Girls who broke your heart thread


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Adebisi the Onion Knight said:
All I know is this is the toilets they have in Morocco.

That hole is also your shower drain.
I saw these on occasion while in Paris in "04.


Molten Core Raider
Taking a shit in one of those holes you squat over is so fucked up. You can see EVERYTHING taking place. The worse is when you miss and you end up with this turd just chilling on the side. You can"t really adjust your position as the browns flowing so you just gotta let it ride. I"m Not even gonna get into the post shit clean up...

Fucking savages.
So I figured I"d throw my story in here, even though it isn"t much of a crazy GWBYHT type of story, but instead more of a damage control one - one that"s been mentioned before in this thread, but not often: It involves coworkers.

I know, I know - it"s almost always a bad idea to get involved with coworkers - and hell, it"s why my previous company had a policy against it (though not thoroughly enforced). But in my industry, people are generally extremely well educated and mature (despite being an overwhelmingly youthful company), so I definitely didn"t expect the shit that happened.

Anyways, background - new girl joined the firm a few months ago, we hit it off right from the start and it was pretty blatantly obvious to all just from the body language, to say nothing about the constant flirting in the office between us and what not.

My job takes me to client sites and what not fairly often, and our workload can be heavy at times, so the opportunities to do much outside of lunch-dates and what not were limited. But I had a hunch she had a boyfriend, or was at least seeing someone, especially since she seemed to avoid hanging out with any other people in the office and rarely came out to our events. Sure enough, some buddies at work I"m close with mentioned it was trie, and she finally admitted to me (the last person it seems) she had been seeing someone for like 5-6 months at that point - but wouldn"t admit calling him a boyfriend outright. I didn"t think too much about it TBH - I was like meh, I dont wan"t to deal with the drama around this shit through work, and I was going to be away from the office for a long time so I could easily stop the flirting and all that other stuff and just be disinterested. Still, the few times I did see her, even at work, there was a lot of flirting and tension that could be felt. But anyways, the holidays come around, and people are gone back home for a few weeks.

First day back, she immediately comes to me and is like "we need to have lunch" and at the end of it, she finally admits she is getting ready to break up, as early as that night. I"m like cool, but was a bit wary - we all know how girls are right after a breakup - it"s a shitstorm waiting to happen. Of course, my other side is like... game the fuck on

Anyways, we had a happy hour later that week, and she originally wasn"t going but after I hit her up, she suddenly decided to go but would be unable to stay late as she had to meet up a family member. We ended up being there way earlier than everyone else, and by the time the others had come in, they didn"t even see us because from far away, they thought we were just some couple. She dropped a hint about asking her out for a date, and I quickly replied "well our coworker is doing something for his birthday in 3 days, so come out then" and she agreed.

So that day comes around, and as we left work, she again was like "we need to get dinner" and other things, etc. and was trying to show how she was happy to be back in the game. She wasn"t going to be able to get to the party early as she had prior plans for dinner and a movie with a friend, but I didn"t put too much of a mind to it. It"s the end of the week, she"s catching up with friends, and was going to meet up late anyways.

So the pregaming rolls around, and I get to the apartment where a lot of our coworkers are too. A bunch of them found out this girl had turned single, and multiple girls from work came up to me "where is she?" "going to makeout/hookup with her tonight?" etc. and so on. First off, I was like... wow, that"s straight and to the point there - and second, damn, it was really fucking obvious about us two, wasn"t it. Anywho, we all roll out to the nearby bars and there she calls me, saying she"s on the way etc. and all the other people are certain its going down.

We leave around 1AM though, and as I"m crossing the street with one of our coworkers, I noticed her at the street corner. And I noticed something immediately - she"s there with a guy. I call out to her, and when she responds, I can tell she"s obviously drunk. I also noticed that she had changed into a dress, which couldn"t have happened (logistically if nothing else, we do live in LA :p) if her original plans had gone through for the night, so I asked what happened, and she said "oh it didn"t go down"

I"m thinking... well that"s shady but let"s see what happens next. We say that we"re walking down back to the apartment, and as she"s walking down, the guy with her pulls her into the car and she"s there sitting on his lap flirting or making out. I"m like... well obviously this guy isn"t just a friend (probably an old flame or something). I"m a bit pissed, but probably more pissed at the lying about the whole night than anything else. Then, about 10 minutes later, she calls me and asks "can we come down." First, I"m thinking... it ain"t my apartment, why are you qualifying it to me? And second, I go "who"s we?" Yeah, dick thing to say, but hey, what else would I do at that point? Let her bring some dude no one knows to what was (by that point) just close friends chilling at an apartment, and do it all in front of me? Her response was extremely defensive from the start - "oh wow, you"re going to be that way?" and hangs up. Of course, as soon as all the other girls there saw that happen - even the ones goading me on earlier in the night, they all flipped back into bitch mode and were like "fuck that bitch" and "you"re too good for her" etc. Ah, the joys of women hating other women

I sent one (civil) text message right after (partially to cover my ass too) about how they can come down but if she wants to be that way, go right ahead and leave.

I"m not really bummed about it - I think the general consensus, and from what I know about her as well, is that she"s probably never had a guy straight up tell her "no" about things, and so it was the right (the only?) thing to do in that kind of a situation. I think the thing I"m more generally worried about is just the fact that this happened in front of coworkers with a coworker - talk about a great way to make work interesting

Typically, if this shit was pulled one me, I"d just tell her what"s up, ignore her ass, and move on. But that"s not a luxury when you work with them, so I"ve definitely been thinking about how to contain the inevitable bullshit and drama around this while staying professional and handling work bullshit

Adebisi the Onion Knight said:

It"s like trying to romantically kiss a girl in the middle of a gangbang. Holding her hand, and telling her how romantic it is.
The best part is... I know almost all his friends too, and it"s funny when we get together for tailgates and shit and they all see her

Trollface said:
In Korean schools, at least 10 years ago, we had 5-6 flat toilets and 1 "standard" toilet per washroom.

Everyone tried to avoid taking heavy dump because bunch of fucking kids would surround a student, who"s minding his own business, and throw rolls of toilet papers over the wall/call stupid names until recess ended. Man...Korean schools sucked.

But yeah, these toilets fucking suck.
Those toilets are still VERY common even in east Asia - and in eastern European nations for that matter (rural parts of Russia for sure). That being said, as more money comes in, countries tend to go to western style toilets.

I remember when I was 10 or 12, at a bowling alley somewhere in Asia, I had serious diarrhea. Being an American kid, and having no ability to squat, I gave it my best shot... and missed horribly. And I realized I didn"t know how to flush those toilets, so I wiped (thank god they actually had paper!) and got the fuck out in a hurry

Mainland China... however, where public restrooms do not have toilet paper... oh boy do I have a story for that


Trakanon Raider
"What not" count only got to 3. Damn, you had a strong start too.

Story wise, I think "bitches be crazy" about sums it up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I"m confused as to what the entire point of that story is. I also missed the point where you told her "No." All I see is a super passive-agressive text just dripping in jealousy for some girl who was never actually yours to being with.

Women aren"t dumb and they all hate passive agressive behavior. It exudes a lack of confidence and fear to be straight up. If that is actually what you put in the text it is no wonder she no longer wants a ride.


Molten Core Raider
OMFG Do I ever have a story for you all but I can"t post it right now they are in the car waiting on me but LOL!!


You really shouldn"t have invited a coworker to another coworker"s party as a "date." That doesn"t mean her hooking up with you wasn"t a bitch move, but still...


<Bronze Donator>
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
ChewieTobbacca said:
So I figured I"d throw my story in here, even though it isn"t much of a crazy GWBYHT type of story, but instead more of a damage control one - one that"s been mentioned before in this thread, but not often: It involves coworkers.

I know, I know - it"s almost always a bad idea to get involved with coworkers - and hell, it"s why my previous company had a policy against it (though not thoroughly enforced). But in my industry, people are generally extremely well educated and mature (despite being an overwhelmingly youthful company), so I definitely didn"t expect the shit that happened.

Anyways, background - new girl joined the firm a few months ago, we hit it off right from the start and it was pretty blatantly obvious to all just from the body language, to say nothing about the constant flirting in the office between us and what not.

My job takes me to client sites and what not fairly often, and our workload can be heavy at times, so the opportunities to do much outside of lunch-dates and what not were limited. But I had a hunch she had a boyfriend, or was at least seeing someone, especially since she seemed to avoid hanging out with any other people in the office and rarely came out to our events. Sure enough, some buddies at work I"m close with mentioned it was trie, and she finally admitted to me (the last person it seems) she had been seeing someone for like 5-6 months at that point - but wouldn"t admit calling him a boyfriend outright. I didn"t think too much about it TBH - I was like meh, I dont wan"t to deal with the drama around this shit through work, and I was going to be away from the office for a long time so I could easily stop the flirting and all that other stuff and just be disinterested. Still, the few times I did see her, even at work, there was a lot of flirting and tension that could be felt. But anyways, the holidays come around, and people are gone back home for a few weeks.

First day back, she immediately comes to me and is like "we need to have lunch" and at the end of it, she finally admits she is getting ready to break up, as early as that night. I"m like cool, but was a bit wary - we all know how girls are right after a breakup - it"s a shitstorm waiting to happen. Of course, my other side is like... game the fuck on

Anyways, we had a happy hour later that week, and she originally wasn"t going but after I hit her up, she suddenly decided to go but would be unable to stay late as she had to meet up a family member. We ended up being there way earlier than everyone else, and by the time the others had come in, they didn"t even see us because from far away, they thought we were just some couple. She dropped a hint about asking her out for a date, and I quickly replied "well our coworker is doing something for his birthday in 3 days, so come out then" and she agreed.

So that day comes around, and as we left work, she again was like "we need to get dinner" and other things, etc. and was trying to show how she was happy to be back in the game. She wasn"t going to be able to get to the party early as she had prior plans for dinner and a movie with a friend, but I didn"t put too much of a mind to it. It"s the end of the week, she"s catching up with friends, and was going to meet up late anyways.

So the pregaming rolls around, and I get to the apartment where a lot of our coworkers are too. A bunch of them found out this girl had turned single, and multiple girls from work came up to me "where is she?" "going to makeout/hookup with her tonight?" etc. and so on. First off, I was like... wow, that"s straight and to the point there - and second, damn, it was really fucking obvious about us two, wasn"t it. Anywho, we all roll out to the nearby bars and there she calls me, saying she"s on the way etc. and all the other people are certain its going down.

We leave around 1AM though, and as I"m crossing the street with one of our coworkers, I noticed her at the street corner. And I noticed something immediately - she"s there with a guy. I call out to her, and when she responds, I can tell she"s obviously drunk. I also noticed that she had changed into a dress, which couldn"t have happened (logistically if nothing else, we do live in LA :p) if her original plans had gone through for the night, so I asked what happened, and she said "oh it didn"t go down"

I"m thinking... well that"s shady but let"s see what happens next. We say that we"re walking down back to the apartment, and as she"s walking down, the guy with her pulls her into the car and she"s there sitting on his lap flirting or making out. I"m like... well obviously this guy isn"t just a friend (probably an old flame or something). I"m a bit pissed, but probably more pissed at the lying about the whole night than anything else. Then, about 10 minutes later, she calls me and asks "can we come down." First, I"m thinking... it ain"t my apartment, why are you qualifying it to me? And second, I go "who"s we?" Yeah, dick thing to say, but hey, what else would I do at that point? Let her bring some dude no one knows to what was (by that point) just close friends chilling at an apartment, and do it all in front of me? Her response was extremely defensive from the start - "oh wow, you"re going to be that way?" and hangs up. Of course, as soon as all the other girls there saw that happen - even the ones goading me on earlier in the night, they all flipped back into bitch mode and were like "fuck that bitch" and "you"re too good for her" etc. Ah, the joys of women hating other women

I sent one (civil) text message right after (partially to cover my ass too) about how they can come down but if she wants to be that way, go right ahead and leave.

I"m not really bummed about it - I think the general consensus, and from what I know about her as well, is that she"s probably never had a guy straight up tell her "no" about things, and so it was the right (the only?) thing to do in that kind of a situation. I think the thing I"m more generally worried about is just the fact that this happened in front of coworkers with a coworker - talk about a great way to make work interesting

Typically, if this shit was pulled one me, I"d just tell her what"s up, ignore her ass, and move on. But that"s not a luxury when you work with them, so I"ve definitely been thinking about how to contain the inevitable bullshit and drama around this while staying professional and handling work bullshit

The best part is... I know almost all his friends too, and it"s funny when we get together for tailgates and shit and they all see her

Those toilets are still VERY common even in east Asia - and in eastern European nations for that matter (rural parts of Russia for sure). That being said, as more money comes in, countries tend to go to western style toilets.

I remember when I was 10 or 12, at a bowling alley somewhere in Asia, I had serious diarrhea. Being an American kid, and having no ability to squat, I gave it my best shot... and missed horribly. And I realized I didn"t know how to flush those toilets, so I wiped (thank god they actually had paper!) and got the fuck out in a hurry

Mainland China... however, where public restrooms do not have toilet paper... oh boy do I have a story for that

Sounds like the basic principle, if she"s doing it to him (bf in this case), she"ll do it to you. I would have handled it just like you did, but it would have been interesting to see you notgiveafuk and see where that played out (seems like a fwb situation), of course it doesnt seem possible since she was throwing it in your face trying to come to the party.

Props that the other girls at work saw it, that certainly cant hurt you in the long run. Maybe they"ll talk amongst each other, oh hes such a good guy, then try to hook you up with their friends or something? who knws

As for the other replies, do you think he"s really in a situation to tell her off when they work together? I havent been in that situation in a long time but I remember I got an ex a job with me, and she proceeded to get her previous ex a job there and her other guy friend.. and holy shit, I learned my lesson there.


Trakanon Raider
Tenks said:
All I see is a super passive-agressive text just dripping in jealousy for some girl who was never actually yours to being with.
I agree with this. When I read that particular part of the story, that"s exactly what I thought as well. That part could have been handled much better.


<Bronze Donator>
Eomer said:
I agree with this. When I read that particular part of the story, that"s exactly what I thought as well. That part could have been handled much better.
While she wasnt his to begin with, she was the one promoting the continuance of the whatever it was by asking to go out to dinner or future dates (supposedly), but where I agree with him getting pissed is leading him on via flirting/dates, failing to mention she was bringing a guy to the coworkers party and expecting it to be okay last minute.

Perhaps it would have been better to have stopped contact after she hung up on him.

Either way I think we can all agree she"s not relationship material from the getgo.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
lost said:
While she wasnt his to begin with, she was the one promoting the continuance of the whatever it was by asking to go out to dinner or future dates (supposedly)
Emphasis on supposedly. I"d be interested to hear her explain how much she was advertising how available she was.
lost said:
Perhaps it would have been better to have stopped contact after she hung up on him.
Any time I"m not sure how to proceed, I ice the chick for a few days. If/when she contacts me again after the third or fourth day, I give her a neutral reason for the cold shoulderplusa reason that always involves putting her feelings first ("I felt like I was putting too much pressure on you" or "I could tell you were having a rough week so I wanted to give you a little space" etc). Ya this isn"t 100% foolproof. You have to have established at least a modest foundation of romantic intent before hand. However, when you do start talking again, she"s going to be more emphatic and enthusiastic (unless you waited too long).


<Bronze Donator>
Dandai said:
Emphasis on supposedly. I"d be interested to hear her explain how much she was advertising how available she was.
Now that I think of it, it kind of sounds like he was second choice, backup you could say.. "need to have lunch, need to have dinner" soon as she"s single. Rebound etc, then someone else was quicker to the punch.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
lost said:
Now that I think of it, it kind of sounds like he was second choice, backup you could say.. "need to have lunch, need to have dinner" soon as she"s single. Rebound etc, then someone else was quicker to the punch.
Well, I don"t know that I would say that he was the second choice all along, but I definitely get the feeling that another dude approached her with far fewer reservations than he did and she happily directed her attention at him instead.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
I agree with this. When I read that particular part of the story, that"s exactly what I thought as well. That part could have been handled much better.
What? She"s just a dumb hoe playing games, fuck her.


I love this thread because I don"t even need to ask to be reminded why relationships and the work place are such a bad idea. Of course since I"m a workaholic that kind of leaves my options as... fuck.


Trakanon Raider
Phoenix said:
What? She"s just a dumb hoe playing games, fuck her.
I"m not disagreeing. But as Tenks said, both his response on the phone (he knew exactly who "we" was) and his text after she hung up were super passive-aggressive. I can"t say that I"d have handled it any better in that situation. Hell, probably much worse. But looking at it objectively, the best thing to have done would have been to just come right out and say "yeah it"s not my apartment so it"s probably not a good idea, cya Monday" and then just act like nothing happened but make it obvious he wasn"t going to give her the time of day any more while being civil about it. Not to game her or anything, but because she"s a twat and not worth his time. He still has to work with her come Monday.

Worse thing that happens is they go back to being co-workers on a strictly professional basis, without much weirdness. Best thing is she throws herself at him when she sobers up and realizes she was a twat about it, Chewie hits it and leaves her hanging because she"s a twat.

As it stands, now it"s going to be super awkward at work AND he likely has no chance of poon without a heroic recovery.

Then again, I suck at this shit, so maybe I"m way off base.