Girls who broke your heart thread


aychamo_aycono said:
What"s the standard rule when you lie about a girls weight? And when she lies about her own?

So you"re telling us 130, so she prob told you 150. And then she lied to you, so prob 175? Yuck
He should get a girl who just falls over dead like yours did. 30 pounds is just right for a date.


I know how trollzy this is, so I"m stopping now. You"re retarded, and I"m willing to banbet both of you faggots, but you won"t. You haven"t provided any tits of your own, you bitch constantly, and you make shit up and make fun of people while providing nothing of your own. I don"t know what your objective is, but I"m out.


The Big Mod
Aamina said:
I know how trollzy this is, so I"m stopping now. You"re retarded, and I"m willing to banbet both of you faggots, but you won"t. You haven"t provided any tits of your own, you bitch constantly, and you make shit up and make fun of people while providing nothing of your own. I don"t know what your objective is, but I"m out.
can i have a kiss on the forehead before you leave?


Molten Core Raider
Aamina said:
I don"t know what your objective is, but I"m out.
Aamina said:
I know how trollzy this is, so I"m stopping now. You"re retarded, and I"m willing to banbet both of you faggots, but you won"t. You haven"t provided any tits of your own, you bitch constantly, and you make shit up and make fun of people while providing nothing of your own. I don"t know what your objective is, but I"m out.
Ser Kegkilla said:
can i have a kiss on the forehead before you leave?
Haha, I love this thread so much.

Aychamo BanBan

Aamina said:
I know how trollzy this is, so I"m stopping now. You"re retarded, and I"m willing to banbet both of you faggots, but you won"t. You haven"t provided any tits of your own, you bitch constantly, and you make shit up and make fun of people while providing nothing of your own. I don"t know what your objective is, but I"m out.
Do you want to cuddle and watch Pokemon?

Darus Grey_foh

@Aamina. Not to join the troll bandwagon but I agree that you don"t "get it". Women do not like being treated poorly, what they like are confident reliable men.

The issue is that assholes, jerks, etc share common traits with those men, and are thus frankly confused by a lot of women for those kind of men.

They like people who are confident, reliable, and well put together. Thing is that isn"t something you can "play". You can trick them with the jerk routines for sure, and if all you"re looking to get is some pussy that will work more often than not.

But you"re never going to find anything meaningful like that, because you"re limiting yourself by self-selecting essentially only women who are stupid enough to not see through you being a poser.

It either comes naturally or it doesn"t, but ultimately it"s not something you can act, being well put together is something you have to do. You have to find a good place in your life, be happy, be confident in who you are; without trying to sound too after-school special about it.

That"s how you get the S tier ladies, or ultimately you have to face the reality that you"re just not as good as you think, and the reason you"re stuck with subpar is because you"re subpar yourself.


I"ve dated two girls I actually liked, still dating one actually, and I am happy with where I am at. In my interaction with them, if I trend toward jerk, I get more of what I want (attention). I do "get it," I see that you"re saying it is about confidence and being happy with yourself. I am confident, sublimely so. It is one thing about myself that I am really proud of. I have no problem asserting myself, asking women out, or taking things to the next level, or breaking up. I enjoy where I am at in my life as much as I can.

I am simply making the statement that I have tried to objectively test my natural responses to women, and it yields friendzones and getting cheated on. Even confident, in my natural responses, yields this. Trending toward jerk yields more attention and closeness. Which is what I want (lol faggot wants cuddling and kisses).

Aychamo BanBan

Aamina said:
I"ve dated two girls I actually liked, still dating one actually, and I am happy with where I am at. In my interaction with them, if I trend toward jerk, I get more of what I want (attention). I do "get it," I see that you"re saying it is about confidence and being happy with yourself. I am confident, sublimely so. It is one thing about myself that I am really proud of. I have no problem asserting myself, asking women out, or taking things to the next level, or breaking up. I enjoy where I am at in my life as much as I can.

I am simply making the statement that I have tried to objectively test my natural responses to women, and it yields friendzones and getting cheated on. Even confident, in my natural responses, yields this. Trending toward jerk yields more attention and closeness. Which is what I want (lol faggot wants cuddling and kisses).
Congratulations on manipulating fat girls. You"re taking home the Big W!


The Big Mod
Aamina said:
I"ve dated two girls I actually liked, still dating one actually, and I am happy with where I am at. In my interaction with them, if I trend toward jerk, I get more of what I want (attention). I do "get it," I see that you"re saying it is about confidence and being happy with yourself. I am confident, sublimely so. It is one thing about myself that I am really proud of. I have no problem asserting myself, asking women out, or taking things to the next level, or breaking up. I enjoy where I am at in my life as much as I can.

I am simply making the statement that I have tried to objectively test my natural responses to women, and it yields friendzones and getting cheated on. Even confident, in my natural responses, yields this. Trending toward jerk yields more attention and closeness. Which is what I want (lol faggot wants cuddling and kisses).
bro if you need work that mind game bullshit on fat chicks then you"ve got a real problem. all you need to pull fat chicks is a fridge stocked with cold cuts, cheez whiz and hot pockets.


ToeMissile said:
Assholery is the most often used substitute for confidence.
This may be one of the more intelligent things I"ve read in this thread in years.

On a side note, Aamina...

We were once promised pictures of your ex-wife. Will you be delivering on those? I"m not asking for nudity or anything of that nature, but rather just some full body + face shots to put a face to a name so to speak. I think for all the quality advice you got in the marriage thread in between the ribbings we are owed that at least.


The Big Mod
Seths said:
This may be one of the more intelligent things I"ve read in this thread in years.

On a side note, Aamina...

We were once promised pictures of your ex-wife. Will you be delivering on those? I"m not asking for nudity or anything of that nature, but rather just some full body + face shots to put a face to a name so to speak. I think for all the quality advice you got in the marriage thread in between the ribbings we are owed that at least.
guaranteed fatty


Adebisi the Onion Knight said:

Pfft not creepy. If you followed the trials and tribulations of Aamina in the married guy thread, and the descriptions of his ex-wife you would think she was like some sort of cross between a super model and satan. Given his view on the pictures he"s uploaded here recently and how they"re not fatties, I think it only fair that he deliver on his promise of pictures of the great she-devil, but none of those Flinstones sized drumstick only pictures hence the entire person in the photo request.

The no nudity request is me hedging my bets that Keg is right and she"s fat and I would just prefer to not see something like that naked.

Aychamo BanBan

Aamina said:
Yeah I"m totally posting that after how shitty people are being nonstop.
Obviously she"s a fat fucking nasty. If she wasnt, you"d post her to shut us up. Just like the bullshit one that Keg "banbet" you to post.

Ban him!!!!!

(Kidding, I don"t want you banned. But you sure pussed out!)