Girls who broke your heart thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
avgeek said:
My issue with it is...all of this makes her a compulsive liar and a bit of a sociopath. And seriously, if she is capable of all this there ain"t nothing stopping her from doing it to me.

As for being miserable....I"d rather be single than live in a relationship built on lies.
Wait, you lost me a bit. I thought her elaborate set-up was to try to get with some other dude? Are you saying she set up six facebook accounts using dead people to TROLL some other dude? Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Either way, epic RL troll or cheat, I"d be done for the exact reason you said: what stops her from doing it to me? Epic deception is not a good trait in a partner unless you work for the CIA.

Now go find the depth of crazy and make yourself a legend. Hopefully for epic posting rather than being dead.

The Ancient_sl

Your GF trolls in her spare time. No big. The only thing you must do is out-troll her at her own game so that she can recognize that you as the alpha male.

It"s evolutionary science.

What if bob isn"t real. Does she have a computer at work?

What if she purposely left the email out for you to read.

Find bob!


The Big Mod
avgeek said:
Hahaha, what"s scary is the way she acts around me, at work, and work friends...she seems like the most sane, reasonable, rational, normal person ever.

After doing some more super sleuthing I have the total number of bogus accounts up to six. I also found some chat logs that really tie the whole thing together nicely. Apparently, this guy she is after (we"ll call him....Bob) is the target of HER trolling. She was posing as some dude chatting with Bob about how he needs to get together with her. What"s really messed up is she references a mutual friend of theirs that died earlier this year and how she would approve of them getting together. In the middle of all this is another girl that Bob is interested in...BUT...they are both the same girl!

I don"t know how she keeps all of it straight, it"s pretty damn complicated and I"m just reading it. It seems that the primary point of all of it is to troll Bob and make her life seem really fun by posting about all her goings on with her other persona"s. Unfortunately I hate facebook (and she knows this) so it would be really suspicious if I started trying to friend some of her friends.

And don"t worry about being blueballed...this is to crazy not to share!
link me to her actual facebook and the counter trolling will commence.


Camerous Valde Unus said:
Don"t do any of the shit anyone in here is telling you to do. So she has 6 facebook accounts and posts as different people.... how is that anything to do with your relationship? If you are happy just leave it the fuck alone. Take it from someone who didn"t leave it alone and has been miserable ever since. LEAVE. IT. ALONE.
Uh what. His girlfriend is a fucking nutcase who is attempting to cheat on him. The only thing in this situation he shouldabsolutely not dois leave it alone.

My vote goes to tracking down Bob first, then deciding your next course of action after that revelation. You should probably also start videoing this shit for a documentary that"s going to make you rich.

Get rl friends involved asap.

Darus Grey_foh

Kevincheese said:
Glad I wasn"t the only one who thought "what if she"s just trolling people?"
Sad but I thought the same exact thing. Granted I"d lean to the fact that she"s probably trying to cheat, but what if she isn"t?

What if it"s just some dude who pissed her off or spurned her and she"s just trying to get back at him? Granted it"s not HEALTHY behavior but it"s not exactly uncommon either; we all have our breaking points.

I"m not going to tell you to look the other way, but you should at least consider the possibility that she"s just in the trolling pro leagues; and not throw away what seems like a good thing just based on suspicion.

At least give it due diligence so you can make an informed choice like others suggested; find out more about bob, see how deep the rabbit hole goes.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Even if she is just trolling, it"s pretty f"n suspect imo.

intelnavi said:
If she was trolling, why wouldn"t she tell him about it? Why hide it and erase all traces? I"d brag and laugh about it if I was trolling.
She isn"t even hiding anything well, she should at least use her own computer, or go to the library or something.


avgeek said:
My issue with it is...all of this makes her a compulsive liar and a bit of a sociopath. And seriously, if she is capable of all this there ain"t nothing stopping her from doing it to me.

As for being miserable....I"d rather be single than live in a relationship built on lies.

avgeek said:
I"ve been dating this girl for about a month now and she seems like a perfect (I hate using that word) fit for me, pretty much exactly what I would look for in a girl.


She claims to be divorced but some of her actions and interactions with her "ex" are those of somebody that is worried about how her behavior will effect the outcome of a divorce. I realize the simple solution is to ask her, which I have, which she is pretty adamant that she is...she has divorce dates, etc

Trusting my gut instincts with the "goings on" I called the county court this morning and there is no divorce on file for her or her "Ex"s" name. Before I call her out on this (or just straight up break up with her...I loathe lies), am I missing any source of information that might give her story credence?
Given the timeline, I guess this is the same person?


Ravvenn said:

Given the timeline, I guess this is the same person?
It is the same person and the divorce is true, I was able to verify it. Her behavior, as s described it was because she was scared of her ex running off with her kids....which I ten to believe, her ex is a screwball.

Anywho, it appears that Bob is from Canada, he lived in this area for a while and worked with her and moved back home about a year ago. He"s the only person in the entire mix that seems to be an actual person. I guess after he moved off, she couldn"t quite get him to choose her so she made up another girl persona to try to get him. They became Facebook/chat friends and then she basically started trying to set her real self up with him via the new girl.

I plan on watching for a bit to see how best to bring down the house of cards.


Yeah that sounds like a good plan.

Don"t come crying (haunting?) to us when you die in your sleep from a potassium injection and her alt identities blog extensively about how her life has turned into ashes, then uses the tearful maiden in distress card to go running into Bob"s arms in Canada to get away from all the memories.


The Big Mod
can we please have some pics of all the parties (both real and fictional) involved? + internets for you if you do.