Girls who broke your heart thread


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I had a long post typed out in another tab responding to Vvoid and "creeping", but upon seeing Ravv"s post while previewing, I think I"ll put that on hold lol. All I"ll say about the creeping part is that there is a lot of things in PMs that people don"t know about, and I"m not in the habit of outing those just to make myself look better. If people want to think that I"m a creeper, then /shrug.

This whole Zhen/Ravv thing just makes me kinda sad. Well, a lot of the drama that we"ve had here does actually. I think I can count myself fortunate that I"ve actually had mostly good/fair dealings with people here in PMs and on the phone, and none of that stuff has ever made it onto the forums proper that I can really think of. I still feel bad about getting into it with Ravv once in PMs over some "stuff" and hope that we can make figurative PM kissyface and get over it eventually lol. But I will say this for Ravv - a lot of stuff could be outed that never has been, and it takes quite a lot to get to this point. But for everyone"s sake I hope this ends up working out between Lori and Zhen. It might not, probably won"t, but /shrug.

I don"t know Zhen all that well but I think that I know Ravv well enough to know that she doesn"t make a habit of dropping bombs on folks unless she is prodded over something. It"s too bad that this couldn"t get worked out, and that it was all over a chick and what seems to be a (minor!) relationship (if it qualifies as a relationship at all, there seems to be some question as to that!)


<Gold Donor>
Erronius said:
I had a long post typed out in another tab responding to Vvoid and "creeping", but upon seeing Ravv"s post while previewing, I think I"ll put that on hold lol. All I"ll say about the creeping part is that there is a lot of things in PMs that people don"t know about, and I"m not in the habit of outing those just to make myself look better. If people want to think that I"m a creeper, then /shrug.
That was badly worded on my part, and I used those terms in relation to the terms being thrown about for this situation. I didn"t mean to imply that you actually ARE a creepy stalker, just that the situation wasn"t that much different from what was going on now, and everyone loved you for it, whereas (I guess only one) someone was questioning the love for Ravvenn.

I worded it badly, overreacted a tad, and I apologize.


privileged excrementlord
JerleMinara said:
You see? This is why you are a bad poster. Look at all these words you are making. Tut tut.

But seriously nobody"s worshipping anyone here, shitbird.
YOU SAID IT, MAN! High five, dude. Let"s go get hammered and drop shitty one-liners on perfect 6"s at the bar, Brometheus.


Dabamf said:
Why did Rav fly off the handle in the first place? I looked back to find Zehn saying something subtle or mean to her and didn"t find it...

And as a personal matter, I"m not a fan of everyone sucking Rav"s virtual dick, presumably just because she"s a girl. The black "lets get real" woman inside her that comes out from time to time just isn"t that compelling, but half the board is eager to jump up and yell "GIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRLLL you just got TOLD!" We"re mostly in our late 20s and early 30s here. You"ve seen girls before. Their vagina may make them more interesting when it"s within the reach of your mangly ghastly hands, but on the internet it"s not, so stop sucking her dick (I"m talking about Rav, not Jerle).

I"m sure whatever "oh no you didn"t just say that to me" story that comes out will be even less interesting than TC"s sex life.
Listen here, don"t tell me what to do. I"ll suck Rav"s dick if I want to...and like it.


Ravvenn said:
PS: She stopped posting here because of you, however, she may be coming back to reply. I informed "the other man", too, for good measure.
I just dusted myself off. I was in the middle of driving between Vegas and Nowhere, and my 72 shortie just got all cross-eyed on itself. Drink or ego...take a pick, that fucker just got all knocked in the knees and in a second I went from drinking bourbon to eating sand.

And there I was, all laid out, all five dollars and thirty-eight cents of me, sprawled out like I was a late notice on a cheap Formica counter top in a double-wide o love.

I spit out equal amounts of sand, vaginal blood and teeth and still for the life of me I could not understand why the lord hated me so much.

I collected what few wits I had left to my name, dusted off my hat and chaps, and looked onward to the horizon of eastern blooms of angry reds and shallow pinks and deep oranges and strange animated gifs of Folertown.

I walked to the horizon...and then, I limped at it. I was scarce without water and yet the draw of the future kept me from sliding into the past.

Finally, some stranger gave me water meant for his horse, and I managed to walk ridge over ridge until a sagebrush rolled past mine own eyes...and there was nothing more of myself than an empty wift of a waft...I was done.

...done as a man, done as husband, done as a senator, done as an author of fine books, done a bearded yet sage traveler, done as a statesman, done as a lover, done as a famed chocolatier, done...just...done.

I raised my left hand..nay...arm and hand in defiance of the inevitability that enveloped me.

...and then there was a silence that come up from the drain as as if a flood...and then...


Silence said:
...I just ain"t fucking done right now.
I might sure as shit on a shingle be done tomorrow, but that shingle ain"t come today, and for sure...well fuck, I just put some fat mexican"s teeth into orbit with my bat.

Just what the fuck is going on here, anyway?


Zom-bee sex is hawt.

The women are always moaning!

"Keg! Put that sock down, and git out of the closet, yer granny is here!"

O-tay...really reaching on this one.


Ravvenn said:
She stopped posting here because of you, however, she may be coming back to reply. I informed "the other man", too, for good measure.
Oh shit, this might not be over by a long shot! I"m wondering what poster she was. Also, wasn"t this "Melia" that"s been referenced as Zhen"s new wife a FoH WoW member who used to post here too or was that someone else?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Raven said:
Do you think I care your shadow took your cock out of his mouth long enough to make a post insinuating that I started this shit? Oh, that"s right, I pushed his woman into the arms of another man, too. I bet it had nothing to do with the fact she met him on her own and perhaps if he wasn"t treating her like shit it would have never happened. I support anyone who wants to be happy, it"s not my place to judge unless they involve me or ask for it. Take responsibility for your own actions/mistakes and stop projecting your shitty shitassedness on everyone else. Maybe then you"ll stand a chance at actually moving on, something you clearly haven"t done.
Gurl, u so funny. I didn"t post anything about you. I would also like to add, I actually love myself.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, my girlfriend and I took a break for a couple months, realized we wanted to be together, so we got back together. That was like.. two years ago?

Edit: I know I"m not very exciting IRL. Sorry :x


Lord Nagafen Raider
*EDIT* nvm, link didn"t come through and it wasn"t that funny in retrospect anyway.


Molten Core Raider
Fammaden said:
So Sut is the shadow?
Please, if anything, I"m Sutekh"s shadow. He is the wind beneath my wings. He taught me how to love again after the emotional trainwreck I had become.

Fammaden said:
Oh shit, this might not be over by a long shot! I"m wondering what poster she was. Also, wasn"t this "Melia" that"s been referenced as Zhen"s new wife a FoH WoW member who used to post here too or was that someone else?
I stopped reading when I got the part about how I became angry when she said that there was no spark. I had sighed, sat down on the floor because my heart had just been broken and began packing to go home the next morning. Though I suppose that"s about as hulked out as I get so she may have a point.

I"m sorry you got lied to Lori, pretty severely. And I am and will always be, genuinely, sorry for what I said. It was and still is uncalled for.

The attitude I got earlier last year was pretty upsetting but in hindsight if you were still pissed at me I can understand. You"re right. I should grow up. I"m sorry about the passive aggressive jabs and those will stop. I was butthurt over pointless guild drama that I should have gotten over months ago. You defended me from Millie and I will never forget that.


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