Girls who broke your heart thread


Wrathcaster said:
No, fuck you. Have you forgotten where you are, where you"re posting the most intimate details of your life for all the world to witness?

No one here asked you to lay that shit out to us, you came, willingly, and asked help from a group of people who never owed you a word of advice or kindness. Do you have any comprehension of the accumulated history of this place? If anything, this forum has become infinitely more sympathetic and mature than at it"s inception, and this very thread is proof of its change. Despite keg and other posters" trolling of you, you"ve been privileged to have offered to you some extremely valuable advice and insight into your life, most of which you ignored entirely until events in real life proved it true.

YOU started the ridiculous banbet thing, YOU were the one who offered to wager verifiable nudity that you secured as bartering chips. YOU have created the situation that now plagues you, and now you have the audacity to lay the blame on anyone other than yourself? Do you ever understand the concept of trolling?

People gave you the benefit of the doubt countless times even when it was perfectly clear you used them as a personal diary and repository for your useless, pathetic whining. There were people among us who actively encouraged you and tried to give you some hope of a better life, and you"ve spat in their faces with all you"ve done. Don"t fucking come here and complain about anything about this place being unhelpful when you give no one a reason to help you. And if you"re so upset about a particular poster, how about trying the IGNORE function for once, rather than endlessly complaining and allowing yourself to be baited repeatedly, never willing to admit that the true problem is yourself, not trolls.

What kind of spineless, selfish, egotistical shitbag of a man are you to use these forums as your personal blog, then moan and gripe when you"re ridiculed? You should know goddamn better by now and your sense of entitlement is truly galling.

In sum, get a livejournal you whiny fucking douche and rid us of your measly existence if you"re too much of a pussy to take flak over problems you created for yourself. If you can"t withstand trolls, then remove yourself from their presence and shut the fuck up about it. I never particularly liked Keg, but I sure as shit like his character a hell of a lot more than what you"ve shown yourself to be.
QFT. Enema is not only a bitch but apparently a fucking asshole too. No wonder his cow of a wife left him.


Molten Core Raider
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Hell Aamina look how much shit I get yet here I am time and time again.. know why? Cause who gives a fuck what is said on here... I mean really? If I come on here and people give me shit what is it gonna do to me... exactly nothing. I, in fact, do things to ENCOURAGE it cause it makes me giggle inside sometimes what some of these fuckers will say lol
MMO girls... and our... 10-19-2011 12:24 PM You are a dumb fuck, have always been a dumb fuck, and will always be a dumb fuck. Cam
This is how Cam not gives a fuck. Like a boss.


Aamina said:
I don"t know what your objective is, but I"m out.
Aamina said:
I won"t do it, and I don"t need to post because it has ceased to be helpful, and I feel this isn"t a good thread anymore.
Aamina said:
I am moving on.
Aamina said:
I see absolutelyno goddamn reasonto post anything, tits or otherwise.
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I"m just butthurt we gave him so much excellent advice that he never took because he"s the world"s largest weeping pussy.


Molten Core Raider
aychamo_aycono said:


Cool story, bro. The only change I would make is at the end. I think a better ending would have her peacefully fall asleep and, in between her lumberjack snores and occasional gasps for air (the character has sleep apnea because she is so fat, you see), he kisses her on the forehead. End scene.


aychamo_aycono said:
I accept! Thank you!
I liked how you worked in a collection of pics to coincide with the post, but thank you for not posting shitty assholes. That was a piece of mercy. A++ sir.


The Big Mod
aychamo_aycono said:
Enema fucks fatties!

Everytime I read your posts I just imagine this sad spineless little man, with a gigantic fat woman sitting on top of him. She"s so fat that she only bathes one a week due to water pressure issues. So she"s sitting there, on top of you, and she"s fucking greasy. Her fat rolls are already covering up her pussy and you can"t tell if you"re fucking a belly button or a vagina. She"s moving back and forth in the most lazy manner possible while her giant saggy water balloons are dangling in the air in the exact way nice breasts don"t.

In one hand she"s got a giant roast beef sandwich that she"s trying to eat while she appeases you for your once a year fucking on your birthday. Pieces of greasy beef are falling out of the sandwich and landing on you, and she bends over to eat them off you. She"s mildly enjoying herself, so she squeezes the sandwich tighter and tighter, causing it to spill more and more. The other hand is placed on your chest, so that she can balance herself because every muscle in her core is weak from never actually moving.

You tried to be sexy and reach around and stick a finger in her asshole, but you realize you can"t get any fingers in, because she doesn"t wipe and all the hair around her asshole is covered in petrified shit. One little piece breaks off and gets wrapped around your finger. At this exact moment she"s trying to be sexy and takes your finger, covered in poop, and sticks it in your mouth so that she can get it lubed up and maybe it will go in her asshole now. You don"t want to kill the mood, or ruin your once a year fuck, so you let it slide and just swallow the piece of crusty turd.

Your bed sheets are stained with shit because she"s too lazy to even wipe her ass when she gets off the pot. That gives your entire house a general aroma of poop, almost as if you constantly have something rotting in your gut. At this exact moment this gigantic beast reaches orgasm and lets out a moan that sound strangely similar to a hippopotamus taking a shit. She asks you to roll over on your stomach, because she wants to lay, naked, on your back, because she thinks she"s Renee Russo in "The Thomas Crown Affair." She now has all 300 pounds of herself pushing your nose and face into her shit stains on the bed, and your entire pulmonary system is acting as a filter for her shit. With every romantic breath your take you"re bringing the shit particles all the way into your lungs. You"re actually cleaning the shit off the bed with your saliva and alveoli.

Her greasy stomach almost feels like warm BBQ sauce on your back, which you find mildly stimulating, and the stinky pussy juice oozing out of her gigantic cunt is dripping on your balls, which are hurting because they aren"t getting any blood to them. Finally she rolls off of you and her arms fling upwards and drape the sides of her pillow. You can see her gigantic hairy armpits which have little pieces of lint all stuck inside of them. You decide this was one of the better fucks you ever had, and you place your head, face first, in her stinky armpit and just take a deep breath, sigh, and pass out with the biggest smile in your face.
rofl i was literally nauseous by the end of that.
Ended a year and a month long relationship with probably the coolest, prettiest girls I"ve ever met.

Just a lot of complications (including age and my own need to get my shit together) that couldn"t be resolved with the constant stress of worrying about another person and their own issues.

She"s wrecked, but I know will be fine in the long run of things. I will be good because I don"t give myself a choice in the matter. I will succeed or I will die trying. If her and I cross paths again later in life, then so be it, but I"m not holding my breath for such an occasion to present itself, it"s just easier and more fair to the both of us that way.

Now I just need to man the fuck up, get myself back on track to being a productive, successful member of society and stop wasting my own potential.

Hopefully she does the same.
Honestly, neither of us. I decided we needed to split before it happened though. I was honest with her and said I"m not ready for this serious of a relationship, she"s only 20, and wasn"t going to let the unhappiness let me make mistakes I couldn"t take back.


Molten Core Raider
Vatoreus said:
Ended a year and a month long relationship with probably the coolest, prettiest girls I"ve ever met.

Just a lot of complications (including age and my own need to get my shit together) that couldn"t be resolved with the constant stress of worrying about another person and their own issues.

She"s wrecked, but I know will be fine in the long run of things. I will be good because I don"t give myself a choice in the matter. I will succeed or I will die trying. If her and I cross paths again later in life, then so be it, but I"m not holding my breath for such an occasion to present itself, it"s just easier and more fair to the both of us that way.

Now I just need to man the fuck up, get myself back on track to being a productive, successful member of society and stop wasting my own potential.

Hopefully she does the same.
Its okay bro, FoH has your back.

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Vatoreus said:
Honestly, neither of us. I decided we needed to split before it happened though. I was honest with her and said I"m not ready for this serious of a relationship, she"s only 20, and wasn"t going to let the unhappiness let me make mistakes I couldn"t take back.
so you took advantage of some young girl, fucked your sorrows away, and now that your self-esteem is restored you"re ready to go on the prowl for some more enticing tail?

prowl on, brother

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Vatoreus said:
Honestly, neither of us. I decided we needed to split before it happened though. I was honest with her and said I"m not ready for this serious of a relationship, she"s only 20, and wasn"t going to let the unhappiness let me make mistakes I couldn"t take back.
The hell? Together for a year and you wherent ready for a serious relationship?
Phoenix said:
The hell? Together for a year and you wherent ready for a serious relationship?
For it to progress any further than it already had. 1 year isn"t much in my eyes. I married after dating for 1 year, it only lasted 3.5. Will never preempt a commitment as serious as that until I know for sure that is what I want.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ravvenn said:
So.....who cheated?
Haha, good luck man, you seem to have the right attitude. I kind of had something similar happen except she moved 6 hours away because she wasn"t happy here and had better job opportunities back home. I live far away from any of my family and I"m pretty sure I will only date women who"s family is in my city since I like it here and don"t plan to leave. Me and my ex are going to a wedding this week as well and we are both seeing other people...sigh, us and drinks...not good lol.


Stratos said:
so you took advantage of some young girl, fucked your sorrows away, and now that your self-esteem is restored you"re ready to go on the prowl for some more enticing tail?

prowl on, brother
Post neutral story.
Get insulted by losers for no reason.


The Big Mod
Grumpus said:
Its okay bro, FoH has your back.

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sick jam, but it sounds like shit on the recorder


Ser Kegkilla said:
sick jam, but it sounds like shit on the recorder
It"s amazing how well his performance gets on my nerves just a easily as Celine Dion"s voice makes me want to end my existence with an arc welder and a jar of petroleum based tooter lube.