Girls who broke your heart thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
JerleMinara said:
Are you still with the Girl?

If so I can testify that the Sutekh has a very nice girlfriend. Cute, too!
Yeah I am, and thank you si...Ma"am


Zehn - Vhex said:
Fazin"s advice would have involved several gallons of ethanol and a lighter. A creeper I can handle. Arson isn"t something I"d be okay with.
Apparently the unspoken rule of not posting to forums about arson isn"t as common as I thought.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
General Antony said:
What the fuck is going on here? It feels like there is back-room inter-forum drama going on. I want to know about it so I can make fun of people.
This! I"m so confused and excited at the same time!


AlexTheDictator said:
Forrealz. My days in Just Crusade were full of so much bullshit with those Altera Vita folk. And that was tame compared to inner guild drama. I"ve never been wrapped in so much drama in my life than the things that took place on a fucking Internet game.
Video game leetness drama isn"t really the same as the stuff in this thread!


Sutekh said:
Yeah I am, and thank you si...Ma"am
That"s good to hear. I"d offer up something about making an honest woman out of her but that"d be cliche and way too marriagephilic.

Also thanks for the ma"am. Even if you did slip in the "si" ;P

The Ancient said:
Ravenn was all bark and no bite. I know she ain"t still working.
If you knew the lady at all (and you should, you"ve been here long enough) you"d realise that what you wrote is stupid. She has no problem immolating her enemies :>

Perhaps mercy was decided as the course of action or a behind the scenes settlement is in the works?


Why did Rav fly off the handle in the first place? I looked back to find Zehn saying something subtle or mean to her and didn"t find it...

And as a personal matter, I"m not a fan of everyone sucking Rav"s virtual dick, presumably just because she"s a girl. The black "lets get real" woman inside her that comes out from time to time just isn"t that compelling, but half the board is eager to jump up and yell "GIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRLLL you just got TOLD!" We"re mostly in our late 20s and early 30s here. You"ve seen girls before. Their vagina may make them more interesting when it"s within the reach of your mangly ghastly hands, but on the internet it"s not, so stop sucking her dick (I"m talking about Rav, not Jerle).

I"m sure whatever "oh no you didn"t just say that to me" story that comes out will be even less interesting than TC"s sex life.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Why did Rav fly off the handle in the first place? I looked back to find Zehn saying something subtle or mean to her and didn"t find it...

And as a personal matter, I"m not a fan of everyone sucking Rav"s virtual dick, presumably just because she"s a girl. The black "lets get real" woman inside her that comes out from time to time just isn"t that compelling, but half the board is eager to jump up and yell "GIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRLLL you just got TOLD!" We"re mostly in our late 20s and early 30s here. You"ve seen girls before. Their vagina may make them more interesting when it"s within the reach of your mangly ghastly hands, but on the internet it"s not, so stop sucking her dick (I"m talking about Rav, not Jerle).

I"m sure whatever "oh no you didn"t just say that to me" story that comes out will be even less interesting than TC"s sex life.
Bro did you just discover the internets?


Dabamf said:
And as a personal matter, I"m not a fan of everyone sucking Rav"s virtual dick, presumably just because she"s a girl. The black "lets get real" woman inside her that comes out from time to time just isn"t that compelling, but half the board is eager to jump up and yell "GIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRLLL you just got TOLD!" We"re mostly in our late 20s and early 30s here. You"ve seen girls before. Their vagina may make them more interesting when it"s within the reach of your mangly ghastly hands, but on the internet it"s not, so stop sucking her dick (I"m talking about Rav, not Jerle).
Well unlike you, Ravv"s actually an interesting and worthwhile poster and as such people like it when she posts. That too is unlike you.

So, settle down there skippy. It"s adorable (in a pathetic sort of way) that you think it"s about her being a girl; did it ever occur to you that people just like drama and like seeing verbal smackdowns issued? Ravv"s pretty fierce and fiery and that has nothing to do with her gender, so sit down and shut up and go back to posting poorly.


<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Why did Rav fly off the handle in the first place? I looked back to find Zehn saying something subtle or mean to her and didn"t find it...
She quoted it, not sure how you missed it. It was the "??? Profit" post.

From my reading of the comments afterward, he was making a jab at her to the effect that he liked a girl, Ravvenn knew it, introduced the girl to another guy, and girl dumped Zehn.

Ravvenn "fixed" it by adding that he was a major creeper, implying that"s why the girl dumped Zehn.

Zehn then said something else that I don"t really remember, which caused her to reply with the "Oh really motherfucker?" attitude, implying his side of the story wasn"t as he presented it. Like say, the presence of cock pics for one.

Zehn then came in and gave his expanded side of the story. Anyway, that"s my understanding of it, and where it seems to be at this point.

As far as sucking someone"s cock, for me at least it has nothing to do with her being a girl. If fucking Kegkilla (whom I have a bro crush on) posted the exact same thing about Zehn I"d still be looking for one of the smuggest posters on this board to be knocked down a peg or two, for our amusement no less. Hell, Erronious is "King of the Internet" simply for being a creepy stalker and finding out that Sam da Man was a pedo. Don"t get me wrong, I"m glad he did, but where were the cries of everyone sucking his dick just because he "outed" Sam? No, he is hailed as a hero. Ravvenn isn"t doing anything differently, in fact she didn"t have to comb web pages to find the info, and she waited until Zehn made (apparently) one too many snide comments before threatening to expose him for whatever he might truly be.

I mean come on, that "Profit" post he made was clearly passive aggressive even if you had no idea what the story was. If he didn"t want the horns he shouldn"t have grabbed the bull by the balls over and over.

<Insert "White Knighting" posts below>


Vvoid said:
She quoted it, not sure how you missed it. It was the "??? Profit" post.

From my reading of the comments afterward, he was making a jab at her to the effect that he liked a girl, Ravvenn knew it, introduced the girl to another guy, and girl dumped Zehn.

Ravvenn "fixed" it by adding that he was a major creeper, implying that"s why the girl dumped Zehn.

Zehn then said something else that I don"t really remember, which caused her to reply with the "Oh really motherfucker?" attitude, implying his side of the story wasn"t as he presented it. Like say, the presence of cock pics for one.

Zehn then came in and gave his expanded side of the story. Anyway, that"s my understanding of it, and where it seems to be at this point.

As far as sucking someone"s cock, for me at least it has nothing to do with her being a girl. If fucking Kegkilla (whom I have a bro crush on) posted the exact same thing about Zehn I"d still be looking for one of the smuggest posters on this board to be knocked down a peg or two, for our amusement no less. Hell, Erronious is "King of the Internet" simply for being a creepy stalker and finding out that Sam da Man was a pedo. Don"t get me wrong, I"m glad he did, but where were the cries of everyone sucking his dick just because he "outed" Sam? No, he is hailed as a hero. Ravvenn isn"t doing anything differently, in fact she didn"t have to comb web pages to find the info, and she waited until Zehn made (apparently) one too many snide comments before threatening to expose him for whatever he might truly be.

I mean come on, that "Profit" post he made was clearly passive aggressive even if you had no idea what the story was. If he didn"t want the horns he shouldn"t have grabbed the bull by the balls over and over.

<Insert "White Knighting" posts below>
Ah got it. I skimmed that and kinda didn"t put it all together. I don"t dislike Rav. Honestly I don"t have much of a thought about her one way or another. But I am champion of truth and justice and the genetic superiority of Asian women, so just as I get irritated when someone gets undeservedly ripped on in this thread, I also get irritated when someone gets undeservedly worshiped.

JerleMinara said:
Well unlike you, Ravv"s actually an interesting and worthwhile poster
Holy shit that cuts deep. Where did you learn to be so harsh? Do you by chance happen to attend a middle school?

Anyway, apologies for sticking my dumb face in the middle of good drama. I"ll remove myself for now with an announcement that I"ve decided for my last 2 months in this glorious yellow country to renew my KC subscription, so please look forward to more cat food and shapeless bodies. Thank you.


Dabamf said:
Anyway, apologies for sticking my dumb face in the middle of good drama. I"ll remove myself for now with an announcement that I"ve decided for my last 2 months in this glorious yellow country to renew my KC subscription, so please look forward to more cat food and shapeless bodies. Thank you.
You see? This is why you are a bad poster. Look at all these words you are making. Tut tut.

But seriously nobody"s worshipping anyone here, shitbird.


Actually, my day ran late by 4 hours and I found watching a movie with someone of value to be more, well, of value than spending it fact-checking some jerk. If he were just some e-prick, it would be one thing. But I find his online persona more tolerable than off, which that alone should be very telling.

Keep in mind I haven"t said a goddamn thing all this time, but he"s made more than one post baiting me (and his behavior was not limited to just posts). They (his posts) may fly right over the heads of many, but when I know what went down and was pulled into it, I know when something is meant for me. I could have changed another number in that list, and that being I knew her first and he didn"t introduce us. I don"t even know why that"s worth lying about, seriously.

Next, he says calmly there was no spark. Let me tell you about "The Spark" and why it is appalling that he even mentioned it.

The Spark is a Lie

The above phrase turned into a joke after this whole charade. I seriously laugh out loud when someone mentions "the spark" because of him. I"ll go into that after I say a few things. First, I"m not going to get insanely nasty and air a lot of personal and rather humiliating things; mainly because unlike him,I don"t say things with intent to hurt others. I won"teveraccept an apology from someone who isn"t truly sorry. Given his behavior over a year later, I"m glad I didn"t. I actually considered not posting all this time because I felt guilty, I didn"t want to hurt someone although it was the same person who went out of their way countless times to grief me. Why? Because I can"t freakin" force someone to love him? There is no good reason for all of the shit he did, including treating all of our female guildmates like absolute shit because of one woman hurting his ass. I dislike you because you"re a bad person, Zehn. I dislike you because you treat people like shit. I dislike you because you actually put effort into mistreating others, particularly women, particularly my friends.

Do you think I care your shadow took your cock out of his mouth long enough to make a post insinuating that I started this shit? Oh, that"s right, I pushed his woman into the arms of another man, too. I bet it had nothing to do with the fact she met him on her own and perhaps if he wasn"t treating her like shit it would have never happened. I support anyone who wants to be happy, it"s not my place to judge unless they involve me or ask for it. Take responsibility for your own actions/mistakes and stop projecting your shitty shitassedness on everyone else. Maybe then you"ll stand a chance at actually moving on, something you clearly haven"t done.

Now, on to The Spark....

What happened during his visit with her was a complete lack of a connection and a whole lot of awkwardness. She was admittedly passive, AGAIN for good measure, she admitted to this, she didn"t want to hurt him. This is something you all know (ever been given a fake number, there"s one small example). She did, however, call me while he was there and out getting pizza or something and was panicked because she was uncomfortable and wanted to leave. Sutekh"s girlfriend knows about that because she heard the whole damn thing; we felt sorry for her being in that position, and for him. That must have sucked.

However, she told him there was no spark. His response was anger, and he opted to turn around and insult any and every single person who would agree that a connection, click, spark, something has to happen between two people for things to go forward. He was pissed, told us that Hollywood has brainwashed us all, warped our minds into believing in some spark that doesn"t exist. It"s not like she mentioned love at first sight, we"re talking about a connection - something required by both people, not just one. Something he clearly thought he had enough to cover for the both of them. I have never in my life met anyone who actually would go off on someone for admitting to a lack of a connection and basically call them a fucking retard for it.

Then we have the time she was coming to visit me and I lost count of how many times he called, texted, and messaged me on Facebook trying to get in touch with her. That just so happens to be stalker-ish and creepy. The same could be said if you were to send a message to a female guildmate who is married, and talk about your exceptional "oral skills". If it"s not a close friend of yours, it could be seen as, dare I say...inappropriate?

I also wasn"t the first or only person who said that my female houseguests were creeped out at my party. So much that Lorenzo had Amy sleep with him and Christine because he was worried about her safety.

These, along with MANY other things, don"t require me to repeat to convince anyone of anything. You aren"t ever an interest of my discussions, yet after all this time, what are you doing? Is that the problem? You were instantly forgotten so you have to force yourself back in? I was nice to you, I was there for you, and supportive of you. You turned around and were extremely nasty to me over something I did not do, you took a shot at me, and a shot at someone important to me. All because you were acting like a damn girl. I had your back more times than I can count, but you"d roll over on anyone because that"s the type of person you turned out to be.

You got pity fucked, you came on so strong you suffocated her and creeped her out, she told you and you took your anger out on everyone around you including people who were your friends. She moved on, and whoopie-doo, was cybering her ex. I"m over it, you should try doing that, too. You were so fucking vile day after day, you ran off a lot of people, myself included. I couldn"t even enjoy a goddamn game, what used to be a getaway from bullshit, because people like you go out of their way to ruin it. Perhaps you two self-loathing assholes can high-five over your accomplishments now.

I won"t put up with this shit any longer and I"d appreciate it if you"d knock off the subtle jabs. I see them, I responded, THE END. You"re married and expecting a child, try acting like it. Take your bitterness and invest it into a better emotion. Alternatively, you can just grow the fuck up.

PS: She stopped posting here because of you, however, she may be coming back to reply. I informed "the other man", too, for good measure.