Girls who broke your heart thread


There will be an abnormal or unusual aroma/odor which will be off-putting.
1. Either from the draining lesion and or whatever medication(s) associated with the procedure or treatment. This will be different from the norm and will be a negative stimuli.
2. At a level over which you have no control, your body will be producing negatively impacting pheremones/essences which neither you or her may be actively aware of, but which will turn her off (wounded animal? weakened male?).
This is not necessarily happening at a level which you could actually measure, but it would still happen.
Her saying it wont matter doesnt matter.
Your first impression on her should be a strong confident healthy dominant male.

Postpone the date.

ps. Also, the affected area being on the head, will accentuate any and all negative possibilities.

I am repeating myself, but

Postpone the date.


Guarding the guardians
Grumpus said:
You"ll get over it. A good thing to do is to join a dating site and just browse every once in a while. Don"t message anyone, don"t respond to messages. Just read profiles. It allows you to realize at your own pace that there are lots of suitable women. When browsing just isn"t enough anymore, start replying or sending messages.
Well - I"ve done that. Even messaged a bit, and met up with one girl. But... It"s like I"m just going through the motions, and I"m not that enthusiastic about it.

Dis said:
Repeating the first reply, dont worry about it. I went through the same shit several times. People react differently to breakups or hell you may even have different breakup reactions to different relationships. My past breakup experiences were similar with few exceptions of banging the first chick to show interest, mostly though I was not interested in the least even if the chick was waving a big red flag that said "I WANT TO FUCK YOU".

Humans... how do they work?
Indeed. Note: I don"t have that much in terms of breakup experience from before. I"m 32 now, and was with my ex since I was 19.

Eomer said:
Perhaps give your local truck stop or rest area a try?

I kid. It"s a bit strange, you"d think it would be one or the other (crying for the wife every night, or banging strange like mad). Are you apprehensive about meeting new women? Or just completely indifferent?
Not apprehensive, really. If anything, I"ve become more outgoing and confident when I meet and talk to women (really, people in general) at work, the gym, the shops, etc.
Part of the "problem" is that since the separation I"ve thrown pretty much all spare time at work. So, I am either at work, or with the children. Will do wonders for my performance review at work next week and the compensation, but it doesn"t leave me much time to meet new people.

It"s more indifference than anything when I do meet someone. I had a weird experience 3-4 weeks ago:
I was out with a friend and we managed to grab good seats at a club. He went outside for a smoke and I stayed inside - suddenly I had 5 student nurses sit down surrounding me. Gorgeous girls all of them. I chatted with them for a good while, but never felt inclined to put the moves on any of them.

Ach well. Few more months to get some distance I guess.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Daelos said:
Indeed. Note: I don"t have that much in terms of breakup experience from before. I"m 32 now, and was with my ex since I was 19.
This pretty much says it all imo, it"s just gonna take time.


The Big Mod
Couldntbe said:
There will be an abnormal or unusual aroma/odor which will be off-putting.
1. Either from the draining lesion and or whatever medication(s) associated with the procedure or treatment. This will be different from the norm and will be a negative stimuli.
2. At a level over which you have no control, your body will be producing negatively impacting pheremones/essences which neither you or her may be actively aware of, but which will turn her off (wounded animal? weakened male?).
This is not necessarily happening at a level which you could actually measure, but it would still happen.
Her saying it wont matter doesnt matter.
Your first impression on her should be a strong confident healthy dominant male.

Postpone the date.

ps. Also, the affected area being on the head, will accentuate any and all negative possibilities.

I am repeating myself, but

Postpone the date.
this Wakandan watchin too much animal planet.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Postpone the date.
This. First impressions and all that. Besides, guys postponing a date doesn"t have the implied implication that a girl postponing a date has, which usually ends up meaning they don"t want to date. Unless the girl is ultra insecure and immediately thinks you"re two-timing her, it shouldn"t hurt anything.

And if she is, you just saved yourself a shitload of stress that would have come down the line.


Jesus could we be more nitpicking on details.

If she"s familiar with BJJ she won"t be shocked by your ear. But obviously since it"s your first date, you wanna look your best and not have uncontrollable factors added in. It really doesn"t matter that much though. Ultimately, if it"s some big question "Should I? Shouldn"t I?" the date is already ruined because you"re so worried about a chick you never met because of a detail that"s so insignificant. "Oh yea, I do BJJ which occasionally gives people these big beautiful ears. You can touch it for $5." If you don"t care, she doesn"t care.

P.S. Lol & animal planet boy
P.P.S. Awesome V, keep up the good work

The Foler_sl

Vatoreus said:
So, this past weekend, I"ve hit rebound heaven.

I post the Star Wars Burlesque video from the Video Thread here, and this really hot chick that I added to Facebook like a year or more ago comments on it. Now, I"ve never, NEVER, said 2 words to this girl. I"ve never met her in person.

The next morning, I wake up to a message from her asking me about my scars. I relate the cause, she asks for the story. I tell her it"s better to hear it in person, she suggests we meet up for a drink when I get off work.

Meet up, she offers me a joint, go out and smoke it. Get about halfway through, I"m ramming my tongue down her throat. She takes me back to her parents" house (she lives 2 hours away, is here visiting family for the holidays). We have some drunk sex (mediocre, we were pretty fucked up) and then I have her drive me back to my car.

Hardly talk to her the next day, meet up 2 days later and have lunch. She goes back home, and texts me that she"ll be back in a couple weeks for Christmas and wants a lot more.

Pics of girl.
wtf are all those dots on her skin?


Trakanon Raider
Soygen said:
My crazy sense is tingling.

But so is my penis.

Grumpus said:
They just stick a insulin needle in there from the videos I have seen.

She knows I do BJJ anyways. I actually went ahead and told her and she doesn"t seem to give a shit. I figured since I intend to do BJJ for a long ass time it"s better to make sure shes okay with me getting fucked up now. I"m injured every couple weeks.
I don"t think it matters either way. Some chicks might even dig it a bit. Ooooh, this guy I went on a date with is an MMA badass!

Me said:
There"s a waitress at the bar my bud manages that I"m pretty sure is wondering what the fuck she has to do to get my attention, but other than some texts here and there (two sequences of which were her asking if I could get MDMA since I was at the bar high as a kite back on Canada Day, and no I couldn"t or didn"t want to on both occasions) I haven"t asked her out, or at least not directly.

I inquired what she was up to one night with the view of asking her to an Oilers game, but she was already going and meeting up between periods at the shithole that is Rexall is not possible, so it kind of fell by the wayside. Gonna get around to it sooner or later. Or maybe not.
Texted her on Tuesday, asked if she"d be up for the game last night. She said she was, other than working till 7ish. I went and met her there and had a bite while she cashed out. We went to the game and I discovered that she seems to know more about hockey and players than I do. She played basketball for the U of Alberta as well as track, her bro plays in the WHL, and she grew up with a few of the Oilers vets kids (Lowe"s and Simpson"s sons). It was kinda fun being able to talk hockey with her, but also kinda disconcerting having a girl know as much or more than I do.

She was going to a country bar after the game (Edmonton"s hottest country bar nightclub | The Ranch) which I wanted nothing to do with. It"s definitely not my kind of place (I hate country, and most people in that bar are 18-25), but mostly I just knew I would go and get hammered and have to go to work hungover or still drunk. So we hugged on the train and I got off at my stop while she continued on. Overall a fun night, but there wasn"t much if any physical flirting, not that there was a lot of opportunity to at a hockey game.

Hard to judge if she"s interested or not. She"s naturally extremely gregarious, and very much the kind of girl who has lots of guy friends so tough to tell if she viewed it as a date or just hanging out. Dunno if she"s a good fit for me either, just turned 23 (I"m 31 in March), finished her kinesiology degree last year and working to save up cash, writing her MCAT in January and likely to go to Aus/Ire/AychamoU since her marks weren"t high enough to get in to med school in Canada, and seems to be in her party phase still. We shall see what happens I guess.


Which by default makes them more likely to perform morally ambiguous acts and pose naked for the betterment of FoHkind. As we"ve already witnessed.


Trakanon Raider
Unrelated topic but there"s no better thread for this. As we speak my roommate and his girl are having sex to R&B music in the next room. This is the first time in 15 years I have known him to listen to R&B.

I didn"t know hetero sex could be this gay. It"s so hard not to laugh my ass and ruin it.


Trakanon Raider
Ser Kegkilla said:
well wtf kind of music do you have sex to? iron maiden?
Got a BJ to the Anvil of Crom off the Conan soundtrack once. Was pretty awesome.

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