Girls who broke your heart thread


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
Oh yeah forgot to mention she lives in Calgary, I"m in Edmonton, about a 3 hour drive apart. So it"s not quite as simple as asking her out.
Do you see a situation where that would somehow be a tenable relationship? I mean, that"s a huge hurdle man. It sucks if you really have a connection with someone who lives that far away, but what are the alternatives? Try to somehow make it work without knowing what"s going on on the other end on a daily basis? Almost never works out because of jealousy and other shit. Unless you really think you can deal with having a girlfriend only on the weekends, maybe just let the sleeping dog lie until the situation improves.


Trakanon Raider
She"s only been there a few months, moved down for a job, she"s not sure how long she will be down there for, she"s up in Edmonton a lot, I"m down through Calgary a lot, so on and so forth. Were she permanently down there yes, it wouldn"t make much sense, but that"s not necessarily the case.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
She"s only been there a few months, moved down for a job, she"s not sure how long she will be down there for, she"s up in Edmonton a lot, I"m down through Calgary a lot, so on and so forth. Were she permanently down there yes, it wouldn"t make much sense, but that"s not necessarily the case.
Well, sounds like your choice is clear. See above. She ain"t sending you pictures of her scantily clad if she doesn"t consider you a prospect.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I would agree with Cutlery somewhat, although after getting "shut down" already once (were you sharing the room with other people, as well?), I would make it completely clear to her on your next hang-out what your intentions are. And if you"re going camping or whatever with other people, make sure you two have your own sleeping area. If she suggests not doing so, you can probably just nip it in the bud, cause she"s not interested.

The Ancient_sl

Mmmkeshek said:
I would agree with Cutlery somewhat, although after getting "shut down" already once (were you sharing the room with other people, as well?), I would make it completely clear to her on your next hang-out what your intentions are. And if you"re going camping or whatever with other people, make sure you two have your own sleeping area. If she suggests not doing so, you can probably just nip it in the bud, cause she"s not interested.
Disagree. Keep it casual, flirty if need be; wait and see what develops. There is nothing about this situation that calls for an all or nothing approach.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah that"s pretty much my intention at this point, like I said I was just curious what other people thought of things.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
If she"s cool to hang out with, just enjoy the company and see what happens. Keep flirting so as to not solidly lock yourself in the friend zone. From what you say there isn"t much to lose, so just roll with it. My guess is she has some attraction but may not have entirely got over her 4 years relationship breakup; the rebound dude not being a success she now gets defensive when things get close and personal.

Yeah, you ain"t alone to way over-read people.


Molten Core Raider
It"s hard not to over read people when you keep getting pissed on by every female you go out with. I just want a damn companion. Just a woman I want to come home to and be with. Is that so fucking much to ask?


She could have shut you down because she doesn"t want to be/look like a slut hooking up your first (?) hangout. I"d say she"s not interested, but sending you a pic of her body mega close up seems to suggest she is.

Do what ancient said. mmmshskmvkkssks advice is terrible, no offense. Guys decide, "I want to try with this girl." It"s kind of a binary decision. Girls operate WAY more on shades of gray. She might be only 50% there, and charm/conversation/magical booze will add the other 50%. If you state it outright, she"s gonna think you"re weird. "I don"t even know him that well, why is he so into me."


For me, Korean Cupid has dried up big time. I haven"t met another girl since that mysterious brown fluid traumatized me. When I first got on there, I just logged on and sat there, and chicks would message me. Now I almost never get anything. When I search who"s online, I recognize over half the girls. I think they probably recognize me and move on to new guys. The site is too small to be long-term viable, I think.

I made a big mistake a few weeks ago of mass messaging like 20 girls. Well, after a few back & forths with maybe half of them, I got skype or msn info. The problem is, there was no real chatting, so I built no rapport with them. If I didn"t see them on skype or msn within a few days, we both forgot each other. Plus, it was so many, I couldn"t remember anything specific about anyone. I was playing the numbers game, but went overboard. But now we already recognize each other and kinda think "yea, talked to that one, next."

All in all, I met 5 in the first 2 months or so. On four of those dates, we slept together the first night. 2 were pretty hot, 1 was ehhhhh (plus brownie), and one made me feel like I had been raped afterward. In the end, it turns out empty sex is...empty. It was a lot of fun at times, depressing at times, and absolutely gross at time (1).

With my lack of success recently, I changed my profile one day as an experiment to the most arrogant and obnoxious thing ever. I wrote things like, "if we meet, we"ll probably sleep together. It"s not my goal, but it usually happens." Some girl from the states messaged me just angry that I had the nerve to write something like that. She just kept insulting me. I could tell she was SO angry about my profile. So I started fucking with her with the most outlandish stuff I could think of. It turned out pretty hilarious. I might post some truncated logs later.

In the end, like 2 hours later, she couldn"t resist me. All that trolling basically won her over. Haha. What"s that saying about it"s better to be hated by a girl than ignored?

Anyway I have a lot of free time lately, so I"ve been on there a bit. Again, just idling and waiting for messages while I do other stuff. I need to start messaging girls online, wait for a response, then open a chat. The biggest lesson I learned is that, without chatting via the site"s IM system, it"s so hard to build enough rapport for the girl to be comfortable meeting. And I"m SO garbage on the phone that I can"t make up with that.


Eomer said:
Oh yeah forgot to mention she lives in Calgary, I"m in Edmonton, about a 3 hour drive apart. So it"s not quite as simple as asking her out.

But like I said, she"s asked me about hanging out several times, but never actual date type things; she was the one that initiated the meetup at Folk Fest (albeit she brought a dude, heh), asked me if I wanted to go to a lake with her last weekend, when she left Sunday morning also asked me if I wanted to go to the lake (and actually when I was semi-complaining I wasn"t looking forward to driving 600km home on my bike she offered that I could crash halfway at her place Sunday), and has asked me about the two camping trips coming up.

And yes I think too much. I just figured I"d get some outside perspective on it.

From where I stand I think it"s a function of her liking me as a friend, not having many friends in Calgary and also from her having been very dependent on her previous BF not knowing what to do with herself.

With others. First one is this weekend coming up and I"d miss a friend"s stag, although not a really good friend. But my stripper meter is pretty low right now, and while I enjoy camping the probability of poon vs. friendzone has a strong influence on which direction I choose. The other trip she mentioned is for her birthday, and I think I"m free that weekend. So might do that one and not the one coming up.
just a quick thought: she might be approaching this differently because she knows you somewhat well and wants to actually date before having sex. Not trying to give false hope, but my current girlfriend did the exact same thing to me, and I at first incorrectly interpreted it as she wasn"t interested. The repeated attention she"s giving you means something.


Molten Core Raider
Didn"t read the last 30 pages, just wanted to check in and state that I did, in fact, get married to Annie (the woman I met 2 years ago, posted about her in here back then) on July 30th.

Next: making babies.


Trakanon Raider
Grats mang!

Be sure to post in the Married Guy Thread in 5-10 years if/when shit goes sideways.


Trakanon Raider
ismaris said:
just a quick thought: she might be approaching this differently because she knows you somewhat well and wants to actually date before having sex. Not trying to give false hope, but my current girlfriend did the exact same thing to me, and I at first incorrectly interpreted it as she wasn"t interested. The repeated attention she"s giving you means something.
That"s what I"d like to think anyway. I messaged her today and let her know I couldn"t make it this weekend coming up, but was likely to come for her birthday camping trip in a few weeks, she said "I really hope you can make it " (smilies, bitches love smilies), and not long after I got invited to a Facebook event for it. Naturally the rebound dude is on the list as attending, so I"m thinking she"s just tone deaf when it comes to flirting (on either side of it) and thinks we"re just friends. On the other hand this past weekend she mentioned how when he"d crashed at her place a few weeks back she lied to her mom that it was me because her mom met me on a ski trip (I have no recollection of this, I"m generally drunk for 48 hours) and likes me and doesn"t want her dating the other dude and she"s not anyway and blah blah blah.

Regardless I"ve barely been camping this year so if the weather looks decent it should be a good time and a good excuse to put some more miles on my bike before the snow flies.


French Madman
Eomer said:
That"s what I"d like to think anyway. I messaged her today and let her know I couldn"t make it this weekend coming up, but was likely to come for her birthday camping trip in a few weeks, she said "I really hope you can make it " (smilies, bitches love smilies), and not long after I got invited to a Facebook event for it. Naturally the rebound dude is on the list as attending, so I"m thinking she"s just tone deaf when it comes to flirting (on either side of it) and thinks we"re just friends.On the other hand this past weekend she mentioned how when he"d crashed at her place a few weeks back she lied to her mom that it was me because her mom met me on a ski trip (I have no recollection of this, I"m generally drunk for 48 hours) and likes me and doesn"t want her dating the other dude and she"s not anyway and blah blah blah.

Regardless I"ve barely been camping this year so if the weather looks decent it should be a good time and a good excuse to put some more miles on my bike before the snow flies.

Chick using you as an excuse to her mom because she likes you more than the random asshole she brings back home is like a red flag man.

It makes you sound like the nice "get out of jail card" guy while she"s getting it up the ass by some random asshole.


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
For me, Korean Cupid has dried up big time. I haven"t met another girl since that mysterious brown fluid traumatized me.
The girl updated her profile with new pics.



Congrats Ronaan. I"m glad you found a girl you want to not get laid with for the rest of your life. Just teasin. I"m glad someone here, of the regular posters, has a success story.

Eomer, maybe she is pitting you against her current dude. Not consciously, but if she"s got a birthday, she wants (and kinda has to) to invite both of you. She can see how you two stack up against each other. I don"t see that comment about her mom in any way necessarily. It could be her hinting to you that she likes you without saying directly that SHE likes you. People do that a lot actually, when they"re in a guarded position like dating creates. Or it could mean that you"re the safe nice guy. Who knows.

I think there"s no way to know, so stop thinking about it and just do. He may know about you, too, so you guys may have this little subtle war of dominance. Just be sure to win. Little subtle jabs about his lack of manliness, disguised as friendly joking, are always good. "Oh I"m surprised you"re drinking beer. I thought you"d be drinking pina coladas" with a smile and an air of friendliness. Something like that. I"m curious how that"s all gonna go down. Let us know what happens.