About 4 1/2 months, not overly long no, but I was pretty sure she was it and that"s after all the "honeymoon stage" crap, when you know, you know I"m old enough and responsible enough to be able to look at things objectivly I think.
Yeah I make alright money, I run a small business and while I"m not rich by any means I make decent enough money, plus she works full time at a decent job, I supported both my kids on a single income before years back, I"m pretty sure another with both of us bringing in full time won"t be an issue.
We"re happy, yet worried which is natural I know...been through all of it before.
We"re talking about moving in together soon, we practically live together now but still have our separate places, we"ll upgrade to a two bedroom place and begin the slow process of preparing for what"s to come.
Overall I"m not overly worried, still in a bit of shock, but not worried. She"s scared to tell her parents who are pretty conservative, I told her they"ll be angry at first probably but they"ll accept it eventually and when they do, all will be fine. If they don"t it"s their loss, which she agrees with.
Should be an interesting road ahead.