Girls who broke your heart thread


Tenks said:
Women literally have zero clue what it is like to have a male sex drive. We will literally tolerate absolutely anything from a chick if we haven"t gotten a nut off in like half a week.
You think some women don"t do the same thing or something similar? Obviously we invest more emotionally (on the surface at least), but women have uh,needs, too.

Dabamf, I kind of don"t understand your post. Hehe.
Ravvenn said:
You think some women don"t do the same thing or something similar? Obviously we invest more emotionally (on the surface at least), but women have uh,needs, too.

Dabamf, I kind of don"t understand your post. Hehe.
They do, but not even CLOSE to the level of the male"s sex drive. Women let emotional shit get in the way and turn them off. Guys will still want to fuck even if the girl just drove him nuts for a week.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
I"m not denying the lack of the male sex drive, but lets be honest. Because of the lack of emotional need to go with it, masturbation covers for it pretty damn well.


Still a Music Elitist
Baron von Rudd said:
They do, but not even CLOSE to the level of the male"s sex drive. Women let emotional shit get in the way and turn them off. Guys will still want to fuck even if the girl just drove him nuts for a week.
For real. I wish I could find that video clip of the Louis C.K. stand up bit when he says if a woman shows him a picture of her killing his mom, he"d say, "When I cum we"re going to have to talk about that." It"s is only a slight exaggeration and that might be dependent on the man"s relationship with his mother.


On the note of dating websites, Ravv"s posts made me think to go back and check on the OkCupid profile I hadn"t touched in ~2 years... But I couldn"t remember my account name, so I went to my throwaway yahoo e-mail I use for such things and... haxed and my password was changed, as well as twitter was hijacked. Log of recent account activity listed a bunch of IP addresses from Venezuela. I"mreallyhoping Hugo Chavez hasn"t been ruining my e-chances with the local ladies


Apologies for the apparent gibberish. What I was trying to say basically is that men, socially, are more allowed to be an ass (ignore, put down, whatever) to a women who is acting crazy than women are. But yea, the allure of the vagina is most of it.

P.S. When women try to say "women want sex just as much as guys do" it makes my brain hurt. No, you don"t. It"s not even in the same ballpark.

Obligatory Louis CK quote. No video to be found
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:You know what"s really sad about men, that we can"t have a beautiful thought about a woman...that isn"t followed by a disgusting thought about that same woman

If you"re a woman, and a guy"s ever said something romantic to you, he just left off the SECOND part...that would have made you SICK, if you could have heard it.

"She"s an angel...and I want her to drown in my cum." We love you, we really do, we think you"re angels...and we want you to drown in our cum.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Dabamf said:
P.S. When women try to say "women want sex just as much as guys do" it makes my brain hurt. No, you don"t. It"s not even in the same ballpark.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
brekk said:
I"m not denying the lack of the male sex drive, but lets be honest. Because of the lack of emotional need to go with it, masturbation covers for it pretty damn well.
I dunno that works if you"re not accustomed to getting vagina on a consistent basis. Like when you"re in HS or college and probably getting laid only here and there. However after being in committed relationships almost back to back and being accustomed to it I start going mad even for the week my girlfriend is on her period -- even if I"m beating it on a daily basis.


Two isn"t "a bunch". I"m capable of knowing when someone is baiting or lining up a troll, there"s plenty of other threads to shit in.

Aychamo BanBan

Ravvenn said:
Two isn"t "a bunch". I"m capable of knowing when someone is baiting or lining up a troll, there"s plenty of other threads to shit in.
Heh. I just asked if you were divorced. I haven"t read the boards in about six months, and I saw you write something about being on a dating site. Other than that, I have absolutely no idea what"s going on here.


Well considering how nasty you were prior to your hiatus, I wasn"t about to be responsible for a derail over it. I"ve been divorced for quite a while, to answer your question.


Molten Core Raider


Dabamf said:

I kind of get what you"re saying, but I don"t completely agree. On the put-downs and such, women do it (as I"ve recently learned), they just do it behind your back. On the sex drive topic..I"m talking about sex drive not sexual objectification (for lack of a better word, I don"t mean to and hope I don"t offend anyone).

What you may not know is that women reallydohave high sex drives (with the exception of those with medical conditions that may impact it). However, the difference between "us" (genders) is that yours doesn"t necessarily change depending on the circumstances. You can be pissed at a woman and still get an erection and successfully have sex. Women? Not so much. Any sign of emotional distress will put up a giney wall and shut off whatever it is that turns them on. This is hard to explain, lol.

There"s some bizarre emotional link that exists between the heart, brain and vagina for women that men have been fortunate enough to have been created without.

In regards to women (me) tolerating crazy women, well we can never compare the two because I"d have to switch teams to accurately observe any differences that may exist. Don"t we have a lesbian here? Maybe she can chime in on how much bullshit she has/will tolerate. I"d like to say I"m joking, but I"m serious. Anyone remember her name?!

Having that said, I"ve seen women try to play similar mind-games with men as you guys do with women. A (former) friend of mine actually owns a book called "Why men love bitches" or something like that. I can only assume it"s as silly as your PUA books. I"m sure they have their tips, perks, or something of value. But I think if you"re looking for a true connection -- a long term relationship, you should go in being YOU. That"s just me though. I have a hard time buying that men love bitches, especially after reading this thread and all. It seems like you don"t love bitches at all, you just tolerate bitches.

I can sympathize with you guys for sure. Having befriended a couple of the aforementioned crazy bitches and saw first hand the shit they"re capable of doing, I"m glad I"m straight. I don"t think my experience over the past week is worth sharing, but I"ll say this much; I walked away with a new fear of women.


Women are gullible. Bottom line. Make a MyYearbook account and make a semi cocky profile and copy+paste a similar message to every 6+ rated girl in the area that doesn"t have A) Kids, B) pictures of church events, C) Excessive family or D) Pictures of just her face. The message will be "You"re pretty, especially in <insert dumb ass photo reference>."

Fast forward 30 minutes of texting about dumb shit so she thinks you"re not a rapist axe murderer who wants to make her into a human blanket and you probably have a date this Friday night. Ignore her a little bit and let her talk, laugh a little but make sure you don"t talk too much. Because you"re going to say something stupid and the only wetness your dick will feel that night is the jergins bottle next to the computer that you"re reading this from.

If you"re looking for a long term thing, *I* think you"re doing it wrong from the start. I"m really happy with my girlfriend of a year now and I just stumbled into her, definitely only looking to score at the time.

Our first date was pretty funny to us
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
*A condom fell out of my pocket at the food court in a really crowded mall. A fat janitor lady picked it up and followed us for like 50 feet before saying loudly "SIR, you dropped your condom back there" causing all of the 13 year old girls outside of the store to start laughing and in turn making her blush for the next 15 minutes

*We both tried multiple times trying to kiss each other during the movie "Due Date" and every time something hilarious happened or that fucker started crying about his dad dying

*I got guilt tripped by her grandpa to watch football with him after the date for 2 hours and he showed me pictures of her growing up

*She forgot her wallet in my car and I had to drive an hour back to give it to her

* she spent the entire night apologizing and embarrassed about spilling a drink on me during the movie


Aychamo BanBan

Ravvenn said:
Well considering how nasty you were prior to your hiatus, I wasn"t about to be responsible for a derail over it. I"ve been divorced for quite a while, to answer your question.
I"m sorry to hear about that! Jeez last time we talked you were buying houses and shit. I guess it"s been a really long time!


Molten Core Raider
Ravvenn said:
There"s some bizarre emotional link that exists between the heart, brain and vagina for women that men have been fortunate enough to have been created without.
Well, that"s kinda the point. Our sex drive will overpower our emotional drive. The link exists, it just doesn"t stand a chance compared to our desire, to quote Louis CK, to drown a woman in our baby batter.

Woman crazy takes various forms. My wife will yell at me for 20 minutes for being careless with our finances because I forgot to use coupon and ended up spending an extra 3 dollars on huggies (stock piling diapers already, yay!).

Then she"ll go spend 300 dollars on a bag to carry her school books and pencil case in. (To her credit, it is pretty snazzy)

I think every guy -needs- to date that girl that tells you she loves you, sexes you, tells you how bad she wants you...then sleeps with a guy you know but tells you they"re just friends, phonesexes while on her period at your friends house with her ex-fiance who she"s apparently still in a slave/master relationship with and then tells everyone she"s going to go to a "cat shelter" when in reality she"s driving 3 hours and spending all day to give someone a blowjob.

That way when the girl you eventually meet and marry starts woman beating your chest because you dared to play Diablo 3 beta without getting her an account too and when you do she doesn"t want to play because it"s just can just sigh and delight in the fact that her level of crazy is quite tolerable.

(And play for the 1 hour between when she goes to work and you leave for your job. Shhhh)