Girls who broke your heart thread

Sutekh said:
Am I the only one that thinks Avgeek is a fucking creeper? keyloggers on machines, snooping through spouses emails, calling federal buildings on info from her past ...
what if avgeek is just another personality and we"re all getting trolled.

maybe this personality isn"t aware that the other personalities are really all different people inside the same persons head?

what if avgeek IS the sociopath and all the other personalities are a lie???


Avatar of War Slayer
Etoille said:
what if avgeek is just another personality and we"re all getting trolled.

maybe this personality isn"t aware that the other personalities are really all different people inside the same persons head?

what if avgeek IS the sociopath and all the other personalities are a lie???
Youre just mad because the cake is a lie...


Trakanon Raider
Brad2770 said:
Nah, this chick he met from PoF about 1 1/2 to 2 years ago.
Ding! I have no fucking idea what Sharmai is talking about. It"s like he"s taken a completely different story/circumstance and grafted a few facts of mine on to it. It"s actually kind of bizarre.


Ser Kegkilla said:
isn"t he black? if so his nonsensical ramblings can be pinned on his crack smoking habit.
Have you ever considered being a grade school teacher?

I think that would be great.

Ya know, for the kids.


The Big Mod
i have considered it, mainly so i could lifeguard during summers for the rest of my life. however, i hate little kids, so i"d have to teach high school, and if i taught high school i don"t think i could control myself around all that prime young poon.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Ser Kegkilla said:
i have considered it, mainly so i could lifeguard during summers for the rest of my life. however, i hate little kids, so i"d have to teach high school, and if i taught high school i don"t think i could control myself around all that prime young poon.
You"d be able to control yourself pretty quick once you remembered how goddamned dumb high school girls are.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Darus Grey said:
I honestly think you"re thinking of something/someone entirely different.

I don"t remember this being his high school sweetheart or anything(though I could be wrong too).
Yeah Sharmai you are thinking someone else. He dated her for a while and smashed and all but lost interest after a while.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sharmai said:
But all that happened at the end of High School right? Eomer"s had a ton of posts in this thread so it"s possible I missed more then a few but even so if he had managed to bang her for a couple of weeks several years after (even if more then a dozen years) after high school, it wouldn"t be uncommon. More then a few people do that and it"s usually a nostalgia fuck but that"s it.

Spoiler"d for length
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Look let me try and put this another way because I can just see some of you reading Eomers story and feeling some kinship to it which will lead you into several years of unnecessary pain as you chase the impossible.

When going after a women it shouldn"t take more then 3-4 months to be officially dating. It is possible it could take up to a year or two to start dating but that"s usually due to extraneous circumstances (like you met her when she was with a man who she is soon to break up with). If you meet a single emotionally stable women whose interested in you then3-4 months is more then plenty of time.

Now how much time has Eomer put into this girl? (high school + years later a couple of weeks + uncountable years offriendzoneship?)Shudder

The way a normal relationship starts off is usually the whirlwind kind.. You meet her...everything starts to click... she laughs at your jokes, corny 1-liners, ridiculousness bad stories.... she flirts...blushes...takes irrational risks for/with you and so on. Next thing you know you arekissing, always holding hands, always hanging out and having intense passionate.... well you get the idea. Then BAM you are dating.

If this has ever happened to you then you have thought you had found some secret to being really cool and attracted this women which would be totally false. When a women is interested in you, you could call her your happy little goat cheese face and she would think it was your cute nick name for her.

What this all translates into for you (meaning anyone who is in this situation and Eomer) is that if you have put 1-2+ years into courting a women and this hasn"t whirlwind happened then you need to cut your losses and move on.

Just remember that every minute, hour, day, week, month and year you spend on these lost causes is time you could have spent running the numbers. That if you went up to every cute women (whether they looked single or not) and asked them out there is a solid chance you would hit gold several times every week.
Damn dude, is everyone as stupid as you where you"re from?


Its strange to see adults in their late 20"s-30"s over think something so simple. Act like a man with a cock, and talk to women. Make certain there is absolutely no confusion about said cock and you want to do with it...

Just being assertive will get you pussy that the most witty and enlightened conversation would not provide. Ideally you want to combine them, but if its an either or go for projecting the aura of vengeful cock.

Dancing is likewise important, its a preliminary test of cock mastery.


Trakanon Raider
Meh. Long talk with the gf on Wednesday night led to neither of us talking yesterday. No one"s angry, it"s just a slow realization that we"re not right for one another. I"m dreading having to call and end it later on today, even though part of me is relieved. It"s still never fun breaking up.

Ah well. At least it"s a weekend!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Heylel Teomim said:
Meh. Long talk with the gf on Wednesday night led to neither of us talking yesterday. No one"s angry, it"s just a slow realization that we"re not right for one another. I"m dreading having to call and end it later on today, even though part of me is relieved. It"s still never fun breaking up.

Ah well. At least it"s a weekend!
Aren"t you being a little hasty here? You might need to borrow her car, bro.