick one, not both. And commit. You can"t ask both out. Yea, you may pick one and find out she"s not interested and the other is. It"s a gamble, and the price you pay for not picking one and escalating at the wedding like you should have. Resist the desire to probe around to find out info before showing interest so you can keep the potential for both. If your sister in law doesn"t volunteer the info unsolicited, you must choose one BEFORE asking her what she thinks. You can"t say "does either of them like me?" You"ll lose her desire to help you. Pick one, say she left a good impression and you wanted to ask her out. And did I mention you should pick just one...?

The one you are more interested in, it"s probably a good idea to make a guess at why. Take your hypothesis and go off that. If it"s some "want what I can"t have" then obviously choose the other. The whole situation is a big guss and approximation, so you have to make your best guess and go full steam ahead with it.

Find out today. You need to be fresh in her mind to have a chance, as Tenks said, ESPECIALLY if you probably didn"t leave a huge impression on her, which it doesn"t sound like you did. In any event, your chances of getting a date here are pretty slim. And in the future, pick one and escalate that night. You can"t be talking to both with the same level of interest the whole night. It makes you look like (a)you are playing them and trying to get both, or (b)socially inept, or (c)afraid to show interest.

I will elaborate on my story another time maybe. I"m not gonna give a play by play, that would be kinda shitty, but I can get into a little more detail, just not enough time now. I"m mostly proud of myself for being patient. Lack of patience is easily one of my biggest flaws. Yea I bitched on here, but that kept me from putting pressure on her. It was the last big hurdle until I can really say I"m in a solid relationship that will last for the foreseeable future. First time in 3 years for that. And she has at this point all but stopped speaking English. My Korean is good enough to where I can understand 90% of what she says (we"re not talking philosophical conversations here), but I still don"t speak it well. So she speaks korean, I speak english...kinda humorous. At least I know she"s not using me to practice English.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
So... fuck dreams.

I dunno why I"m even venting this crap to you guys, but I don"t have anyone else to vent to and I like the regulars in this thread. I"m in an Ony10 pug on my crap alt shaman right now, was watching the new episode of Heroes and in one scene the background music was Death Cab for Cutie and it just stirred up what I had tried to suppress from a few nights ago.

I"m currently in a relationship, Fireworks girl, we"ve been dating since the 4th of July. She"s off at school right now about an hour away. Thing are going great with us, I really like this girl, and I"m honestly struggling to not say "I love you." before she does.

And yet a few nights ago I had a pretty involved dream about the one girl who has broken my heart. But she didn"t really break it, it was my fault, lack of experience at that time with girls, combined with changing of schools for college. There"s no real point to this, it just fucking kills. Hearing Death Cab (or Coldplay) always brings me back to this specific girl and its like a dagger going into my heart. All those feelings come back out and I feel miserable.

I never dated this girl, we never even kissed and yet I cannot get the feelings for her out of me. Sure I can forget about them for a while, but every now and then something brings them back up and it"s murder. And I don"t know how to get over it. Like nothing short of a drive down to NYC to put all my cards on the table and tell her how I felt would satiate me.


brekk said:
So... fuck dreams.

I dunno why I"m even venting this crap to you guys, but I don"t have anyone else to vent to and I like the regulars in this thread. I"m in an Ony10 pug on my crap alt shaman right now, was watching the new episode of Heroes and in one scene the background music was Death Cab for Cutie and it just stirred up what I had tried to suppress from a few nights ago.

I"m currently in a relationship, Fireworks girl, we"ve been dating since the 4th of July. She"s off at school right now about an hour away. Thing are going great with us, I really like this girl, and I"m honestly struggling to not say "I love you." before she does.

And yet a few nights ago I had a pretty involved dream about the one girl who has broken my heart. But she didn"t really break it, it was my fault, lack of experience at that time with girls, combined with changing of schools for college. There"s no real point to this, it just fucking kills. Hearing Death Cab (or Coldplay) always brings me back to this specific girl and its like a dagger going into my heart. All those feelings come back out and I feel miserable.

I never dated this girl, we never even kissed and yet I cannot get the feelings for her out of me. Sure I can forget about them for a while, but every now and then something brings them back up and it"s murder. And I don"t know how to get over it. Like nothing short of a drive down to NYC to put all my cards on the table and tell her how I felt would satiate me.
Time heals all wounds.

Or to put it in "FoH speak", quit being a bleeding vagina and just get over it

Re : Eomer .. dude, dude, DUUUUDEEEE.

If these women are both as hot and as popular as you say then you are already working at a disadvantage. They will be used to guys making their intentions plain and will quickly forget about you because they will have probably been hit on by another 10 or so guys since the wedding.

Decide FAST which one to go for and go in hard, all guns blazing. This has the advantage that if you end up with a no then it might impress the other one when they do the girly talking thing.

I have no opinion one way or the other which one will be "better" for you but you really need to stop this passive/aggressive stuff with women. It doesn"t show you in the best light I would think.
brekk said:
So... fuck dreams.

I dunno why I"m even venting this crap to you guys, but I don"t have anyone else to vent to and I like the regulars in this thread. I"m in an Ony10 pug on my crap alt shaman right now, was watching the new episode of Heroes and in one scene the background music was Death Cab for Cutie and it just stirred up what I had tried to suppress from a few nights ago.

I"m currently in a relationship, Fireworks girl, we"ve been dating since the 4th of July. She"s off at school right now about an hour away. Thing are going great with us, I really like this girl, and I"m honestly struggling to not say "I love you." before she does.

And yet a few nights ago I had a pretty involved dream about the one girl who has broken my heart. But she didn"t really break it, it was my fault, lack of experience at that time with girls, combined with changing of schools for college. There"s no real point to this, it just fucking kills. Hearing Death Cab (or Coldplay) always brings me back to this specific girl and its like a dagger going into my heart. All those feelings come back out and I feel miserable.

I never dated this girl, we never even kissed and yet I cannot get the feelings for her out of me. Sure I can forget about them for a while, but every now and then something brings them back up and it"s murder. And I don"t know how to get over it. Like nothing short of a drive down to NYC to put all my cards on the table and tell her how I felt would satiate me.
There will always be things that remind you of her, and as time goes on it gets easier to deal with but it never goes away. I had the same feelings for a girl in georgia I knew a while ago, still think of her from time to time .. but you soon realise ... even if it was your fault that she left ... that .. well she doesnt want to be with you .. so fuck her. More girls out there.


Trakanon Raider
It"s the not knowing if things could have worked that"s the problem. There"s a very good chance that things wouldn"t have worked out anyway, but that possibility can drive people nuts. It"s human nature, unfortunately.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No its being indecisive. Once you make a decision you need to stick with it and not constantly question yourself. There is absolutely zero reason to fret over the past because it cannot be changed you can only change the future.


brekk said:
So... fuck dreams.

I dunno why I"m even venting this crap to you guys, but I don"t have anyone else to vent to and I like the regulars in this thread. I"m in an Ony10 pug on my crap alt shaman right now, was watching the new episode of Heroes and in one scene the background music was Death Cab for Cutie and it just stirred up what I had tried to suppress from a few nights ago.

I"m currently in a relationship, Fireworks girl, we"ve been dating since the 4th of July. She"s off at school right now about an hour away. Thing are going great with us, I really like this girl, and I"m honestly struggling to not say "I love you." before she does.

And yet a few nights ago I had a pretty involved dream about the one girl who has broken my heart. But she didn"t really break it, it was my fault, lack of experience at that time with girls, combined with changing of schools for college. There"s no real point to this, it just fucking kills. Hearing Death Cab (or Coldplay) always brings me back to this specific girl and its like a dagger going into my heart. All those feelings come back out and I feel miserable.

I never dated this girl, we never even kissed and yet I cannot get the feelings for her out of me. Sure I can forget about them for a while, but every now and then something brings them back up and it"s murder. And I don"t know how to get over it. Like nothing short of a drive down to NYC to put all my cards on the table and tell her how I felt would satiate me.
Jesus dude you sound like a sociopath. I definitely think the next step should be to drive to NYC and stalk he... err I mean tell her how you feel.



Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
So the above post is a great example of what happens when its 230am, you"re drunk, and you hear music that makes you feel WAYYY too nostalgic for old times.

edit: I"m not denying the above feelings, I have a massive boatload of regret related to that specific girl.