Girls who broke your heart thread


Easy, there"s still plenty of time for -Aamina to fuck this one up.

I can"t believe he"s really 26 god damn years old. Mentally he"s about 13. The eighteen year old should be charged with statutory rape.


So I posted here about a year ago about finally finding a good girl to date. I had just been playing the game and enjoying going to parties/being single. Well I"m still with that girl and she is honestly amazing. I deployed 6 1/2 months into dating her and I actually trust her to not cheat on me while I"m gone. We talk all of the time still via skype/facebook chat. I"ve never had any experience with long distance relationships but I think it has actually brought us closer. When I go back to the states sometime soon (Winterish) we will have been dating for over a year. I"m not sure how to go about going back to the states to her though. Will it be awkward after everything that I have had to deal with ? I don"t want to fuck everything up because I"m 10x more paranoid now than I was before I left, I jump at every loud noise and half of the time I can only get 3-5 hours of sleep a night. Not that I"m terrified of anything -- I just can"t sleep.


I think as long as you"re honest and upfront about everything it will be fine. She"s not going to be upset at you for being a little jumpy after being deployed unless you try to avoid talking about it, pretend it"s not happening or stonewall her.


Aamina said:
Aaand she just texted me to have sex with her. So yeah, chill, I think it"s safe to say we"re dating.
She"s eight-fucking-teen. You don"t want to date her, you want to sleep with her. At least I fucking hope you don"t want to date her. EIGHTEEN. Fuck the shit out of her, whatever, but date? Don"t go down that road.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Antarius said:
Seriously depressed tonight. Fuck me, I suck at dating. I can"t attract women to fucking save my life. The only women that are ever interested in me are fucking obese or ugly (ie less than a 5). Even counting that it"s been over a month since I last had sex. (Last girl was obese, 26 unemployed, living at home with her crazy super-religious parents, uneducated and just pissed me off in so many ways, like she didn"t believe in evolution) Even then, I still fucked her just because I was horny and she basically threw herself at me. Which just made me feel bad afterwards.

I"m 29, single with no kids, 5"9, 200lbs, make just over a hundred grand a year and am completely miserable.
So you"re a short fatty and you expect some perfect 10 to just want to jump on your self-loathing miserable bones?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I"m just saying he should probably be realistic. It seems really common in these online "How do I girl?" threads that dudes want girls to make a ton of compromises to be with them but refuse to compromise themselves.


Trakanon Raider
The Ancient said:
Picking on a stranger on the internet makes you so fucking cool.
Maybe he could have framed it more, uh, positively, but he"s got a point. 5"9" 200lbs is fairly overweight, 30-40lbs, and yet he"s commented that the only women who seem interested in him are often overweight as well. Unless he"s got other awesome things to draw girls in like personality/humor/game, unfortunately he"s going to have to choose between cute chubby chicks, or semi-ugly skinny ones. He does alright money wise, but frankly unless you"re making huge bank being in the low six figure range really doesn"t do you a damn thing in attracting females IMO.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Eomer said:
Maybe he could have framed it more, uh, positively, but he"s got a point. 5"9" 200lbs is fairly overweight, 30-40lbs, and yet he"s commented that the only women who seem interested in him are often overweight as well. Unless he"s got other awesome things to draw girls in like personality/humor/game, unfortunatelyhe"s going to have to choose between cute chubby chicks, or semi-ugly skinny ones. He does alright money wise, but frankly unless you"re making huge bank being in the low six figure range really doesn"t do you a damn thing in attracting females IMO.
Or since he has money, classy whores (as someone else pointed out). That would be a good building block. Then it"s time to hit the stairmaster until you stop paying for it.

Darus Grey_foh

Probably has mostly to do with his personality?

I am(was... I finally stopped being sick and went on a weight loss binge 400+ to <300 fairly quick and still going; anyone who knows me knows I"ve been deathly sick for the last year...and just ballooned from apathy...) a much bigger guy than him and for the few chicks I did date recently, the one I liked was the least attractive of them and was still a solid 7~ as I mentioned before.

Despite being grossly overweight at the time I had no issues getting 6-8s~ to talk to me even after I took my education/income off my profile.

Point being, personality makes a bigger first impression than looks in my experience, though I suppose it depends on the medium in which you"re meeting people. If you"re trying to meet people IRL your looks will probably be a bigger barrier.

The Ancient_sl

His point is that dude shouldn"t expect for 10s to jump on his dick? Well bravo, way to state an obvious and irrelevant statement in a demeaning manner.

Here is apparently what Tenks meant to say: Get a gym membership, turn that flab into muscle, slay pussy with your new body and your new confidence.


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
You don"t have to go slay a thousand bitches to be a man. As Tenks mentioned, everyone"s after different things. As long as you ARE GETTING what you want, and not being bitch boy HOPING you get what you want, you maintain your dignity and your attractiveness.
This right here. Do what makes you HAPPY. As long as you are HAPPY nothing else fucking matters. It"s when you start settling is when you start getting into trouble.

Dabamf said:
The one and only way out of the friend zone: callous denial of friendship?
That or date one of her friends. DO NOT FUCK THEM! For some reason dating a woman"s friend will make them curious what they missed but sleeping with their friend will usually close that door for them.


Confirmed Male
Antarius said:
Seriously depressed tonight. Fuck me, I suck at dating. I can"t attract women to fucking save my life. The only women that are ever interested in me are fucking obese or ugly (ie less than a 5). Even counting that it"s been over a month since I last had sex. (Last girl was obese, 26 unemployed, living at home with her crazy super-religious parents, uneducated and just pissed me off in so many ways, like she didn"t believe in evolution) Even then, I still fucked her just because I was horny and she basically threw herself at me. Which just made me feel bad afterwards.

I"m 29, single with no kids, 5"9, 200lbs, make just over a hundred grand a year and am completely miserable.
What Ancient said (basically what Tenks said but not as harsh). Also, have you tried the sites like eHarmony etc? Might be worth a shot, especially if you are looking for someone that is not unemployed living with mom etc etc. No idea if you are just looking to have random sex, or a relationship though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Aamina said:
And that I should continue to cuddle her and she"ll kiss me when she"s ready.
Here is the important part of your post that is dead wrong. THAT IS YOUR JOB, NOT HERS. She opened numerous opportunities for you (by your own admission) and you pulled away. Instant friend zone.

It"s my personal opinion you are still moronic for trying to settle in for a long-termer on the rebound with a "hot 18 yr old", because that shit will never work. But you can figure that part out on your own.

The important part: it is your job to make the first move when a woman is giving you the opportunity. You are not being a "gentleman" by backing away, you are rejecting her affection and making her think you want to be friends. Nice recovery, though. Credit where credit is due.

EDIT: fix grammar fail. OCD inc!


Confirmed Male
Reminds me of a story I have. My best friend in the military, I set him up with a chick I knew from high school. Petite, flexible, gymnasts. Very pretty girl, she was one of my girlfriends close friends. Anywho, we do a double date (setup), everything goes great, good conversation, good time had by all. We head back to my at the time current girlfriends house, and they have a meeting. Which basically ends up being relayed to me later on that my buddy has a greenlight to initiate physical intimacy. I am thinking by the vibe I was getting from her to him, he could probably take it to third base, with another follow up date he would be in all the way.

So I pull him aside, hand him my keys to my truck, and tell him, "Bro, you are in. If you make a move it will be 100% reciprocated, she is really in to you. Take her home, her parents are out of town, do it now."

He comes back 30 minutes later to my disappointment. I grab the keys from him and say "Tell me you at least kissed her". He shook his head and said he got scared. I said dood, "that was your last shot, I guarantee you she will take that as a rejection. You fucked up". Needless to say, the phone conversations afterwards between the two become pointless and less frequent, he regretted everyday (because he bitched non stop about how stupid he was) for like 2 months.

Moral of the story, be a man, make a move. The worst she can say is no, then you move on with life. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You cannot go through life like that.


The Big Mod
Awlbiste said:
She"s eight-fucking-teen. You don"t want to date her, you want to sleep with her. At least I fucking hope you don"t want to date her. EIGHTEEN. Fuck the shit out of her, whatever, but date? Don"t go down that road.
no, he wants to cuddle her.


The Big Mod
Camerous Valde Unus said:
This right here. Do what makes you HAPPY. As long as you are HAPPY nothing else fucking matters. It"s when you start settling is when you start getting into trouble.

That or date one of her friends. DO NOT FUCK THEM! For some reason dating a woman"s friend will make them curious what they missed but sleeping with their friend will usually close that door for them.
not if you have a big dick, then they"ll hear about it and be dying for it


Molten Core Raider
Ser Kegkilla said:
not if you have a big dick, then they"ll hear about it and be dying for it
Not if you are looking for a relationship.. generally the big dick thing is like going to the freak show.. sure it"s a fun time but it"s not what you want to do the rest of your life.