Girls who broke your heart thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sutekh said:
fucking lol
LOL, nice one Sutekh.

Aamina, don"t get off-course here. If you are interested in the girl physically, move the physical part forward. She was practically begging you to. If you aren"t into casual physical relationships and are looking for a long term partner, going after 18 year olds isn"t a good idea. However, forcing yourself to get serious again on the rebound isn"t a good idea either.

tl;dr: plow the 18 year old, she"s dying for it


French Madman
Tenks said:
Wait. You expected a girl who cheated on her husband with you to never cheat onyou?Are you naive? You married a girl who you met viacheating on her husband???Any girl (I had woman before but that conveys a certain level of maturity) who cheats on someone is a cheater. Cut and dry. Can never be trusted.
Seriously, that"s a fucking myth.

The "once a cheater, always a cheater" thing is fucking created by angry guys who were cheated by their girl.

Yes it can happen, but it"s far from a rule.
LMAO. Right.You"llbe the one that changes her, because your cock is just that special.

Expecting a cheater not to cheat is like expecting a dog not to lick its nuts.


<Bronze Donator>
I believe in once a cheater always a cheater... my ex i started dating her when she was 17, I was 19.. she said she had only cheated once in her life at that time, her previous ex.. blah blah.. 2 years later she cheated on me, forgave her.. year later she left me for another guy.. 3 months after that she fucked me while she was dating that guy she left me for.. and did it for the next 6 months.. while being with that guy, it only happened like once a month but it happened. we"d stop talking and then she"d come back around for that D.

Of course the joke was on that guy, who thought she"d never cheat on him after she cheated on me with him and left me for was a nice experiment, even though it was predictable considering we were together 3 years and 3 months after breaking up you arent necessarily over 3 years of a relationship.

First two years I thought ok maybe it was just a fluke that she cheated on her past bf.. nope.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Malkav said:
Seriously, that"s a fucking myth.

The "once a cheater, always a cheater" thing is fucking created by angry guys who were cheated by their girl.

Yes it can happen, but it"s far from a rule.
I sense a personal investment in that statement... let"s hear it.


Still a Music Elitist
I also believe in once a cheater, always a cheater. It hasn"t happened to me. Yet. I feel it happens to everyone at some point. All of the cheating ladies I"ve known through the years have been multiple offenders. A good friend of mine married one. I feel it"s just a matter of time.


A nice asshole.
At least kiss her with passion ASAP so you don"t end up in the friend zone. She ain"t looking for a husband fuck her all ways while you can she will dump you after getting bored anyhow.


Malkav said:
Seriously, that"s a fucking myth.

The "once a cheater, always a cheater" thing is fucking created by angry guys who were cheated by their girl.

Yes it can happen, but it"s far from a rule.
It"s not a myth but it"s not a perfect truth either. A person who cheats can stop themselves from cheating again but it usually takes major transitional forces in their lives before they change. If you are getting into a relationsip or are in a relationship with someone who has cheated then chances are extremely high that there hasnt been enough time for them to go through this transitional phases.

What causes these transitions is different for each person but to give you an idea of what it takes it is a bit like that asshole kid on the block who was always getting in trouble, stealing from people and seemed destined for a long term prison sentence going on to become a model citizen after a 2 year military stent.

I don"t know if that is a good example for white people but it"s pretty much standard for growing up black (prison, military, or church).

The reason why it isn"t so much a myth is because if you stick around waiting for a cheater to change then they won"t because for them their surroundings and circumstances haven"t changed. Cheating, getting caught, and apologizing is part of their lives and your just enabling that behavior by sticking around.


Guarding the guardians
Daelos said:
This has been a weird 10 days. Being dumped hard, grieving over that, finding out she"s been seeing someone, handling that shock, then some idiot went crazy with a bomb + guns to commit the worst atrocity in Europe since WW2. That should have put into perspective for me, but just made me feel even worse for feeling sorry for my pitiful self when people had been killed.


Status update:
- I"ve got a place to stay, moving in on Saturday
- Completed drafting
- Agreements about the kids, who gets to see them when, and child support
- Agreement about splitting up our financials
- Arranged to see a divorce lawyer
- Arranged the mandatory session with the family office (when kids < 16 y.o. are involved, in Norway, you need to have a third party check that what you are doing wrt the kids is ok)
- Been working out every day
- I can finally sleep more than 4 hours a night
- Still difficulties eating (lost ~4 kgs), but that"s improving

Now, that was the first 10 days. I"m running out of things to do.
Ok. It"s been 4 weeks since that post, and 6 weeks since we broke up.

We"re both settled in new places
We"ve finished the financial settlement and child support
Kids are doing ok. For them it"s something new and unusual, but not something negative. They are both taking it like little champs
Excercise / diet has settled into something that is is sustainable and finally I"ve started getting rid of the excess fat I"ve accumulated over the past few years of marital life
Sleep is getting better. 3-4 hours at a time, then I will wake and go back to sleep fairly easily.

Emotions and thoughts: The past 3-4 days it feels like I"ve regained my balance. I"ve thought through most stuff as far as it"s useful, grieved about as much as is necessary and have reached a place where I am - if not outright happy - content with how things are.

I"m single. I"ve got the house all to myself. I"m redecorating and learning how to do flooring and putting up walls etc and the physical act of doing it is great therapy.
I"ve got no great interest in meeting someone new yet. I"m quite happy without companionship for the moment, I miss the sex but not so much as I expected. I"m looking forward to the thrill of meeting someone and starting something new again.

I"ve realized with time that I"m processing the shock more than grieving for the loss of my ex. I don"t particularly miss her as my lover/partner, but I do miss having someone to share experiences with and talk to at night. But that"s replaceable, whereas missing someone as a love interest is more difficult.
Not being able to see the kids grow up in an unbroken home hurts. But I"m cooperating nicely with the ex. We"re on speaking terms, and they"ll turn out just fine.

I know most people don"t care about this stuff. I"m writing for my own sake pretty much.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Daelos said:
I know most people don"t care about this stuff. I"m writing for my own sake pretty much.
I care, it gives me hope that there"s normal people on this forum.
Camerous Valde Unus said:
Well I figure I would come here and post the closing chapter of my little drama.

Been talking to Mel for the past 3 days. She finally told me why everything went to shit. She had been with her first husband for 12 years. I was the first man she cheated on her husband with. After we got married she cheated on me. She said that it drove her crazy because she wanted to tell me but was scared to, After a while she got tired fo feeling scared all the time and started to blame me for how she was feeling. She came to hate me because of this. She then decided that she must never have loved me since she cheated on me so quickly and she never did her first husband. She then decided that she hated me for taking her away from him. So she left me and went back to him and now hates everything about me.

I still love her and always will but I have to leave all this behind me I just don"t know how yet. I have been out with 1/2 a dozen women since then and had sex with 4 of them. Nothing seems to help. I had to stop drinking because every time I started I would get drunk. I have never been this way with another woman in my entire life. I talked to a shrink 4 times but talking about it doesn"t help it just hurts me even more. I have stopped going out on dates. I have decided I am going to go become a millionaire like my father and see if I can drown this pain in work. I no longer know what else to do.
Sorry dude. karma.

She"s not taking responsibility at all and sounds batshit crazy but if you were with her when she was still married you had this coming.


Molten Core Raider
Etoille said:
Sorry dude. karma.

She"s not taking responsibility at all and sounds batshit crazy but if you were with her when she was still married you had this coming.


New chick from KC, I talked to on the chat system over a week ago. Her English was dogshit though, so even though I got her phone #, I kinda forgot about her. A few days later, I was searching for someone in my phone & noticed her. So I decided to send out a probing text. I got nothing but unrespondable...responses. "What are you doing?" "I"m working now." That sorta thing like 4 times.

Then I starting txting in Korean because she misunderstood me and BOOM a million times more effort by her (bitches love...their native language). Fast forward to Sunday night we have plans to go out. She suggests meeting in my area of Seoul, despite living 1 hour away. Hmm, ok. We get dinner, I cautiously suggest a movie at my place after dinner, quite expecting the "what"s your intention" suspicious look that accompanies 1st KC dates when I suggest going to my place. She says yes without any hestitation. Hmm again.

My movie collection w/ Korean subtitles is...3. So Inglorious Basterds it is. Well, the first scene where the jew hunter shoots all the jews under the floorboards is fast approaching, and I think, "shit, who"s gonna wanna make out after that." So I kissed her immediately before it came. Nothing like impending mass murder to push you to make a move.

Fast forward we end up having sex on my couch during the movie. That"s 6 KC dates all together, and the 5th that resulted in sex the first night. Her body is fucking phenomenal w/ big natural titties, nice ass & curvy body--all things koreans basically never have. And she"s got that irresistible cutsey charm like you"d see on a kpop video.

God damn I love this country. Just when I get tired of life here, think about leaving early, & basically having a shitty time recently, I can always count on the genetically superior women to cheer me up.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Cheating is an issue because the only way to get in those panties is some kind of bullshit commitment.

No way jose~

no kids, no wife, no relationship; only the good stuff.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Tristinn said:
Have you ever wondered if maybe you aren"t the normal one?
What part of my post lead you to believe that"s what I thought?

I know I"m above average, I don"t need you to tell me that.


Dabamf said:
Her body is fucking phenomenal w/ big natural titties, nice ass & curvy body--all things koreans basically never have.And she"s got that irresistible cutsey charm like you"d see on a kpop video.

God damn I love this country. Just when I get tired of life here, think about leaving early, & basically having a shitty time recently,I can always count on the genetically superior women to cheer me up.
How about another nice cup of cognitive dissonance?