Oblio said:
Hey Keg we need an update on those Persian Tits.
And how was your Polar Bear Party?
seriously! tell us about your persian babe? I was super into that story. or is the reason why you stopped posting because you <3 her so much that you feel it"s disrespecting her to post? (that would be sweet.com) Or did you guys break it off because you couldn"t keep up with the sexcapades?
who is the girl you banged in the bar(iirc) this weekend?
banged the persian girl last thursday night and friday morning, haven"t seen her since. supposed to go see her tomorrow. last time i saw her she told me she takes prozac and some other stimulant sort of thing, so she"s certifiably nutso. at this point i don"t want anything more than to just be bang buddies, but she really wants a relationship out of this so i guess we"ll see how this works out.
polar bear plunge weekend was real sweet. my one friend couldn"t make it cause his gpop died which was sad.com but we made the best of it. went to AC friday night. i got killed on the poker table to the tune of $200, then went out to the pool bar. within minutes some whore got all up on my shit and was reaching down my pants in the middle of the floor. she asked me to get a room, this girl def. wasn"t worth the $200 or whatever for a room on friday night so i told her they were booked up, took an elevator to the highest floor, found a service closet type thing and started getting it on. she was being a real pain in the ass, complaining and shit about how the concrete her bony ass back was up against was hurting her... that"s what happens when you don"t deadlift. at one point some sort of cleaning lady walked in and laughed about the shenanigans. eventually i blew my nut then threw my pants back on and got the hell out of there before she could get her shit back on and follow me, i had heard enough from this dumb bitch. i went back to the pool bar hoping to find some less annoying girls but to my dismay i find out my one scumbag friend had bailed on us and taken a cab back to my shore house with some ecuadorian skank. my other friend and i went back to the poker table and i won like $150 back of what i had lost earlier, but then had to pay for a like $50 cab ride out of there. got back to the shore house at like 6 AM and spent a while harassing my Wakandanrdly friend and the ecuardorian, asking her racist shit like which fruit stand does her family operate, etc. was a fun night, i just wish lumie could have come to meet me at the poker tables, maybe next time.
saturday night was pretty intense too. hit the bars in sea isle, my scumbag friend decided to leave the bar with some girl who was at the bar with like her whole family; her parents, uncles, etc, i don"t know wtf he was thinking, talk about weird dot com, that"s the most awkward thing i can possibly imagine. i took home some girl who was prob a 7 or so, not a first round pick but she was kept giving me drinks because she worked there or something. was mad lulzy in the morning, i slept with her on the futon in the den, when everyone started waking up and walking around and such while he were still laying there under covers. she mentioned that she felt kind of awkward, so i ripped the covers off exposing her naked body and asked her how she felt now. my buddies and i laughed for like 10 minutes straight at that, she was a good sport though.