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For me, it basically comes down to respect. I wouldn"t want someone I was in a relationship to cheat on me, I won"t do it to them.
bite me.Dabamf said:Except brekk but his post was just words that don"t actually mean anything.
I imagine it"s one of those "If you need to ask, then you won"t understand the answer" kind of deals.Dabamf said:No one answered my question.
There is no logical reason not to cheat.Dabamf said:It"s a question I"ve never been able to answer. I *WANT* to find a logical reason not to, but so far have come up empty handed.
Relax buddy. I even said that if girls could have emotion-free sex, there is no reason why my future wife shouldn"t cheat on me. I"m seeing both sides. Also, intellectualization isn"t a defense mechanism when you aren"t protecting yourself from anything. I"m not looking for justification for a past act or looking for a green light for a future act. I"m actuallylooking for a red light. I"ve thought for a long time about it, and have been unable to find one.Rune said:unnecessary rage
Well, I don"t think you have to lie to yourself in order to lie to another person. But you touched on something else, that constantly deceiving someone else takes a toll on you in some other way, no matter what, and you end up worse off because of it? Could you elaborate on that?Dandain said:I think its a lot simpler than respect. The easiest person in the world to lie to is yourself. I think that the more you practice deceiving yourself the simpler it becomes. If you enter into a relationship and the agreement you make is to be monogamous you do it. Not because you"re beholden to the other person but because you should be beholden to yourself. The side effect is that you get to experience potentially this relationship with another person but you also get to be at ease internally.
For some people, monogamy doesn"t interest them, and from where I sit that"s fine. But don"t bullshit another person and say you desire that type of relationship when you don"t. I think people pay for self deception in the end more harshly than the attempted or actual deception of others. The ride is fun and we all think we won"t get caught, but eventually shit hits the fan. Unintended consequences and all.
Lot of folks gravitate to relationships, careers, or activities that define them in ways that their social circles recognize as "successful" and meet some kind of standard to be measured against even if those choices are not ones you would natively make given any choice being available. Houses of cards blow down in the wind, but people can and do live large quantities of their lives wrapped in self delusion and self justification.
I absolutely agree with this, and your entire post as well.Dandain said:I think that being dishonest to yourself is personally the most destructive thing you can do in your life to yourself. And I don"t mean big issues alone.
Well yeah, that"s kind of self evident. But it also goes against what you"re saying. I think? You seem to be arguing that there"s no reason NOT to cheat if you"re in a committed relationship and the other person can"t find out. But now you"re saying you shouldn"t be in that relationship to begin with if you want to fuck around. Which I totally agree with.Dabamf said:For some people, monogamy doesn"t interest them, and from where I sit that"s fine. But don"t bullshit another person and say you desire that type of relationship when you don"t.
I am going to disagree here. A lot of my problems stem from the fact that I cannot lie to myself. I think it really depends on the person.Dandain said:I think its a lot simpler than respect. The easiest person in the world to lie to is yourself.
But man are also wired not to be monogamous themselves. Or so I thought. Anyway, I donotthink you are wrong. Emotions ("guilt" is a good example in this case) are there to help our decision-making in order to survive. Our instincts and emotions have such a strong influence on our behaviour, more than most people realize. We rationalize it, we make up reasons why we did act they way we did.. but in the end its survival instinct.Dabamf said:Instinct. We are genetically wired to want monogamous partners.
I do not think this means what you think it means.Brad2770 said:A lot of my problems stem from the fact that I cannot lie to myself.
Sutekh said:If you have to tell someone you"re trolling ....
MmhmSutekh said:That"s not a mine, that"s a depth charge. RETARD
You do realize in this scenario you"ve created there would be no reason to not cheat even if you knew 100% for certain you"d get caught.Dabamf said:Relax buddy.
You called a mine a depth charge, were called out on it, and then went all LULZ YOU DUMMIES I TROLLED USutekh said:I don"t get it