Girls who broke your heart thread


I should clarify again I"m talking about "fake cutters" (attention whores). Not Becky who is locked in her closet getting as close to needing sutures as possible while she slices up her thighs.

I went to school with this girl Kelly who was a "scratcher" (long before it was so popular). She made it obvious, always on her arms, and never true cuts. I"m not sure she even used anything that she could cut herself with. She"d also talk about it, where I doubt a real cutter would be so open and "as a matter of fact" about the matter. She had a complete life lie she told to guys for pity. So many dudes thought her dad was this drunk piece of shit and he was actually a really nice dude who never drank. Somewhere in her life I guess she didn"t get enough attention and she found a way to get it, sadly through manipulation. She was super crazy which is why we don"t speak now. She had this creepy box where she saved random keepsakes and reminders of men. Like egg shells she picked from the trash after this guy cooked her breakfast. I heard she"s normal and married now, but I have no interest in finding out if she really is or not.

I certainly think "real" cutters, the ones really are trying to replace some form of emotional pain with physical or wtf ever they are trying to accomplish, do have some serious problems, what those problems may be is beyond me.

I don"t know shit about real cutters!


Ravvenn said:
I should clarify again I"m talking about "fake cutters" (attention whores). Not Becky who is locked in her closet getting as close to needing sutures as possible while she slices up her thighs.

I went to school with this girl Kelly who was a "scratcher" (long before it was so popular). She made it obvious, always on her arms, and never true cuts. I"m not sure she even used anything that she could cut herself with. She"d also talk about it, where I doubt a real cutter would be so open and "as a matter of fact" about the matter. She had a complete life lie she told to guys for pity. So many dudes thought her dad was this drunk piece of shit and he was actually a really nice dude who never drank. Somewhere in her life I guess she didn"t get enough attention and she found a way to get it, sadly through manipulation. She was super crazy which is why we don"t speak now. She had this creepy box where she saved random keepsakes and reminders of men. Like egg shells she picked from the trash after this guy cooked her breakfast. I heard she"s normal and married now, but I have no interest in finding out if she really is or not.

I certainly think "real" cutters, the ones really are trying to replace some form of emotional pain with physical or wtf ever they are trying to accomplish, do have some serious problems, what those problems may be is beyond me.

I don"t know shit about real cutters!
Damn so you don"t have her number..


Confirmed Male
Zehn - Vhex said:
Maybe he dates cutters who want attention in order to gain attention for himself, omg.
Do you use scissors when you cut into your bag of lipton noodles?


Ravvenn said:
She had this creepy box where she saved random keepsakes and reminders of men. Like egg shells she picked from the trash after this guy cooked her breakfast. I heard she"s normal and married now, but I have no interest in finding out if she really is or not.
I remember Rachel did that in an episode of friends. Fucking tv, right?


Apparently this is TGWBYHT act like a champ day. Well done vin diesel & seths. I really like Ravvenn"s letter, too.

As for cutting, my education is next to nothing about it, but if you think about it rationally, most people attempt to conceal any serious illness or bad behavior because they are embarrassed by it or don"t want people bothering them about something they don"t think is actually serious. So if a cutter is openly willing to let you know she"s cutting, I"d guess she"s just trying to manipulate you. If a girl is hiding it, wearing long sleeves all the time and you catch a glimpse of marks on her wrist, then I"d guess you have a more serious case.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Apparently this is TGWBYHT act like a champ day. Well done vin diesel & seths. I really like Ravvenn"s letter, too.

As for cutting, my education is next to nothing about it, but if you think about it rationally, most people attempt to conceal any serious illness or bad behavior because they are embarrassed by it or don"t want people bothering them about something they don"t think is actually serious. So if a cutter is openly willing to let you know she"s cutting, I"d guess she"s just trying to manipulate you. If a girl is hiding it, wearing long sleeves all the time and you catch a glimpse of marks on her wrist, then I"d guess you have a more serious case.
That"s exactly the difference that some people don"t grasp. If she"s showing you/telling you about it, she"s just an attention whore. If she"s got shitloads of scars on her upper thighs that no one ever sees, she"s a cutter.


Dabamf said:
Apparently this is TGWBYHT act like a champ day. Well done vin diesel & seths. I really like Ravvenn"s letter, too.

As for cutting, my education is next to nothing about it, but if you think about it rationally, most people attempt to conceal any serious illness or bad behavior because they are embarrassed by it or don"t want people bothering them about something they don"t think is actually serious. So if a cutter is openly willing to let you know she"s cutting, I"d guess she"s just trying to manipulate you. If a girl is hiding it, wearing long sleeves all the time and you catch a glimpse of marks on her wrist, then I"d guess you have a more serious case.
That"s basically what I was getting at. I don"t know anything about real cutters, but that"s exactly how I feel about the situation. I"ve never even Googled anything about it. It"s sad though for real cutters, I couldn"t imagine enduring so much trauma that injuring myself was the only escape/relief. That"s pretty messed up. It"s also messed up that attention whoring bitches basically mock those people by scratching themselves with toothpicks and announcing/flashing it for pity. It"s dirty and manipulative, like people who threaten to kill themselves to trap the sorry bastards who believe it (the type people you KNOW have no plans to ever die).

I whine over paper cuts, I"d probably just have to deal with being emotionally screwed before I cut myself. I"d kind of like to know one just because I"m curious how that whole thing works (coming from a real person, not some dude doing a study). Maybe it"s like those people who pull out their hair and eyelashes (though I don"t know why they do that either).


Well it is a way for emotionally-numb people to feel something, and it releases endorphins. One or both may be the reason for (actually) cutting.
I know two real "cutters". Both dont primarily cut themselves, but both hurt themselves and its not about attention.

First one is the (ex)gf of a friend. They broke up when she went to get medical help and was then away for some months in some clinic. She is better now and I hope stable, as she is a really nice girl. She did scratch her arms and other parts of her body when her emotions run out of control (and more someone told me, just in places you dont see). Fucked up family (you wouldnt believe) and her (ex)bf is and was sometimes treating her like a total asshole. Usually they were doing fine, but sometimes he made fun of her (not in a funny way).. she told him to stop.. he kept doing it. I think he tried to make himself feel better by stomping on her.

Second one... I was living as subtenant (right word?) for some months in a room, sharing kitchen and bath of the flat with a mother and her 17 year old daughter. Beginning everything was fine, later that mother went crazy and started terrorizing me for no reason during exam phase as she was a terrible drunk and rarely sober at all.
Her poor daughter (the other one moved out) had borderline syndrome or something like that. Her mother would start a fight and at some point she would do thing like smashing her fist against her on thighs until they were full of bruises and similar stuff. But of course at the end she was always defending her mother, even though that crazy drunk turned her crazy and fucked her life up forever.

In both cases it was done when both felt totally helpless and both were the victim of persons they liked making their life hell. So my guess it that real "cutters" (or people that hurt themselves in any other way) use it to gain control over their lifes. They can do shit against the situation, but what they do to their own body is still their own choice and something they can control.

That I can understand because I observed similar behaviour on myself. While I never hurt/cut myself, I fucked some things in my life up. I still remember how I basically burned some thousand euros. I could have even saved large parts of the money but didnt. Feels stupid now, but back then it was some act of defiance "You may force me to do this and that but fuck you, that money is mine and if I want it gone, its gone!"


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My girlfriend (+mom) insisted upon setting up my best friend with one of her friends. It is happening today. So the four of us are getting together after work. I don"t really know what to do other than just be myself and try to maintain conversation with the table. My friend is somewhat awkward so I"m not sure how this"ll go.


Tenks said:
My girlfriend (+mom) insisted upon setting up my best friend with one of her friends. It is happening today. So the four of us are getting together after work. I don"t really know what to do other than just be myself and try to maintain conversation with the table. My friend is somewhat awkward so I"m not sure how this"ll go.
Board game night. And go berserk.

expanding upon; if he is generally a quiet / nervous person, first meeting with put that up to a magnifying glass. if you try and be rowdy and rambunchious it will help him feel the interrogation light isn"t directed at him and likely make it easier for him to get involved in dialect.

tl;dr: chug some four loko


Bronze Knight of the Realm
TheCutlery said:
Your girlfriend is also your mom?

This suddenly explains so much.
I lul"d

We"re meeting at a bar. He is pretty cool and outgoing with a bit of alcohol in his system so hopefully he"ll be talkative. He is a nice enough guy but just doesn"t have very much experience when it comes to girls. Like back in college we"d goto parties and I"d be there talking to various people and women and he"d just be by himself on the couch or maybe playing beer pong. I was against setting him up to begin with but you know how women get when they get together and realize they know a single person. I"ll try and make the best of it. Or get drunk. Probably the latter.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Dabamf said:
As for cutting, my education is next to nothing about it, but if you think about it rationally, most people attempt to conceal any serious illness or bad behavior because they are embarrassed by it or don"t want people bothering them about something they don"t think is actually serious. So if a cutter is openly willing to let you know she"s cutting, I"d guess she"s just trying to manipulate you. If a girl is hiding it, wearing long sleeves all the time and you catch a glimpse of marks on her wrist, then I"d guess you have a more serious case.
Yeah, that"s why I cut my cellphone number into my forehead. Figure I"ll kill a few birds with one stone. I"m kinda" lazy.


Don"t even acknowledge that they cut. If they bring it up, act unconcerned and carry on. Bitches don"t have souls. Be dicks/assertive to them and don"t give them what they want---they love it... If they are crazy and cut then dump that bitch. Tell her you already have a girl or some BS like that and don"t respond to them.

If they tell you their whole sad life story on the drive to your house, you know they are clingers. It"s like a way to keep you from railing her and not talking to her again. Now why would a guy do that you say ? Because BITCHES DON"T HAVE SOULS.



Ok so I met up with a whore the night before I went out with the nice girl today. Finally able to finish with a condom now that I found a really thin one so I think I"m gonna start using them. It was just a booty call hook up so I didn"t get a chance to write FOHSS on her but I"ll post a pic for the hell of it. If things go well with this new chick I hope I won"t be meeting up with Fayetteville trash anymore though, even if I don"t have sex with her all too often. I"ve had a few girls I was legitimately scared of getting STDs from.

With the nice girl Liz, she was actually hotter than the few pictures she sent me. Just with all girls I seem to meet up with she was really shy at first but then broke out of her bubble and was funny as shit. She"s by no means stupid either. That and finally a girl that is hotter in person than the non slutty pictures she puts on the internet. There isn"t much to do in Fayetteville, NC so I brought her out to the mall, got something to eat and went to see Due Date (hilarious btw). I purposely avoided bringing her back to my place so all it ended up with was some making out/feeling up during the movie. I drove her back to her place and met her parents and watched some football with her Dad who is a Vietnam infantry vet (Brownie Points).

Overall, for a date, I think it went really well. The parents approve, she"s cute and funny and she wants me to meet her best friend -- which we all know is another person I have to impress. Though I"ve never been on a real date before

Pic - I"m not going to flood this thread with naked pictures. I"ll post all of my self shots from them on another thread later. Oh and this is just the whore.

[/update -- mtc]