Girls who broke your heart thread


FoghornDeadhorn said:

Sometimes bitches be crazy.
VISA irons that shit right out. Just don"t let it run out of credit juice, because that"s the secret ingredient in keeping women mellow.

Well, that and a prehensile penis like mine.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Thanks for the advice guys. Part of me makes it hard to let go because it"s very difficult for me to meet people. I don"t want a bar/club girl, my office is pretty far away and I don"t have much time to socialize there, and I don"t have any local friends anymore since they"ve all moved away for the most part. Maybe I should pony up the money for eHarmony and see how that works.


Molten Core Raider
You don"t have to hang out at clubs to meet girls. Do you want a girl that hangs out at that shit in the first place?

Go to bookstores, libraries, outdoor markets, local theater, etc...


Blackwing Lair Raider
Some people like chicks who are active and like to go out to clubs/bars and have fun, some people like chicks who read books! All about personal preference I suppose. Many good relationships have been started in bars/clubs, I"m sure equally as many have been started in bookstores, outdoor markets, and theaters.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Go to bookstores, libraries, outdoor markets, local theater, etc...
That doesn"t work for me either. Not the locations, but hitting on some random person I have never met before while shopping or what have you. I just can"t do it in that manner unless the stars align and a conversation is able to start in natural fashion. Now on the other hand, if I"m at some function or what have you and talking/mingling is more or less expected, I tend to do better. It"s more of a mental block thing on my part, because I end up getting extremely anxious because I am entering a situation with no intel. I am HORRIBLE at starting conversations unless I have a base to build off of. Small talk seldom works if chosen at random, because I will end up doing epic overthinking.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Cybsled said:
That doesn"t work for me either. Not the locations, but hitting on some random person I have never met before while shopping or what have you. I just can"t do it in that manner unless the stars align and a conversation is able to start in natural fashion. Now on the other hand, if I"m at some function or what have you and talking/mingling is more or less expected, I tend to do better. It"s more of a mental block thing on my part, because I end up getting extremely anxious because I am entering a situation with no intel. I am HORRIBLE at starting conversations unless I have a base to build off of. Small talk seldom works if chosen at random, because I will end up doing epic overthinking.
Then just practice. Chat with every teller/register clerk or whatever that you come across. Look them in the eye and give an earnest, "hi how are you/how is your day so far". It"ll be less than 30 seconds a lot of the time but it"s practice, and the more you do it the more easy/natural it will become.


Cybsled said:
That doesn"t work for me either. Not the locations, but hitting on some random person I have never met before while shopping or what have you. I just can"t do it in that manner unless the stars align and a conversation is able to start in natural fashion. Now on the other hand, if I"m at some function or what have you and talking/mingling is more or less expected, I tend to do better. It"s more of a mental block thing on my part, because I end up getting extremely anxious because I am entering a situation with no intel. I am HORRIBLE at starting conversations unless I have a base to build off of. Small talk seldom works if chosen at random, because I will end up doing epic overthinking.
Honestly dude I feel for ya. I know it may be an issue for you but confidence is everything. Try to goto the gym play a sport make some dude friends, go out with them have a drink or two. Watch how they do it use them as wingmen, build your confidence soon you will start too realize life is way to short to worry about being shut down. I have a lot of mates who aren"t the best looking( not saying you aren"t just for the point) but they are confident. Take ques from girls smiles, eye contact,reasons to start convo.


Molten Core Raider
Sutekh said:
Some people like chicks who are active and like to go out to clubs/bars and have fun, some people like chicks who read books! All about personal preference I suppose. Many good relationships have been started in bars/clubs, I"m sure equally as many have been started in bookstores, outdoor markets, and theaters.
You make it sound like you can"t be active without going to clubs or bars!
Cybsled said:
Advise: Do I let her know I know and ask why she lied to me and ask her the real reason why she dumped me? Of course, that begs the question, if she couldn"t tell the damned truth to begin with, what makes me think she would suddenly play is straight now?
She is a whore and what happened is for the best. She did fuck some other guy or wants to, thats all. However, that she was more interested in him than in you is your fault for not keeping her interested / keeping the sexual tension up.
Dont talk to her, dont ask her questions. If she wants your attention at some points, dont give it to her.

Also starting conversation is something you need to learn AND rather easy, once you actually tried a few times. Just do it indirect, the weather actually is a good one. Just randomly drop a line towards her like "Its so cold already" or smth like that, dont even turn towards your target. Hell, you dont even really need to look at her at first. Most people will (at least here) will respond something... and there, you are in your conversation.
Then just use whatever fits the situation, I usually go with what I am doing. Like "I never know what to pack blahblah. You also waiting for the shuttle to the airport?"
Its like the First Level in Super Mario. Once you realize you need to jump on that stupid turtle (who does that?), its easy.


if you are having such a hard time approaching women, i recommend listening tothe original "toolbox" episodesof the pickup podcast (on approach anxiety, openings, body language, banter, storytelling etc.). it will help you to look at approaching women from a different angle and may even provide some needed motivation.

for example, learn to make eye contact without looking away, and learn to smile. you will be suprised how many women will smile back at you or even come say hi.


Cybsled said:
That doesn"t work for me either. Not the locations, but hitting on some random person I have never met before while shopping or what have you.
You can speak to members of the opposite sex without hitting on them. Just practice being outgoing and social-able in general. Talk to strangers of either sex, engage in conversation. Get comfortable doing these things, then once you are no longer all sketched out and inhibited you can be a little more fourth right in trying to get laid.

And pussy getting aside, you will live a much richer life if you force yourself out of your comfort zone to interact with strange people with strange experiences you otherwise would never be exposed to, this includes a wide variety of vagina.

Whenever I feel a twinge of mangina I just imagine myself when I am 80, thinking back on all the experiences I passed up because I was a sniveling woman. This tends to highlight how absurd being scared of little shit like this is.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Cybsled said:
That doesn"t work for me either. Not the locations, but hitting on some random person I have never met before while shopping or what have you. I just can"t do it in that manner unless the stars align and a conversation is able to start in natural fashion.
If you dont have confidence, fake it. Also stop caring so much about what others think. If you hit on/try to talk to random xyz girl at some type of social event or whatever and it fails who cares? Are you going to see her again? Does she know anything about you? Is she going to report you to the police?


Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
Phoenix said:
If you dont have confidence, fake it. Also stop caring so much about what others think. If you hit on/try to talk to random xyz girl at some type of social event or whatever and it fails who cares? Are you going to see her again? Does she know anything about you? Is she going to report you to the police?
100 times this. If you"re not naturally charming, or whatever then turn it into a numbers game. Its like people were talking about earlier in the thread.

If you try to talk to 100 bitches and 50 of them outright ignore you, 30 of them say hi and walk off, 20 of them give you their numbers.

Out of those 20, 10 might be fake, and 5 blow you off. 5 of them go on the first date.

Out of those 5, 1 is a huge prude and you get no where, 3 suck you off and the last lets you lay some pipe. You"re up 3 blowjobs and a lay all for just approaching people.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
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Phoenix said:
If you dont have confidence, fake it.
while this may get you laid, i would consider this bad advice if you"re looking for a relationship. you may fake confidence on your approach, but she will eventually see through it and lose attraction after some time.
instead you should work on your confidence, figure out whats causing the lack of confidence and improve there. sometimes a new haircut will help, or you may want to get a new job or whatever.