I don"t think it solved it at all. It was something to escape in to, to avoid thinking about the hurt. It"s a coping mechanism, not a cure.Its funny to reading these and seeing that im not the only one that solved a broken heart with a strong MMORPG addiction.
The majority of the relationships i have had, started because of sex, and when the sex became less exciting, they ended, fuck maybe i need therapy to.Kevincheese said:Lol.
Is there a cure to a broken heart? Spending months in a top 10 us raiding guild made me feel better =/Eomer said:I don"t think it solved it at all. It was something to escape in to, to avoid thinking about the hurt. It"s a coping mechanism, not a cure.
As far as i know, they came over to get something they wanted, and they left immediately after they received it. So wither they knew about each other seems irrelevant.Eomer said:I think the important thing is whether or not the girls know he"s dating someone else or the girl he"s dating knows he"s fucking others on the side. If they don"t, then yes, it"s deception and manipulative and it"s a shitty thing to do to them. Sociopathy I think is a little over reaching, he just might be an inconsiderate asshole. He wouldn"t be unique in that case. But the flip side is that it"s perfectly possible the one nighters got what they were looking for: a quick, no strings attached fuck. Not every girl is looking for a deep commitment all the time.
Broadcasting the sex with them unaware is unequivocally shitty and possibly criminal. That shit is not cool. It is however hilarious and awesome. High five!
He said he was screwing randoms while working on dating the love of his life. I worded that incredibly poorly, so sorry if I wasn"t clear, but that"s what I was referencing. If the girl he was dating was fine with him messing around while they laid the groundwork for a relationship, no harm no foul. He she didn"t, that"s a very shitty thing to do to someone you supposedly care about so much.Lowk said:As far as i know, they came over to get something they wanted, and they left immediately after they received it. So wither they knew about each other seems irrelevant.
Who mentioned anything about buying girls roses to get them into bed? I can"t think of the last time I bought a girl flowers. Or bought any girl anything really. In NYC the girls totally don"t expect you to pay for their shit, but it"s different down south.Dumar said:you people actually think of ways to get a girl into bed? doesn"t that hurt your dignity? there"s no way i would buy a dozen roses just to sleep with a girl. if she deserves the roses, okay, but most don"t.
Man you"re like my brother! The only thing is I don"t want anything further with my ass hookups. They are nice people, but you know how you can meet a nice decent girl but you just know you will never be attracted to her? It"s hard for me to build attraction with a girl. I have to see her and be "WOWED!" immediately. I"ve only ever had one girl who I developed attraction for, was a weird experience!Lowk said:My take is on all this, the dude has a bunch of relationships, but none that satisfy all his other emotional cravings, i am speaking specifically about the ones of security and closeness a long term relationship can develop into, though it could be other things as well. Seems like a "grass is greener" perspective, he seems to so alright with getting girls to sleep with him, he just cant develop them into anything past that. So why again does he need therapy, i think that perfectly justified.
But did she know you were sleeping around with other girls when you were dating, prior to being sexually active. I thought you said somewhere you dated for a month or two before you slept with each other. If she wasn"t aware of it, then I think that"s deceptive and a shitty thing to do to someone you supposedly respect and care about.Once I became sexually active with my girl in this thread, all the shit stopped with my ass hookups
By wonderful prom you mean she fucked him? Gotta wonder what"s going through their heads when they do that shit!sweetkastings said:We always planned to date as soon as we got out of high school, but she went to her prom that I could not attend, and met a kid Josh. Well, lets just say, she had a wonderful prom, and my heart was in a pile of trash. Haven"t talked to her since.
No she didn"t know. Yeah it was a shitty thing.Eomer said:But did she know you were sleeping around with other girls when you were dating, prior to being sexually active. I thought you said somewhere you dated for a month or two before you slept with each other. If she wasn"t aware of it, then I think that"s deceptive and a shitty thing to do to someone you supposedly respect and care about.
asdfsweetkastings said:Her name was Jessica, she modeled, both parents made over 6 figs a year, her dad often donated to charity. Sweetest girl probally on the universe, and her kisses blew my knees out, and made my heart feel like it was going to pump right out of my chest.
We always planned to date as soon as we got out of high school, but she went to her prom that I could not attend, and met a kid Josh. Well, lets just say, she had a wonderful prom, and my heart was in a pile of trash. Haven"t talked to her since.
That is a valid point, but if you are used to having those needs taken care of often enough for a long enough period of time, the sex, even though it may be meaning less emotional/relationship wise, becomes a part of your routine, your daily chemical needs. (I could spend a few minutes googleing what neurotransmitter/s it is that are released but I"m not) It could be addiction 101 that covers your "logical disconnect". I"m not saying thats the case cause it could be plenty of things. For me personally, unless i knew i was gonna eat a better meal definitely later on today for dinner, why would i skip breakfast and lunch to show up at the dinner table and there not be food on the table. (its a shity fucking analogy i know)Eomer said:If that"s the case, why do that to someone you care about? I mean it"s just sex right? You"ve had plenty, why can"t you go without for a few weeks or a month or two until she"s ready to consummate the relationship?
There"s a logical disconnect there.
holy fuckFrax said:In fact one trip she had taken "to her parents" was actually a weekend long fuck-fest with him that they actually planned out together how she was going to lie to me to cover it up. He was stationed at the same base as we were, and later on I found out he had been down in South America TDY at the same location as her.
That"s exactly the point. I see what Eomer is saying, but (at least up north) relationships don"t work like that. If I ask out a girl and we go on a date, all that means is that we went on a date together. We are both still completely and wholly free to go on dates with other people. Even if whatever girl and I go on a second and third dates, we are by no means boyfriend/girlfriend, nor or we supposed to only be dating each other.Lowk said:For me personally, unless i knew i was gonna eat a better meal definitely later on today for dinner, why would i skip breakfast and lunch to show up at the dinner table and there not be food on the table. (its a shity fucking analogy i know)
I guess this is a disagreement is relationship ethics though.