Girls who broke your heart thread


The Big Mod
back in college some dumb bitch got real drunk and willing lost her v-card to me. the next day she woke up, had little to no recollection of what happened and starting insinuating to people that she had been raped. i was like "bitch, if this was a rape you should have let me know before, then i could have turned this into a decent lay for myself."

after this, despite having done nothing wrong, i carried a bad stigma around her group of friends and eventually cut them off completely.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Please god, not a rape accusation derail.

The night Adebisi was molested:

About 10 years ago I was working a late shift at a call center job. There was this girl who would always come by my desk and chat with me. She was a total BBW and back then I was still Aamina-style in love with my ex, so it was just friendly chats. She seemed nice enough.

One night she offers to drive me home. I mention to my buddy that I"m getting a ride home (which is awesome because I lived on the other side of town from where I worked) and my buddy says "Don"t do it! She"s fucking CRAZY!". In my ignorance I shrug off his very direct warning not to accept rides home from this girl. Fuck the bus, man.

On the ride to my house, she starts talking about boys she"s dated, and how skinny guys always have big cocks (me being a skinny kid at the time). She also mentions that she"s really good at deep throat. I"m feeling awkward, and just nodding and trying to change the subject. No luck there -- she keeps talking about her love of dicks and giving blowjobs.

We pull into my driveway and she ends the night by reaching over and grabbing my wang and saying "I bet you have a really big dick". She"s got my dick in an over-the-pants clawed grip, and I"m stuttering out some kind of "no thank you, I have a girlfriend already" response. I believe the quote was "That"s taken" (see! Aamina-style in love with my ex!). I thank her for the ride home and exit the car, leaving her with a confused look on her face.

That night I replay the events of that night.

"My friend was right! She"s bonkers"
"What if she"s "he made a move on me when I drove him home" bonkers?"
"What if she"s "he tried to rape me" bonkers?"

This really upset me (keep in mind, I was 19 at the time). I honestly thought she was might be crazy enough to tell everyone at work some story about me forcing her hand on my penis. Multiple scenarios played out in my head.

The next day I decide that I should tell someone that the bad lady touched my no-no spots. Maybe that person could testify at my rape accusation trial so I"d get a lesser sentence.

I tell the friend that warned me not to accept a ride home from the crazy BBW. After I finish the tale, he breaks into hysterical laughter. I"m pretty sure he almost fell out of his chair laughing. "I told you!" he said between gasps of air.

For some reason I felt better after that. And the BB-dub never did anything crazy to me. But I did have to put up with my friend leaving notes on my desk that read "Dear friend, I"m sorry you got raped. But at least it made me laugh."

The end


Trakanon Raider
Jabberwhacky said:
What"s your guys"s opinions on vasectomies for mid 20"s single dudes?
A lot of urologists won"t do them, might have a hard time finding one. I know my bud was looking for one when he was in his late 20"s and the couple he saw basically said they wouldn"t do it until he was at least 30.

Haven"t had too many no-condom type stories, but one was kind of funny. I was about to get it on with a girl in a hotel room in Banff while my bud and another girl in the other bed pretty much watched. They had been making out etc, but that girl claimed to still be a virgin and wouldn"t let him seal the deal. Either way, we"re about at the time where a condom is needed, and I realize that I don"t have any on me. I was staying in a different room on another floor, so I quickly threw my shirt on (unbuttoned) and a pair of boxers and walked out of the room to go grab some. It was 2am or later, so I certainly didn"t expect to bump in to anyone in the hallway. I turn the corner of the hallway and there"s 2 or 3 cops about to start banging on someone else"s door for noise or something. Two of the cops were female, and I swear both eyed up the massive tent I had pitched and laughed. I was like "uh, evening officers" and walked by to grab a rubber from my room. I took a different way back to avoid running in to them again.

Long story most may not care about:

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Dabamf said:
hotel wrecks
hah, that reminds me. Two weeks before the incident when I was guiding, me and two friends flew out to Vancouver, rented a car and drove up to Whistler with the intent of skiing Thursday and Friday, then hanging out with a bud in Van Sat/Sun. We got in Wednesday night, and check in to our hotel, the Fairmont Chateau Whistler (we found a great deal on it, being early season). We ski the next day, and it"s a pretty damn good day for opening day as they"d gotten a bunch of fresh snow.

So immediately after skiing at 3pm we head to the Amsterdam Pub or Cafe, which we"d been at the night before because the waitresses were hot. There we each have 5-6 pints of beer and a jager bomb, if memory serves (which it doesn"t as the night goes on). Two of us shared some nachos, but otherwise we hadn"t really eaten anything since a late breakfast at 10am. At around 5pm we decide to go back to the hotel and hot tub it, but halfway back to our hotel we decide to stop at another bar. There we had at least another 5-6 beers each, but also at least 3-4 jager bombs each. We had to leave there at about 7pm because they were closing for a private party. Things get really fuzzy here.

As far as we could recall the next day, from there we went back to our hotel. They have a ski concierge thing where you drop off your skis and boots and they dry/clean them for you, but we couldn"t have used it since our ski boots were in our room later. We have no idea where we left our skis. Either way at that point we were in drunken playfighting mode and while changing also managed to knock the mattresses off the box springs and in general make a racket in our room. We head down to the hot tub and convince the girl in the cabana bar to give us a bottle of Captain and a few cans of gingerale and coke. I think a few beers too. So the three of us drink that, while annoying everyone else in the hot tub I"m sure. At some point we started throwing full cans of beer or pop at each other, and I must have taken one in the eyebrow because the next day I had a pretty decent cut on my face. Upon leaving the hot tub and walking through the spa/gym area, one of my friends knocks over a few boxing mannequin type things to trip the other, the other guy throws him in to the indoor pool with his housecoat on, etc etc.

We get back up to our room and continue fucking around. It"s only like 9pm at this point. I distinctly remember at one point having a hold of one bud"s hair and slamming his head in to a night table while the other had to jump on my back to get me to stop. Things calmed down a bit, and one guy goes to take a dump. All of the sudden there"s a firm knock on the door. I go look through the peephole and see three guys in suits looking pissed off, and they"ve got a luggage cart with them.

I opened the door and asked what"s up, they pretty much immediately said "you have 10 minutes to pack up your shit, you"re out of here." I tried to negotiate, said we"d quiet things down if noise was the issue etc. They said noise wasn"t the main concern, but our behavior in the hot tub etc (they mentioned security cameras, dammit). I knew they weren"t going to negotiate, so I closed the door. The friend taking a dump heard the conversation and agreed it was time to go. Third friend decided to take a passive resistance stance, convinced that if he just laid down on the bed and pretended to go to sleep they"d leave him alone. Needless to say after 10 minutes two of us tossed our shit on the luggage cart while security went and got the third guy to get moving.

They had the RCMP waiting at the lobby when we got down there, but we were cooperative and polite, and they didn"t seem to be much impressed that they were called out for a couple cooperative but drunk guests. They asked for names and numbers, but that was about it. Somehow the hotel found our skis and the shoes we"d worn down to the ski concierge in the morning. Hotel made us throw our shit in a cab and leave, but we got the cabby to drop us off a few blocks away, carried our shit back to the hotel parkade, and slept in the car until about 5am (our last drink was before 9pm). Drove to Vancouver, called our bud for directions to his place at 5:30, and missed a perfectly good ski day because we"re dumbasses. They also charged us $300 cause we supposedly damaged one of the box springs, which I think was bullshit, but we weren"t in much of a position to argue.

I may have a drinking problem.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ha, Adebisi"s story reminded me of my own funny molestation I had nearly forgotten.

I had recently started dating a girl in college and she and some friends (both hers and mine) came over for a late night movie in my dorm room after a party. There was little or no drinking involved, no one was drunk. We watched the movie, it was late and everyone had cleared out (including my date) except for one of her friends. The friend was pretty good looking, but the girl I was dating was better looking. Anyway, this friend, me and my roommate are the only ones left. She keeps trying to converse with me and I oblige for a little to be polite, then my roomate and I both tell her "it"s 4AM, we"re tired. Time for us to go to sleep". She decides it"s "too late to leave" and demands to stay over for "safety". My roommate thought it was funny as shit I was about to get molested by my date"s friend, so he was no help. I felt like I couldn"t forcibly remove a girl from my room in the dead of the night, so she stayed over with the alleged understanding it was for "safety". I sincerely tried to just go to sleep. You can"t really escape on a dorm twin, though. She kind of force made-out with me a bit, which I fell asleep in the middle of. I woke up to her dry humping me the next morning. Still refused to sex her and she finally decided to leave. My roommate had a fucking field day with it. Of course, it also ended things with the girl I was seeing. There"s really not a good way to explain to a girl you just started dating that her friend tried to rape you.


Kevincheese said:
Major surgery?

30 minute REVERSIBLE outpatient procedure that your PRIMARY can provide AT the office is a MAJOR SURGERY?
Reversible. Sometimes.

It"s not a super major but uhm, permanent chance of sterilization is not exactly an insignificant thing :p


Jabberwhacky said:
What"s your guys"s opinions on vasectomies for mid 20"s single dudes?
I researched this a few years ago and apparently once you get the procedure done the body stops naturally producing semen, so even though the procedure is "reversible" there is no guarantee that you will begin producing semen again. That pretty much put an end to that.


Ser Kegkilla said:
back in college some dumb bitch got real drunk and willing lost her v-card to me. the next day she woke up, had little to no recollection of what happened and starting insinuating to people that she had been raped. i was like "bitch, if this was a rape you should have let me know before, then i could have turned this into a decent lay for myself."

after this, despite having done nothing wrong, i carried a bad stigma around her group of friends and eventually cut them off completely.
You fucked a blackout drunk virgin and didn"t expect to be called a rapist? lol

Nerdbros are so fucked up.. and all of them rapists deep inside just waiting to spring on some out of it victim, apparently.


Blackwing Lair Raider
JerleMinara said:
Reversible. Sometimes.

It"s not a super major but uhm, permanent chance of sterilization is not exactly an insignificant thing :p
Actually permanent sterilization is something I think the entire world would benefit from in most cases.


Tristinn said:
You raped a blackout drunk virgin and didn"t expect to be called a rapist? lol

Nerdbros are so fucked up.. and all of them rapists deep inside just waiting to spring on some out of it victim, apparently.

it"s.. nice to hear Keg at least admit he"s a rapist.

I don"t know. nice isn"t the right word. it"s like this "good to be reminded of why i have contempt for him but bad because HE RAPED A GIRL"

The Ancient_sl

Some facts need to be cleared up before we can draw any real conclusion.

Kegkilla, please answer truthfully.

Was said female wearing Yoga pants?


Silver Knight of the Realm
The Ancient said:
Some facts need to be cleared up before we can draw any real conclusion.

Kegkilla, please answer truthfully.

Was said female wearing Yoga pants?
Not when he was finished with her.


privileged excrementlord
If she was wearing yoga pants, she was obviously asking for it, sheesh.

Also, stop quoting the tranny.


The Big Mod
Tristinn said:
You fucked a blackout drunk virgin and didn"t expect to be called a rapist? lol
the girl didn"t seem especially drunk, in fact i"m pretty skeptical of her claim that she was even close to blackout drunk. she had been pretty heavy into me for a while and i get the impression that she was thinking we were going to fall love or something and embark on a great relationship and when it became obvious that wasn"t happening she hit the panic button. her accusations of mistreatment didn"t arise until several days after the fact, and we had talked a few times since we had fucked with seemingly nothing wrong. furthermore, she initiated the sex... i was just planning on a blowjob that night, but she started grinding my cock real heavy so i took the ball and ran with it.

that said, i stand by my actions and feel no reason to have to justify myself. the story in question is in no way rape. at the very worst, it"s a college guy taking advantage of a girl who opted to put herself in that situation. but in reality, it"s just another story of a girl who didn"t want to take responsibility for her own actions. grow the fuck up.


The Big Mod
The Ancient said:
Some facts need to be cleared up before we can draw any real conclusion.

Kegkilla, please answer truthfully.

Was said female wearing Yoga pants?
hah, nah, this was before the yoga pants fad started, like 5 years ago.

if yoga pants existed while i was in college, i would be posting from the state pen right now.


Ser Kegkilla said:
hah, nah, this was before the yoga pants fad started, like 5 years ago.

if yoga pants existed while i was in college, i would be posting from the state pen right now.
QFT Keg. Godamn dem yoga pants!


privileged excrementlord
Your said raping, or inability to rape, has reminded me of "its" existence, and now you are that which you hate.