Ok, so here is how my heart was broken ... I wasn"t all that interested in this girl (Pam) because she didnt look great with braces and I was really into a softball teammate of hers.
So fast forward a few months, the teammate of Pam"s has made it clear I have no chance, and frankly she was kind of a bitch about it. I guess during that same this Pam and that teammate started having a teenage girl feud. Around this time Pam got her braces off and with her new found confidence she set her sites on me. Why me? Well I think it was a few things, I would like to think it was because my awesome looks and personality, but I a pretty sure she had a different motivation. Even though I was rejected by that teammate of hers I think she wanted to find away to get back at her in some way (talking teenage girl logic). Also, I think being the big football stud at school with multiple D1 schools recruiting me didn"t hurt.
Some how she got my number and started calling, I come to find out she lives down he street from me, like a 3 minute walk. So we start hanging out a little bit and she looks way way better without braces. She also really "matured" during this time if you know what I mean. Pam was flat out hot, she really blossomed. I was a Senior and she was a Sophmore and within a month of dating I really fell hard for her.
When you start dating someone at that age you are kind of oblivious to red flags, at least I was. Pam was 15 and her mom was 31 and married to a 27 year old. That 27 year old was played football a Notre Dame and had a cup of coffee in the pros, he was also played Offensive Line ... like me. Lol looking back how could I have been so dumb? How did I not see she was just emulating her mom?
On subject of her Mom and Step Dad they were pretty immature with some of the shit they did and said. Not to mention her Mom was kind of a bitch and enjoyed being thought of that way. Her Mom would meddle in our relationship all the time. She created problems where there weren"t any, she basically tried to break us up all the time. I know take satisfaction knowing that I fingered her daughter on their couch while she was 3 feet away. We were all watching a movie together and Pam had a pillow and blanket on her lap.
Fast forward to Janruary of my Senior year, one day Pam comes over and says I don"t love you any more it is over. This cames of no where! I mean perhaps being young and dumb I missed the signs, but I think there where other motivations. About a month later she started dating the star of the baseball team.
So now here fun part, let me air all my stupidity. The weekend after she dumped me I went out and got drunk for the first time with my high school friends and I smoked pot. I had been drunk before but it was with my older brother and his friends, I never drank in HS always trying to set the example for my teammates etc. So getting drunk with them and smoking weed was a really big deal, people were like holy shit Oblio has gone off the deep end. Here is how dumb I was, I called her and told her I got drunk and smoked, thinking she would come back to me to save me from myself. Great logic right? Holy fuck I was a tool.
So that totally back fired, she of course told her parents who told her Cheer Coach. Her Cheer coach was weirdo that hated men and started spreading rumors about me having anger issues etc and that people need to watch out for Pam"s safety. I have never laid a finger on a female in a violent manor and never will.
Lol so that rumor is out there and instead of steering clear of Pam I get into a heated argument with her after a Basketball game in our gym. Yeah so that didn"t help me in anyway also the fact that every time me and my friends drove by her house we rolled down the windows and in unison yelled "Bitch!" didn"t help either.
Fast forward to the end of the year, I started dating a Senior who was not as hot as Pam but very pretty and very cool. We never got serious because I was
leaving for college in June to start trainning for college football. Funny enough it was the relationship with that Senior girl that Opened the door again for me and Pam. I guess Pam knew how awesome that Senior was and it made her jealous? I don"t really know, I do know that she made sure the message got to me. I didn"t do anything about it because I was leaving for school and was at that point over the drama.
Fast forward two years, I am back home for a few days and I decide to call Pam. Her step dad answered I check inked out and hung up. This next part of the story will date me, he star six nined me and called back. Lol I answer hear his voice and start talking in Chinese Gibberish. He totally knew it was me and said my name 3 or 4 times. I hung up. 10 minutes later I called,back talked to him, apologized for wussing out and asked to speak with Pam. We talked for 5 minutes, she said come over and I did.
It was actually a pretty coold experience. I was built from all the football training and I looked damn good, it was fun to see her drool over me. She Looked even better than I remembered, she was pushing 18 now and looked really good. We decided to stay in touch, she also mentioned that there was a chance her and her parents would be coming to my college town that spring to visit friends and that we should hang out.
They did end up coming to town that spring her family invited me out to dinner. After dinner I took her back to my Fraternity, we messed around in my room but didn"t fuck. Came close though but I stopped. I am glad I did, I was still holding the V Card at that point and I think having sex with her would have really clouded my judgement and confused sex with love etc. Yes, I was a virgin until I was 21. I was molested as a kid and then went to a Catholic High School (no it wasn"t be priests), let"s just say I was messed up and had sme weird ideaology when it came to sex. Looking back and after some therapy, I have no doubt my childhood trauma affected the way I acted during and after my relationship with Pam. Don"t get me wrong, a fair amount of it was just teen age boy stupidity, but some of it was definitely a result of my baggage.
Anyway, after that night we decided to try and give it a go casually from long distance. Being that I was broke and in college and she was a senior in high school we were totally reliant on her parents to fly her up to see me. I asked her to come to my Fraternities Spring Formal and her mom said she would fly her up as long as she kept her grades/school work. Well of course we talked on the phone every night and her grades suffered, so her Mom did not fly her up. And that was that, we were never romantically involved again.
I met my wife a year or two later and the rest is history. I did stay in touch with Pam and her family very casually for a few years. The last contact I had from them was after months of being on an email distribution list from Pam"s mom where she would send out emails about how scary the world was. Shit like the story of 5 guys sharing a hooker, the hooker goes I the bathroom and is gone awhile so they go to check on her only to find the window open and written on the mirror in lip stic is "WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF AIDS!". Also there was one about a dude going home with chick to her hotel room and waking up Ina bathtub full of ice, his kidney had been stolen.
So I casually asked Pam to carefully ask her Mom to remove me for the list. Two days later I get a scathing email from her mom about how I am ungrateful and because I want off the list I better not ever come to her for help if anything bad happens to me.
I know I am fortunate that it did not work out with Pam, mom would have been the cliche mother inlaw. And moreso because my wife is fucking awesome and I have great inlaws.
That is the story as best I can remember it, I did my best to not paint myself as the protaganist, sorry if it comes off that way. I am well aware of how big of a douche I was back then. I hope this gets his thread back on track.
Lastly, I typed this all out on my iPad and did not proof read it sorry for typos etc.