Girls who broke your heart thread


Molten Core Raider
Yeah last night was the first night in a long time I lost control. I just needed a night where my brain wasn"t in gear. It really helped me tbh. I know see her for what she truly is... a self-centered bitch who never really loved me any way. I am done. If I proceed on my present course all it is gonna do is hurt me more in the end and cost me more than I am willing to pay. Fuck her. I have started losing weight again and started at a gym. I will fix myself then see where I am at then. Thanks again all.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
aychamo_aycono said:
Cam you gotta use your head man. If I remember correctly, you are married to this girl or something, right? Either way, you already know this girl has problems. You can not send nasty text messages to her. Without a doubt, she can take those, show the cops, and cause trouble for you. Harassment, restraining orders, show your boss what kind of person you are, or anything else.

When I was living in NYC more than a few years ago I was banging this girl, and she ended up being engaged to someone. When I found out I sent a whole slew of really mean texts and she tried to fuck-up my life. Some (most? I don"t want to piss off Rav haha) girls are absolutely nuts. They can be in the wrong, and if they get busted, they"ll try to mess up your life.

Likewise, if there"s divorce proceedings, or anything else at stake (ie, your job), don"t do shit like that. No matter what she says, just don"t give her any material to use against you in any way. Be the bigger, better person.

Bottom line: if you"re going to be a dick, don"t leave any evidence behind.
Have to make sure its the big head, not little.

But big Cam, do what everyone has been saying and STOP CONTACTING OR RESPONDING TO HER.


Drink more, post her replies here, everybody wins. Your posts are not as think as we dumb they are.

I can confirm it is possible to type that bad. I recall typing messages with preposterous typos when drunk in college a lot. I noticed the mistakes, but just didn"t care enough to change them. It"s usually when you"re minutes from passing out.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Camerous said:
Nope she started texting me and I texted back. She asked me if I was drunk and I said I was. Then she asked me some questions and I spilled my guts to her. She then got nasty and I got a little nasty back. I called her a bitch and then started laughing when she started sending really nasty texts to me. I guess that pissed her off lol

But yeah until last night I was hoping to get back with her still. *sighs*
Well, every time you post more facts come out, the above being a prime example.

We"ve suggested to you countless times to cut her off and not talk to her or text her, and here you talk to her and text herAGAIN.It"s pretty obvious you read what people here suggest and then you do the exact opposite. You could have, should have, cut her off long before now and this wouldn"t have happened. If you"re not going to take people"s advice, at least keep posting the results here lol.

I have a hunch that you probably said or texted some things that went over the line in her mind and she was furious. I laughed when you said"She got nasty and I got a "little" nasty back", because I could totally see you getting plastered and using the C-word or something else lol-worthy. That isn"t to say that she should have called the police or that she was justified, but you need to start looking at what you"re doing that is helping create this shit and stop blaming her. You know that she"s no good, you"ve said as much, but you keep going back. That"s just stupid.


El Presidente
Pretty sure the solution is to keep drinking and to start stalking her. Nothing can go wrong with this plan. Certainly post the results as you go about this endeavor.


<Bronze Donator>
Camerous said:
Nope she started texting me and I texted back. She asked me if I was drunk and I said I was. Then she asked me some questions and I spilled my guts to her. She then got nasty and I got a little nasty back. I called her a bitch and then started laughing when she started sending really nasty texts to me. I guess that pissed her off lol

But yeah until last night I was hoping to get back with her still. *sighs*
Heh, sounds like my ex. Anytime she"d hear from me I"d be drunk, and she knew it, thats why yours (and mine) would ask if I"m drunk, then they proceed to roll their eyes and write you off.

Do it enough they"ll just assume it everytime and if you ever do talk to them down the road, they"ll say yeah you said this or that but I didnt think you were serious, you were probably drunk..

Anywho what a bitch, to start trying to ruin your personal life.. start talking to other girls (its hard) and you"ll see theres genuine chicks that do have rational thoughts and want to see you succeed instead of derail your future


So, incredibly awkward situation happened on St. Patrick"s Day. Went out with my roommates to a bar... ended up seeing BOTH guys she hooked up with during our 4 month split last year. Considering we just ended things (again) recently, I initially felt that pretty big "uhhh...god fucking dammit" rush, but it quickly went away and all I could really do was laugh about the situation. The odds of that happening were just...uhhh...bizarre. And of course, after a few beers, I texted her telling her about what was going on, although I personally thought it was just kind of funny. Apparently one of the other guys there realized what was going on as well and texted her. We ended up exchanging some texts about the situation, which ultimately just led to her asking if I was there with a girl. We both just said it would be best if we stopped talking to each other and texted "goodbye".

She called me tonight, although I didn"t answer. A couple of hours later I sent her a "?" text (yes, I realize this was a mistake) which she just said it was a pocket call (and yes, I know she might be lying). I said ok, and asked her to delete my number from her phone so it didn"t happen again. It was really hard sending that text, but even seeing a missed call from her stirred up some emotions.

Bleh. You guys are definitely right - not talking to her was tough, but it was way better than when we get into awkward texting situations that stirs shit up in my head. Hopefully this is the last of it. I am genuinely trying to accept and forgive myself for the faults I made in the relationship (as well as hers) and just let this be done with so I can learn and move on. I have no plans to date or get into any type of relationship for quite some time, at least until I feel my head is on straight.

And as far as Cam, I made some of the same mistakes you are making back when me and my girl broke up last year. I guarantee you it is nothing but self destructive. I literally did shit to pretty much try and get her attention, and all it did was make me 10000x worse. You are probably still in a mindset that you want to get back together with her, deep down. And as you obviously see, spilling your guts to her does nothing...been there, done that, and all it does is make you feel like she used you even more. I really hope you go and see a counselor or something, or get some type of help. I"m STILL making some mistakes (see above) but I KNOW I won"t do the shit I did before, because it ate my fucking soul up for months. Take these people"s hard as it is.


Riddle me this...
Girl just hit me with the "I feel distant from you" line. She says she wants to remain friends but doesn"t know if she wants to stay a couple. We have been going out for 2 years now. I feel like I have been hit in the gut. I seriously want to sit in the corner and cry like a bitch yet at the same time I want flip the fuck out and randomly punch people Fight club style.
I know what I want, I want to be with her. I truly do love her. I have given enough of myself to know I"m not wasting my time and trying to chase after her and make her decide. My shit is already packed as I type this. I dont know if I should just up and leave or wait this out.


Molten Core Raider
Jx3 said:
Girl just hit me with the "I feel distant from you" line. She says she wants to remain friends but doesn"t know if she wants to stay a couple. We have been going out for 2 years now. I feel like I have been hit in the gut. I seriously want to sit in the corner and cry like a bitch yet at the same time I want flip the fuck out and randomly punch people Fight club style.
I know what I want, I want to be with her. I truly do love her. I have given enough of myself to know I"m not wasting my time and trying to chase after her and make her decide. My shit is already packed as I type this. I dont know if I should just up and leave or wait this out.
You know what you gotta do man: leave. She wants her space give it to her. You waiting it out, crying to her, etc. isn"t going to help. Give her her space make her miss you. Playing games isn"t fun, but sometimes you gotta show her who"s running the show.


Jx3 said:
Girl just hit me with the "I feel distant from you" line. She says she wants to remain friends but doesn"t know if she wants to stay a couple. We have been going out for 2 years now. I feel like I have been hit in the gut. I seriously want to sit in the corner and cry like a bitch yet at the same time I want flip the fuck out and randomly punch people Fight club style.
I know what I want, I want to be with her. I truly do love her. I have given enough of myself to know I"m not wasting my time and trying to chase after her and make her decide. My shit is already packed as I type this. I dont know if I should just up and leave or wait this out.
The only winning move is to walk and not look back. If she truly wants to end it, cut the cord with your dignity intact. If she truly wants to be with you, she will reach out once she realizes she?s about to lose.

Anything else will only result in a loss for you, sure you might be able to drag it out for another month or a year but there is no fairytale ending that starts with that conversation that continues with you pulling an "are you sure?".

Pro tip: If you walk, and then engineer "chance" meetings you have lost.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Jx3 said:
Girl just hit me with the "I feel distant from you" line. She says she wants to remain friends but doesn"t know if she wants to stay a couple. We have been going out for 2 years now. I feel like I have been hit in the gut. I seriously want to sit in the corner and cry like a bitch yet at the same time I want flip the fuck out and randomly punch people Fight club style.
I know what I want, I want to be with her. I truly do love her. I have given enough of myself to know I"m not wasting my time and trying to chase after her and make her decide. My shit is already packed as I type this. I dont know if I should just up and leave or wait this out.
How is this lady?


Jx3 said:
Girl just hit me with the "I feel distant from you" line. She says she wants to remain friends but doesn"t know if she wants to stay a couple. We have been going out for 2 years now. I feel like I have been hit in the gut. I seriously want to sit in the corner and cry like a bitch yet at the same time I want flip the fuck out and randomly punch people Fight club style.
I know what I want, I want to be with her. I truly do love her. I have given enough of myself to know I"m not wasting my time and trying to chase after her and make her decide. My shit is already packed as I type this. I dont know if I should just up and leave or wait this out.
Whose name is the house/apartment under? If it"s hers, just walk and don"t bother with a note. If it"s yours get the locks changed and let her get her stuff. If it"s both get the legal papers drawn up to remove yourself from it and then walk.

She has already decided she doesn"t want the relationship anymore, she"s just too chickenshit or indecisive to end it properly. Either way she obviously doesn"t feel the same way you do, so end it on your terms. If you"re extraordinarily lucky she may realize she"s going to lose something good and it will shock her into changing, but the odds are better on winning the lottery.


Molten Core Raider
Well it is a month since she walked out on me. It still seems like yesterday to me. I don"t text or call her anymore but she still makes sure I see her every day. She came by the store and brought me some of my stuff I had left by mistake but when I thanked her she flipped me off. I went through what I had left and she kept some photos of us and some lingerie we got together.

Well that"s your up date. I am going back to drinking. And hey looked I used spell check just for you Zehn... so you can suck my dick.

Camerous said:
Well it is a month since she walked out on me. It still seems like yesterday to me. I don"t text or call her anymore but she still makes sure I see her every day. She came by the store and brought me some of my stuff I had left by mistake but when I thanked her she flipped me off. I went through what I had left and she kept some photos of us and some lingerie we got together.

Well that"s your up date. I am going back to drinking. And hey looked I used spell check just for you Zehn... so you can suck my dick.
she kept your lingerie? what a bitch


Riddle me this...
Been up all night pondering and making phone calls. The apartment is in her name, luckily most of my shit is still in storage from when I moved down here. All my crap that was in the apartment is packed and loaded in my truck. Called a friend of mine who own and renovates apartments. Said if I helped with a renovation he"ll rent me an apartment pretty cheap. Meh, what do i have to lose. Drinking and putting up drywall, lots of worse ways to kill time.

I still love her but I"m no ones bitch. I had planned on being with her the rest of my life. I refuse to chase after her because shes feeling "indecisive." She wants to try and repair this then she can come find me. I"ve got shit to do.

Loftish v2_foh

Jx3 said:
Been up all night pondering and making phone calls. The apartment is in her name, luckily most of my shit is still in storage from when I moved down here. All my crap that was in the apartment is packed and loaded in my truck. Called a friend of mine who own and renovates apartments. Said if I helped with a renovation he"ll rent me an apartment pretty cheap. Meh, what do i have to lose. Drinking and putting up drywall, lots of worse ways to kill time.

I still love her but I"m no ones bitch. I had planned on being with her the rest of my life. I refuse to chase after her because shes feeling "indecisive." She wants to try and repair this then she can come find me. I"ve got shit to do.
Hell yea man, way to to charge of the situation and move on. Everyone else in this thread who has turned into a puddle after getting dumped could learn a thing or two from you.

Aychamo BanBan

Jx3 said:
Been up all night pondering and making phone calls. The apartment is in her name, luckily most of my shit is still in storage from when I moved down here. All my crap that was in the apartment is packed and loaded in my truck. Called a friend of mine who own and renovates apartments. Said if I helped with a renovation he"ll rent me an apartment pretty cheap. Meh, what do i have to lose. Drinking and putting up drywall, lots of worse ways to kill time.

I still love her but I"m no ones bitch. I had planned on being with her the rest of my life. I refuse to chase after her because shes feeling "indecisive." She wants to try and repair this then she can come find me. I"ve got shit to do.
Yup, like Loftish said, good job on moving on. Do you know much about renovating? If not, sounds like a neat set of skills to pick up and could help you out in the future (ie, buy a shittier house and make it badass.)